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MONDAY WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS "1867 NLW ORLEANS, La., February 2. Todays training gallop- at the Fair Grounds included the following : Y cither bar: brack heavy; "dogs" up - 181 Alex Get*, seven-eighths in 1:44%. 184 — Accelerate, half mile la SB. isl- Al Baja, tlirei -i|Uallers in 1:30. 182 A. N. Akin, half mile in at--,. 181 Antoinette, mile in 2:00. is;; Bareafca, half mile in 57%. 1M Pone Dry. three-eighths in 40%. 11 Brookland, three-quarters in l:3i. ls-1 Bees Wing, half mile la 5S. 17r, Plue Thistle, half mile in 68. 1S4 Parley Water, three-eighths in 42%. 171 Benefactor, thane-eighths in 42. isi r,u,k shot, three-quarters la l :30. ISO— Bajanet, half mile ill 88. 17s —Bridge Player, tin- eighths in 43-;. 173— Cclto. half mile in 67%, 1S1 — Cerinus. three-eighths in 40. 1711- tavan Boy, half mile in 56. is". C. A. dmiskey. three-eighths in 45. 17!l Caeambo. three eighths in 15. 17t Charley Bey, quarter in 28%. Coolllbs. three eighths iu 4" . I7!i Car, half mile la 34%. 181 Cortland, three-quarters iu 1 ::M 182 — Dachess Lace, three-qnarters in 18. 188— Dandy v*aa, three-eighths i:; It. 181— Or. Levy, fire-eighths in 1:13. ISO— Duke of Lancaster, three-eighths in 14. 17o Durwai-d Raherte, half mile in 68. 1S1 DiosK.iide. hair mile in ."i. 177 Dinty Moore, three-eighths in 44. 1st D.ihind.i. three-eighths in 40%. 182 — Dominican, three-eighths in 40%. 181 I ream, mile In 2j01 . isd Hncrinite. half mil- in 68%. isi1 --Frank Monro", three-eighths in 41%. 1st— Flying Witch, three-eighths in 38%. 17s- Flapper, three-eighths in 4.".. 171 — Gadlingi half mile in 68%. 178 Grey Gables, three-eigntha in 40-.-. . ISO— Gearge Mmhkihafh. half mile in .79. is.-« — jeorge starr. three-quarters in 1:24. Geaeral Evans, five-eighths in 1:12. is? Goldvale, three-quarters in 1US%. 1s", Gas Mask, three-quarters in 1:25%. 183— Gourmand, three-eighths iii 40, 174 — Honolulu Bug. three-eighths in 4°. 173— Handfull. three-eighths in 38%. 185 — H. C. Piatt, three-ipiartefs in 1:30. His -Hickory ant, half mile in 68%. 184 Hidden Jewel, five-eighths i;i 1:14. 184— Iaqutry, three-eighths in 41%. 182- Ina Kay. five-eighths i:i 1 :0i. 170 — Indiscret. mile iu 25. ]si Joseph p. Murphy, three-quarters in 1:24%. ls — Jim Hastings, three-quarters in 1:23%. ISO Jazz Band, five-eighths in 1:17. 1 70 Kinipalong. half mile iu 55. 130— Kentucky Bay, half mile in ." S . 1S4— Kebo. five eighths in 1:11%. 107 -Lands Knd. three-eighths in 42%. ISI — Loan Shark, three eighths in 41. isi Lottery, five-eighths iu 1:18%. 177— Lady Patattd. five-eighths in 1:10. 184 l.ib I. a. half mile in .73--. 143— Lit: le Suing, half mile in 55. 1st Lady Kileen. three-eighths in 48%. 18f — Lively, three-eighths in 48%. 178— Murphy, three-eighths in 4L lsu Mitchell May, half mile in .7.7. Iso Uatsr, five-eighths in 1:1.-,. 172 — Merry Lass, five-eighths in 1:12. lSl-Neg. five-eighths iu 1:11. ion N.ishotah. three-eighths in 42%. 184 — Night Wind, seven eighths in 1:41. 173 — Nepperhan. three-quarters iu 1:1!. 182— Our Little Ann, half mile in 60. 174 — Old sinner, three-eighths in 42%. -Oh Yes. one-i|Uarter in 27%. 182 -Our Birthday, three-eighths in 4.7:;0. 181— -Osgood, five-eighths in 1:11-... 1K3— Otsego, mile in L:00. 170 — Peerage, sasf-qaarter in 28%. ,178 — Prophecy, mile and an eighth in l2:lo. — Petunia, quarter in 28. 177 —Queen of Trumps, three -eighths in 41 -. 1"t -Richard Y.. half mile in o9. is:, i;,,ry oMore. five-eighths in 1:14. 180— steacaer, half mile in .",.7. 17!— Hetta P.. half mile in .,7. 185— Repeater, three-quarters in 1:24. 182- Sungobl. five eighths in 1:12%. is:, siesta, half mile in 68. 102 Starter, thre-eighths in 13. is Surpassing, half mile in .73/-,. 170 Sheinian A., half mile in 65%. lsu salute, three-qaarters in 1;28%. 1 70 stepson, half mile in •",.". !70 Sweeping Gmnce, half mile iu 53. 181 — Sabretash. three-eighths in 4.7. is-; sisicr Helcne. three-eight lis in 47. 171 Say When, five-eighths in 1:08%. 183. True as Steel, half mi! ill -7! . ISI — Tom Andersen, half mile in .70. 184— The Lamb, three-quarters in 1:28%. 1s The Belginn II.. five-eighths in 1:14. 1st- Thuiiderbirii. three-eighths iu 40. 185— Troilns. three-quarters iu 1:24. 170 im. thn c-eighths in 14. Isl indiclie. half mile in 1:88%. isi -Warsaw, three-quarters in 1:27. 11.0 Water Willow, five-eighths iu 1:11. 1so West wood, half mile in 53%. isi Weary, Ove-eigbths in 1:15. isl Warlike, half mile in 58%. 182— War club, mile iii 1:58%. 183 W. W. Hastings, three-eighths in 4.7. 1s] Willdo. mile in 1:58, ISa— Water War. rive-eighthl in 1:11--..