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w TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Saturday. February 28. 19£0— Trtenix eighth day. Lower California JorklJ Club. inter !• etlna if 100 dav- or more. Ktewardx, I. .1. Uoae, L. Win;;. J. V. Cuffroth. Starter, llarrj Morriaaey. Baciag Becretarj W [W. Tiiiii Bariag ■tarta at J.oo p. in. Chicago Bate IM8. . 4f5"|QQ First Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8, 1916— ri.xjj.yju 592i_3_97. pIlrsp 00. 3-yeai -olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. ; third, 5. Eqalr. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 18152 short stop 115 |«a k Cuaarainga H70-M0 40180 Mis stathemlOl l1- t: smith t 16101 lapham 101 VI J lv Ford IM-1M 18081 Hnisv X lnl I- R Ryan 2549 M9 46168 Bed Man 110 .",- J Roberts UOJ-100 40058 Paradigm US 9] B Hums t 48088 Mar Connell 112 7- C Kirsi hbaiiiii.",si;0-100 18301 Anh lei. 1 •• I C o.Malioiic.v t 46168 Ben Payne iii 91 H Tuihtt iW-wo II 180 Lion lis in. W Himdiy f 80104 Korin 113 IP S Brad + •0023 Arietta Ml IV W Wright 710-100 90838 Irish Delay 10s 11 B daw T5l» 100 tMatari field. *L niutuels paid, Short Stop, field. 83.40 -Iraight. SI. so place. 88.00 -how: Mi-s Statheni. field. 84.88 place. 88.00 show: l-ihaiii. 88.80 abow. Time. 253. 51"5. 1:05V,. Track slow. Winner Richard iV Gfatkena b. g, •" . by Garry Ilerrniann Little Nell, by Cedei-trome trained by C. C. Richards: bred by Mr. .1. Howard I.ewisi. Went to po-t at 1:58. At poal 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Overweight* Mi-- stathem. 2 pounds-. Delay X., 4. 4R1R4. Second Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— ijj. j-x 59-is_3_97 Mother Dealy Memorial. Purse 50. 3 -year-olds and upward. Entire purse donated to Mother Dealy. Eqalr. Odds led. Hone. Wt. Fin. J.., key. Btraight 1 15005 l.itth Jake US I] J McBride M-M9 46006 Hgan s li.-irioi l" J Roberta 949 100 16057 Stilly Night 113 f R Ryan 1020 190 46167 Aldebaran 115 4*1 E Smith t2909 190 4 0021* Phil Martin 11.". 5» R Carter t 46000 Pajaroita II 115 9* Hayward I9S2O-109 48001 Beat-Lucille II:: 7] P Martinez tt.vj.-KH 460iJ Supernal 1M 8» R Lowe :;4n-10c li. .land 10:: . Gibbon 15340-M9 46006 Yukon Ml In C McCorkle ft 4418.! Jatnes K. IK 11 B Rurns 7:110-100 iMiituel field. ++C. I.. Irwin entry. I Si Btetaefaj paid. Little Jake. 83.00 straight. .*L.4iO place. SL.4I show; I larrigans Heir. 88.00 place, 82.00 abow; Stilly Night.» aboar. Time. 25%. 52, 1:06. Track slow. Winner M. I. Levels eh. g. 10. by Knit- h -Sblli Perklna, by Prophecy trained by J. J. Sharkey; le, ,1 by Mr. L. T. Lee. W.nt to Beet at 2:24. At po-t 1 minute Start food and -low. Won driving; -eeoiid and third the same. Overweights Yukon. 1 pi unit ; Freeland. 2. d.filRl ■xj±ov Third Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— 59!5_3_g7 Pur,e J400, 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. : third. 5. Equlr. Odds lad. Hois.. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 48104 Ogden Girl Ml 1* 1: Smith in-ion 46166 I.. Harrtgan KM t*J C McCorkle 239-MB 46168 FT Duncan IK :: I Martinez 928-MB 4606:i M. Franklin !M A Haywanl 9999-MU Kill.:! Fiiniian lb. II K McCnwan rl7J-lo. 45710 L. of DerK lb; PC Kirsihbaum -71 109 46 105 Sqaaah 101 7- E Rums 3909-109 4810S*NaaIedovatl 111 8»1 J Roberts SIO-MO 80003 M • in ka Ml I* F Hunt t 44-i45 I de Leon li 1" R Feeney :;4J0-K i 45546 Plaything ■"• n; w Wright t 15956 Corel HO 1- R Cuv 10801 Ml tMatari field. U niiituels paid. Ogileu iirl. 811.80 straight. .Sixt place, 83.80 ahoa; Lady Harrigaa, 83.1 0 place. 