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| | I i a | . . . . , , 1 1 • • 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 • l ,- • t i ,- 1 l • s !, i • s I i- I , j! | r I 1 1 1 i | a a . h T ■ TWO OF THE GREAT ENGLISH HANDICAPS ! Weights Allotted the Good Horses in the Liverpool Grand National and the Lincolnshire. The greatest steeplechase of the world, greatest in historical lain. in distance to be traversed, in i severity of ohstadea to be surmounted and in class . ..f horses contenting it. is the Liverpool Grand t National Steeplechase of a shade less than four and i half miles. It will be fought out over the Aiatree ...ins., near Liverpool March 36. n rleaed January i IS with sixty-one t nil tea of the ix-st jumping horses in the United Kingdom. Weights were- published | January 2». Coder fN renditions the highest weight t is lT.i pounds and the lowest US, Lnai years win- ner, Poethlyu, waa given the 17." pounds and is now a steady favorite in the future books at -I to 1. Thirty-two had so little experience over such a severe course Hint they were lumped at the uniform , allotment of 133 pounds. The value of the race this year is 5,000. the greatest in its long history, of the horses entered .igin ale nix oar -olds. All the eihcrs are older, with Lutteur III. the veteran of all at sixteen years. The entries, owners, trainers and weights are: Horse. Owner. Train T. Wt. Peethlyn Mrs. 11. Peel Ehcott 17." Waterbed Sir H. Hid Bhrrier 188 Silver King Sir .1. Buchanan Sore 138 Ballyboggaa Mr. E. Johnstone Ireland 137 tloldea Melody Mr. V. Samneli Gore 1-1 Troytewn Maj. Gerrard Private MB Lutteur III. Mr. J. Bennesay Bscotl 159 Wavertree Mr. F. Bihhy i Withington 152 Plonree Mr. 0. Toole Whitaher 150 Rbann Bnudah Mr. T. McAlpine Ilyams 148 Dance- Mr. I. Matthey Tope U7 a liny Knighl Mr. A. Scottl . Scott 147 Turkey Buaaard Mrs. n. Bottins...W. Payne 147 Ally BtafCr Lady Nelson Hastings 147 Bonnie Speedwell Mr. S. Marsh Private 117 Bappy Trio Mr. 11. Header I. Header 147 Ardodagh Cant C Banbury Whitaher I4ti Mask Off Mr. A. Rounders Saunders 144 Vermouth Mr. P. Beyhonm I. Bell l 12 The Bore Mr. II. Brown II. Drown 141 Sergeant Murphy Mr. M. Benson ... Ilyams 140 While Trout dirndl Ward Wl. linker 140 Culprit Sir .1. Buchanan Gore 140 Picture saint Col. Croft Private no Loch Allen Mr. v. Samuel Gore U8 All White Lady Wavertree Private- lag Valentine Mnher Mr. I". Ingram Poole IM Taffytus Lady Wilton T. Leader ltd Irish Cheer Mr. F. Blewburn Kitten U3 Kilnoracy Mr. I. Bayes Haw IBS Wavebeam iMaj. I. Straker ....!•. Barttgna 183 Gerald H. Maj. P. Murray .wilt MO Donnie Charlie Map. W. Norriei Pandell 133 General Saxhorn Mrs. .1. Putnam ..W. Payne 181 Prince. Clifton Mr. II. Cappell DcmIcI 133 War Duke Mr. .1. de BothschiM Pratt 133 Broadwood Mr. J. de Bo/hsehild Pratt 133 Bunlbcb Mr. E. Aldrtdge Cur- 133 Little Borer Mr. F. Bomilly Private 133 Lucy Gllttera Mr. B. Buvia Newey Mi Pargue I Mr. B. Sandayi Sanday 133 Every maa Maj. D. Davies CInpnen 133 childlike Mr. W. Williams BhHaae 183 Jeffries Mr. ■!. Spurrier Spurrier 133 Command Mr. A. Seed! . Scott 133 Irish Dragoon Mr. P. Edwards private 133 In lurk II. Mr. c. Wilcox Hasiings 133 Baltymendel Col. I . Parti Bastings 138 llihnolmomjr Mr. P. Savile Haw 133 RIeneffy Mr. W. McEtroy Private 133 ; Old Times II. Miss P.. Gibbons Private 133 Sonar.. Up Mrs. F. Carrie Berg 133 ; Oil lay Bridge Mr. W. Dixon Him- 133 Dunadry Cant. :. Morgan WMtnker 183 Salt Spray Mr. A. Straker F. Ilaitigan 133 Neurotic Mr. K. Wigram Poole 133 Bluejacket Capt, H. Wymdham ..Withington 133 Charlbury Lady Deaman Private. 