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I I I j INTIMATION THE PANTHER WAS DOPED" There was no more kindiy or honest horse in Iraiaiag than The Panther when he won the Two rhonsand Guiacaat, which he did without ever beiag touched b. whip or spur. What happened to him before the Derby ma.v perhaps never be known, but there was always the danger signal that his victory would have meant tie- winning of a ruinoos than ha- been won in Bum 111 bets a bigger sum many years. It is an iniplea-nnl fact thai horses • |. not win in such rlrcumstaaeea, and it coastituted mj ,1111. fear about the prospects of The Panther at lip- in. 1 am perfectly sure Manser took all possible cue of him. ju-t a- detectives and police did .d I. French the Other day. but the wile- of the rnemy are sometimes Inscrutable, and certain it 1. thai The Panther at Bpsum presented all the indie;, lion- of having had an extra - i g hyp dermic Inject i ,r recall r sasne sack stimulant which had driven him fairly mail. We kUOW how he weal UUping and -wealing am! lathering ill the cantor •■••wn. and how he acted al tie- post. In the race lie never reall.i ga:loped al all. being pro!, ably in :i dope die. mi, and .after tin- horrible experience i- it to be wondered at that a colt of high rtrnng. nerveas organization should never forget it. Cor him a race course woaM "• always connected u,.;h this weird, terrifying nightmare. There 1- no original .111 in tin, , ..minion except on the part, as I rerilj believe, of same stoandrel who brought the trouble about by artificial mean-. The Panther re. cvvered iiHn|tletety from his evil treatment, and to the end of his -lay ill Lnglaiid retained his best form ai home, ion the horror I the Bpoom episode re .i. lined on him. and racing in public for him became I dreadful memory.- W. Allison in London Spo:i-111:111.