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— — — . . w LATEST METROPOLITAN TURF GOSSIP M.W FORK. N. V.. Keb. :i. - The funeral of Chris P. Grady took place this mm nlnj, with services al St. Josephs. Brooklyn. Noailv every friend of the late horseman and newspaper man was present to pay his last respects. William Oliver passed through the city today en route lo P.uftalo. where lie expects pi sign an ap-pr-niice rider for the .online; racing season. Tin racing dates for this year will not be given • an until the March Jockey CM* nicotine;. An increase in the number of racing day- is n it anticipated, excepting possibly a day or two to make the Saturdays fit in. Secretary Farlocker has lieon advised to go to Florida for a week or two lor re-:. He leaves i i r Monday. The stake blanks for the Empire City meeting will I in early next week. Closing day is March 1.