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w , GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO. III.. February 7 Weather forecast: lUinoin Mostly cloudy and mnai a ha I unsettled tonight ami Sunday: wanner Sunday. Geaera] fore-east: The Indications are for considerable cloudiness during the next thirtj six boars from the Rocky Mountains eastward to Illinois .-mil Lake Michigan, and liirht precipitation is probable in the northern tier of s!:iies. The temperature will eon linn- above the seasonal average daring the next tun days. WASHINGTON. 1». C. Pebruary 7 Completion ..f the record of casualties ••f the Americaa Ezpedi tienary Porres in tin- world war i- announced by Adjt. -".en. Harris. The totals are as follows: Killed in action. Including 3tt! at sea. 34.844; died .if w id- 18.900; died of disease. 23,788; died from accident and other causes, 5.1U2: wounded in aetioti over H3 pi r cent returning to duty. 215.428; miss ing in aetion not including prisoners released and returned, S: total. 298,07a. WABHINGTON. !». P.. Pebrnarj 7 Money in i ciiia- ii ii in the tnlted States an Pebruarj 1 am nun ted lO s;,.sp:.l|IIII.IMMI. Mil lll lease of 29,990,909 in year. /In treasurj department annonneed today. The general stock of raonej in the Putted States, Including gold held la tin- treason for the redemp ti.n ..f outstanding gold certificates and silrer for rrdemptfon purposes, total* ,744,000,000, as compared with 7 till 000 000 a real WABHINGTON. I .. Feb: nary 7 President ibon has wriiteii s.n iter Hitchcock, the demo eiatic leader. approving the reservul - to tl of Versailles win h the senator presented t- the bi-partisan eonferenee committee* whirl reccnll failed to reach an agreement. The letter was written before the publlrut of Viscount Greys letter stating tliat the Lodge reaerratiom acre acceptable to Great Britain. WASHINGTON, n P., February 7 Three nf the four high-power naval radio station* on the Allaalh io.i-I w.r. I i otuini-sioii loday as he i, nil ..i the i.-. .in lurm The Xeu Bnmswiek : Mian uis the iil i«ue ia nperathw, ii was • aid Ml the navj department, Hie Arlliigluii Aniiai l» and rlayville st.,ti.,ns all Isdna "dowu" as » result .,f Ire tormina he atteuue ami the dlslucatlug cCoct of the wiada.