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v URGE DEFEAT OF STERLING-SIMS BILL WASHINGTON, IV C. February ".Resolutions osssosiag the enactment by Congress of the bill introduced in the Senate by Senator Sterling. South Dakota, and in the Hon-■ by liepi csonlativo Sims. ! lino-sec. lo prevent the international or interstate liai sinjssion of bets and letting odds on baraa races and other contests, wire passed by the Board of Directors of the American Itemount Association at a meeting hire Thursday. In passing this resolution tie American Remount A-soeiation declared that ihi Sims and Sterling bills were Biased at "the very U -truction of the racing of horses, which practically would destroy the breeding of thoroughbred stallions, recognized by military authorities in America and Furopoan countries as essential for the improvement of the breeding of horses for army purposes." "The racing of horses," says he resolution, "has been the medium for centuries for determining the stamina of animals, and it is from th" !■•-si endants of animals tested in Patents on the track that our best horses have sprung. In tin-event Of the passage of this measure, there would be a falling off in the production of thoroughbreds, which in turn would deprive tile Catted States a. my if suitable stallions for service in production of suitable mounts " Ihe Hoard of Directors of the American Remount AaaocJathm also indorsed the proposed appropriation or 30X999 for the furtherance of the breeding of horses under the jurisdiction . f the Army Remount Ben ice. Arthur I. Hancock. Faris. Ky., attended the meeting of directors.