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HUNTING, FISHING AND SPORT. A parly of five St. I.ouis. Mo . sportsmen spent the las-t araeft in lannary on a rabbit hunt at Cave Lodge, Crocker. They baitged 107 bunnies. m minks and three skunks. la, ,00ns. si a**BBaaBM, tw., A fishing parlj consist lag of Charles M. Raton ami foeata aa the raebt I.eiia. eaptalaed by Caarles ThaMpaaa, leeently maile a record catch in Rimini Ray. mar Miami. FI:. Among the big fish caught ,•11 rod and reel wa- an amlM-rjaek weighing sen n pounds am! I tHKt pouin. shark. The -hark was lahea by Mr Batea Bftet • battle lasting an hour iml forty minute- Ii n lie, I twenty natives ,, haul it on the do, k The State ianie oinniiss.ou of Pennsylvania has beea informed that qpertaeaea Inn,- heea earryiag li.oj to game birds on MBMBsbae* and skis in the northern counties and that organizations had been reran tl bj •portaaaaa ami fanaeta to ea-acacate with -tale game wardens in feeding i|ua:l and pheasants • biting the heavy aaaara Haaahrafia ,,f dollars- worth of grain have been contributed and have been taken into the wood- while in some of the north central ,,,un:ie- sportsmen have taken Inn to deer which have Beea driven by the cold an, I deep snows to localities near farms and biwns.