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RAIN VISITS NEW ORLEANS! Downpour Brings Much Scratching and Unexpected Results. i » American Ace Runs Last — Spokane Queen and Ponderosa Win at Long Prices. »" ♦ ■• i m:v ORLEANS, La., February 12.— Jaal when i racing folks here bad ahead forgotten there wan smli ■ thing as ■ heavy track the rlerk of the weather taTe them ■ n mliah I "f the conditions prevailing awhile hark. Tin- rata that foil did not Make the trark deep, im; brought enough soft mud to slow ii considerably aad canned wholesale scratching. Hut i; did not dannr the Fair Ground* patron-, who taraed out as If nothing umoward ta oi ha mil1 aid They arc hardened to all inutations of weather and disposed to tliink they tan pick eat in mud as well as on a dry track. American Ac was rated a Bare winner of the si.imio parse that daily features the Fair Grounds card and was hacked accordingly, going to the post a I .» to 10. Hut be is headstrong, and not a boys harae by any means, and Coltiletii was not strong enough to BMke him attend to his lut-iness of running straight and line. On the last turn he took an aaraly notion ta halt ta the outside, and imtno- iliatetj lo-t any chance of winning, finally finish-i g la-t. next to tlie outside feme. This unexpected incident gave Minute Man a chance, and ru-hing lata the had he kept it and won from o«f i ipy a length, with Courtship bringing up. in third idaee. Ioltilettis bad luck was not in this race alone, lie was guiltless of riding ■ winner. It was a stack day. that riding lad piloting three winners past the judge-.. lie is aei|uiring the following that always attends success in the Raddle. The Sine, kels filly I.tuui.t Beared t lie first MKCeea of the meeting for that owner and did it lianil-onieiy. she is a shapely daugliter of Baaaj -mode, aad taking kindly to the muddy going quiekly established a safe lead and won by four lengths from Mm W. Schorrs Albert;, S This filly was away poorly, but made up ground steadily, and coming fast through the Ktretch outstayed Mattie 1!. Kent far second place and qualified as a good mud runner. Stack recorded his first success af the day in the second race arhea he brought the 8 to 1 ebaaca Spokane Qaeea baaae an eaay winner from Puck Sliot. Tab horse had not raced since 1917. but was evidently ready for action and was backed from :!i to 1 down ta in to 1. His hist previous race was at Kniicl. when he beat King Woith and tea more in heavy going, lb- will Bat be overlooked licreaflcr. lluiuiiia was a goad third. Iohall was a Strang favorite here, bill bled while racial second. Marvin May, making his fir-t start this year. maw out in good condition, and racing into the lead quickly kept it. and iir an interesting fiaiah won froaa the outsider Itallybell by a neck, with Lady ill Black a gi oil third. Some excitement was caused when Wilson the Ureal fell ill the stretch and ]!ig Idea tumbled ovcr.him. Fortunately no nanuge was done. STUNNING SURPRISE IN LAST RACE. The last race waited in a stunning sarprise arhea the English colt Paaderoaa made :i laaaaray of if and won pulling up. lie was unconsidered at :.n to 1. but is evidently a bear in the mud. whatever lie may be on a dry track. Otsego was the favorite and managed to fiaiah second, with Lady Ward third. There was E i backing here for l:lue Thistle, but the old borne never nattered his ipporieps in 1 ae least. u.o. 1. 1., ne. greatly helped by the going, took the fifth race fioin Matinee Idol with cane. Both wore at ; to 3 opening and closing. Only five went In the post in 1 he sixth race, with Sun Cod quite a favorite, but with Stack lip, Koinoo uas first by a length, while War Club had a Bark tile best of Sun bid at the finish after having h d in all., all the »;! . The program | i for the fir-t reeks racing at Jefferson Park, beginning on Wednesday, were di--1 1 ilmit . I among the horsemen today by .1. I.. Campbell, who w,ii Kcrre a- rarrag aecretary at that trick. A parse distribution of ,30! daily i-piovided for, with -i ninl one S7IMI race ended. The sick 1 1 — * among the racial Maternity is grew-ing here. Jockey "Baddy" Guts* baa been laid up for several day- with a cold, bordering on grippe, .■•ml former jockey W. Kaapfi waa stricken with, iiifltniiza .M-st rd.iy. Hi- condition i- not -.eiiou-:.- hi. but he will tie roafiaed " hi- bed for some time Tmiaer Allien Himoaa i- -aid in have taken lion for the worse ,-terday. !!.■ ha- been on ihe ailiai li-t for the pa»l tea day- arith a bear ■■old. Jockey Ted Rice wa- .ill arrival today from his home in Laporte, .lad. lie will not ride here, tail will gel into condition for the Mai.iliiid nnriinus Mode Nicoil of Lexington, K. and Sidney Bedford of Frankfort. K .. two veil known thoroughbred breeders, got la todaj fr the Clue Gram si. te They plan a length] i-n . Jockey Merritl Baxtoa has been ordered to report to the -table of M. I.. Behararta n Belmatil Park "ii March 1. Uattie it. Kent wa- boM by B. A. Joae* to Boater a Brum field and siie ran in her aea owners interest aad cotora in the first rave today. Waiie pawing the three aad aae naif eiihtba post in the third race. Wil-on the Great, arith Jackej II. Baladia up, -lipped and fell and Itig bie;i. with jockey II Erickaea in the saddle, fell arer him. Bath rider- eacaaed lajarr.