untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1920-01-31


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LOOK HERE: ONLY COSTS 35 CENTS A WEEK. THOROUGHBRED Xo. 117 on Sale at anv newsstands selling DAILY RACING FORM mailed direct, plain envelope. I weeks 81. Last weeks So. I Id two best priced WINNERS. WHO CARES. 10-1. WON; BILL HUNLEY. 7-1. WON. So. 445- lu... MY DEAR, 8-1, WON: LAZY LOU. 10-1, WON. ,.. 4lls two, RIGHT ANGLE. 10-1, WON: OMOND. 10-1. WON. If you think info like thi* worts SSe a week get No. 17. EIGHTEEN WINNERS. 7 SECONDS. 2 THIRDS. II loom 1 air record last 3s starters on Saturday Special Service. Inclndina January 24. Next two go rebraarj 7. Will wire you them for Bl, and REMEMBER, yoa 11 11st e.,-t I WINNER. or we wire following Saturday twa FREE. Alee got two live ones going February ! . Will mail yon tin ir names for . and If one of the two d -lit WIN, we mail two going Kel.niarv IB FREE. TODAY S BEST: No. 12. Till. AilKKK AN T II OK Ol G II II It Kl . BALTIMORE BUILDING Est. 1907. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920013101/drf1920013101_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1920013101_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800