188 Macmerry Mr. B. Bottom ley Hare 188 The- Knocks Mr. P. Seiko Core 133 Hong Lough Mr. P. Power Ireland 133 i Not so important or valuable as the Grand National, the Lincolnshire Handicap holds it own peculiar distinction in that it is the first big race of the English flat racing campaign. U attracts all of the best handicap horses ,,f i he kind which have demonstrated they an- easy to train into fit- ness for racing early in the year. Being a mile dash over the easy Lincoln mile it is a popular race wi:h trainers and always the medium of ■ lively ante-pool betting. H dosed Jan— rj i with fifty -two entries and precedes the Grand .National in the- elate of its decision, being set for Wednesday, March L4. The entries, owners, trainers, ages and weights are: Bone. Owner. Trainer. Age. Wt. Grand fleet Lord Glanely Hailing.. 4 us s.-ai well Lord Ulanely Barling.. : 127 Itohleur Maj. McCalmonl I Pesoac.. ■" 118 . Rich cift Lady Torrington Private.. UK Royal Pinks Lady Qneenoherry ..Sievler.. 7 115 Prig. ind Mr. I. de Kothsehildi Pratt.. « 115 . Clarion Sir George Noblei Dewhurat.. 4 114 Alasnam Sir A. Bailey B. Day I 111! ; Sir Berkeley Mr. .1. White. .M. Ilaitigan.. •" 112 i. -i fleece Mr. W. Parrish.D. Rogers.. 7 lln Brnff Pudge Sir c. Noblei Dewhurst.. » 110 . Violoncello Mr A. ele Rothschild . Watson. . I 108 Cora sack isir !•:. Pageti Leach., i 108 ! Knight o Blyth Mr. F. Willey I .. Private. . I 107 i Wils Sir A. Bailey P. Kay.. 4 107 : Ugly Duckling i Mr. A. I.owry i . . II Powney.. I 117 ! Paragua Maj. l".. Claytonl . . s. Darling-. 1 105 Milton Mr. C. Garland Colling., t 109 Ocydrome Mr. H. Bowbeer Griggs.. 10 109 Dangilt , I edh Derby Lambton.. I I0S , Di-omio niiss. Whitburn I Persse.. I in. ; Home. Fin- Mr. T. McAlpine By nam. . I l"l Pnrious Mr. C. llatryl Woodland.. I KH Monteith Mr. 11. Thornburnl GwUt.. I 100 Ambre II Mr. C. Batryl Woodland.. 9 100 Patlander Mir W. Nelson P. rhhWsen.. 8 lis Birds Nest Mr. I. Vernon l Wootton.. H !is ttol Hero Mr. A.. Barton I C March.. I 17 ii. isv i. hi ,sii- A. Bailey P. Day.. I !"i I Athletic Capt. ■■ Davy Beatty.. 7 M Misty Morning Mr. M. Benson ... Ilyams. . 7 Ml || Flower Bed Sir B. Jardine ....T. Waugh.. I .! ! Control Ladj Queensberry Sievler.. I 81 . Shoemaker Mrs. Browalee sievi.-r . 8 !•" ; Main Koyal I.Mr. T. Plain I ... .M. Bell.. ■". 8Q Mintleaf Mr. P. Be noon Ilyams.. ". !U Ample Lady Cnnliffe-Owen Leach.. I M Thermogene Mr. I. McLeau.J. MeHiilgan.. •; ss . DAmade Mr. A. Scottl V Seott . 7i S8 II Cylgar Mrs. K. Field Griggs.. I ss • Wilkin Mr. s. Bastard Barnes.. 4 s7 Ronltariam Mr. B. Cohen B. .larvis.. g s7 I Anramlne Maj. H. BoUiday Lines.. 4 M i Cliamatmiii Mr. T. Kiutoul llintoul.. 0 So I || ! . ; . II • I i Nubian Mrs. f, Prown F. Brown., a 85 -, IjBiwa e.Mr. J. de Rothschild Pratt.. I 84 i Attention Mr. J. Pearce J. Benwick.. ." s| I Etoiqne Mr. V. Bornsby Pntm N. Bcett. . I si I Mi— Richards Mr. .. W. Scott McCor- mack ." S| I oiihnus Mr. c. Hou-i V. Day.. I s| , Lady Craigie Mr. .1. lanes .... Hemps. in. . i s Quantum Mr. J. Pearce I. Benwick.. 3 til , Boyai it in ks. the winner last -.ear. is in again, but at quite a difference in imposts. Then h • ■ carried 101 pound-, bul this year in- will have- to • carry Un. The race is of tin- inaiaainil value of r 87.50B, which is s.jUO more than its value last t year.