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— - THE TETRARCHS FINANCIAL SIDE Great Prices for His Stock in England— St. Simons Influence and Worth. LONDON. Kim la ml. Fcbiuary 1. Three crops of yeariiaga by The Tetrarch have paaaed under the hammer. Altogether, twenty-two have been sold for 1374.500. That gives, the wonderful average oT sl7.PL.".. In 1! 17 five averaged Ss.immi: in Itlfl seven made an BTCraie of 114.783; la-t year the ten that were sold averaged fy.ajffo it i- a Bate-worthy fact that the lowest sum .-niy of the twentv-two yeariiaga by The Tetrarch sohi by auction has brought tCOOt. Ihe highest price given f,,,- one of them i- S4l.iui. which Mr. W.ukin Williams of Cardiff gave Sir John Kobin-on for the beautiful gray celt, dam Kisma. The yaaagater has been well n.inied Syrian Prince. It may be full soon to institute a comparison between The Tetrarch as a sire and St. Simon as i si,e. but far it is as as possible t«. draw one we et a close parallel. Kike St. Simon. The Tetrarch reached the top ,,f the li-t of winning stallions the second year his atock raced. No other stallion since St. Siniou s,, quiekly siiipas-eil his eaa-temnorariea. The offspring of Bayardo had been raciag for three BeaMoaa before he headed the list. Si. Simon had a brilliant career at the stud. In IMC, when his first i top of two-year olds appeared on the turf, he was credited with nine winners of t hilly four races, worth 121.4911 a total which placed him third to Cab. pin hi- sire and Hampton in the st.illinn list. The following vcar. with a total of I1C4.0S0, la- became the leader, and eea- tnued to lend IIBtil 1S! 7. when he wa- second to Kendal. In I8M lie wa- third and in Phki and 1901 fir-t agaia In the fitter year he was twenty years old. Pram fir-t to la-t, lssi to Ill". St. Simons sons and daughter- won -takes amounting to ,711,055. a total which exceeded the one credited to Stockwell by nearly XI.IMMUMIO. Some allowance mu-t. of coarse, be atade for the fact that in Stockwells time prizes were on a lower scale. A notable i !:arae;.ristic «f S:. Simons affiptla| was early matarlty. During the eight season-. 1880-18M, no fewer than -il two of them won races as tWO-i car-olds. The Tetrarch- at rh have the -ame teadeacy, for there have been twelve two-year old winners in the two se::s.ns tiny have raced. From the point of view of the vender of yearlings this i- aa adtni rattle trait, becaase it mean- that buyers .]uiekly get a re; in n for their outlay.