88.40 show: TenipA Unman. S4.LI -how. Time. 25. 50V 1:0443. Track slow. Winner II. Hamiltons In. f. :t, by Quanta Anuiiean iirl. by Cesarion trained by H. Hamilton: bred by Mr. John L. Maddeirl . Went to peal at l:.~ 0. At ] i -t 4 minutes. Start good and slew. Won easily; seeoinl and third driving. Overweight* Ogdcn iirl. I pounds. 4 ■auxou fi 1 8fi Tourth Race — 4 1-2 Furiiwgs. Jan. 31, 1920—54—6—104. Point Lama Han-dicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net vahe to winner 70: second. 0: third. 0. Equlv. Odda Ind. Hoi—.. -Wt. Fin. Jo. key. Straight. 43088 War ind 121 I1 D Connelly 93*10fi 18005 Bill] li. 191 V I K Smith X!0-10» 45008Myrtle A. U0 3*1 P Martinez +099 100 46061.!. Kl!swth :S 4:1 C .McCorkle 3520 IOC 45807* Lady Mack let V R Rv.n, t 1508 1 *Xtndo :« 1; .1 Roberts 9940-109 45001 Harry 1 . MB I.hd.C Groaa 203-101 vC. P.. Irwin entry. si mutie Is paid. War Cod. .s.0,.. straight. .s:,.s| place, 82:80 ■ haw; I.ifli ■ !:.. 85a90 place. sri.LO I show; C It. Irvvln entry. ?.!. 10 BbOOR Time. 24. 493. 5635. Track slow. Winner Braai Stables b. g, 5. by Iinle Tebera, by Na-turtium trained by w. c. VlreU; bred by le--r-. 1 leailiey and Miller I. Weal t,. po-t at :!:lo. At post : MkMkra. start good and sl„w. Won ea-ily; -eioud anil third driving. Overweight- I.illie I... 1 p-iind-; /indo, V, ; Judge EUeworth, .!; Lady Mack. 1. 4fi1R7 Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. WW* VI 1916— 1:055— 3— 118. Purse 00. 4- year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 00: second. 5: third. 5. Equlr. Odda In. I. Barer. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 40003 Im Miss 114 ] Gross I39-M0 46108 Kl Sablo Ill a R Lowe 719-100 03000 choirMast. r 1". :; C McCorkle M8-M9 46167 Tia.ian 11 : A" B Ihtrhnm 1381 100 45i«« Mis- Man 5* W Hinphy 3908-101 13008 Criaple Ml 1*1 P Martinez 120-MV 1 1616!.! Argent 1M 7 I Connelly 909-M9 45! 2I i:. Harrigan M9 I R Ryan 17K-100 82 niutuels paid. Toy Mi — . 84.08 tralght, 83.20 place. 83.80 abow; 1:1 Sabio. place. 88.38 slni : Choir Ma-ti r. SI.LO show. Time. 243-,. j;o. 1:0425. 1:11H. Track slow. Winner II. Btgglaa h. in. 7. by Manlun nit IL— Dollyaet, bj Goraaaa trained by II. Higgina; bred by Sir. J. W. Fuller. Weal le post at 8:44. off at oace. start good and s|iw. Won handily; second and third driving. Overweights Tia.ian. 1 peaad; Jake Argent, "J. 1-UJ.uo A a 1 Q O Sixth Race— 1 Mile. June 17. 1910 — 138— 3— S5. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claimine. Net value to winner 00; second. 5: third, 5. Equlr. Odda Ind. Iloi-e Wt Fin. .loi key. Straight. 18020 Honolulu 113 B* D Connelly :mi-ioo 46107 Gonial 111 2*J R Low- :. lno 15 198 Kentky Roy Ml 3* !•: Smith G3O-M0 4616! Sleeth HI I" R Ryan dii-KX 45431 Prevaricate M3 ■" W Hinphy M30-M4 46167 T ty Morng 115 i 1 Martinez l.tJ-loi sl niutuels paid. Honolulu. 83.80 straight, 82.00 place. SL.Cll show: Gonial, 84.00 place. 88.00 show; Kentucky Boy. 88.80 chow. Time. 26. 521,. 1:1933. 1:48. Track slow. Winner -C. K. Phillips b. m. .".. by Sweep Miss Anne, bv Top iallant tained by G. F. Phillips: bred bv Mr. J. c. Carriek. W.iit to po-t at 4:07. Off at oace. Slart good and slew. Won driving: second anil third the same. overweights Prevaricate, 5 pounds. /fllQO Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 nv-LOt/ ljtl%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00: second. 5: third. 5. