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1 DAILY RACING FORM Daily During Winter Months. Daily Except Monday Balance of the Year. DAILY RACING 70RM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. V V 74 EXCHANGE STKEET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Entered as second-class matter. April 2, UN, at i tin- post -of f ice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of 8, SVJ. | New York City Office, 1482 Broadway ROOM S04. General Representative, ED COLE. All dealers BUpplt«d from lliis office. I Back anmfeera and monthly books supplied. 4 For Mle at all hotels and news-stand*. 4 . I BCk.SC RIFTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. | ivr Week .inl i-er Month 3.00 Half Year 15.00 MM Year 80.00 The alien rates are for tingle copies as sealed 1. tter* first-class mail. LACK NUMBERS Tr.NT CENTS EACH. I If Kent by mail first-class only iwelve cents. Daily Racing Porta PunUahtng Co. prefers to send Single o|iiis as first-class mail in all cases. | Loral subscriptions — outside the down-town dls- t Di,i will be declined at other than first-class mail asatter rates. . A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. _ ! i Kditor and 1roprietor. F. II. Hrunell. Associate Kditor. Clinton C. Riley. Secretary. Mrs. 1". II. Hrunell. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. fl For business and circulation purposes only. ■ This it lejihone lias no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. FEBRUARY 26, 1626, .