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CANADIAN THOROUGHBRED SOCIETY TORONTO, Out.. Pel, runty .",. At the annual meeting of the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse So - . m, held here las, aigbt, the following officers were elected: Honorable president. Col. Win. Hendrie Hamilton; prealdeat, -lohn .1. Dixon. Toronto; vice president, A. B. Dj it, Toe— to; aicand rlee- preKident, P. W. Daeiea. Toronto; «erretarjr-treaa- r. a. McCabe, Toronto; direct,!-. .1. K. 1. Ross, Uontreal; -V . B. Adams. Calgarjr; las. Itovard. Brampton; T, A. Crow, Toronto; CoL l . hi 11/ Sin i t h. Toronto; Ka.Muond. M. Dale, New-toebrook, Ontario. a.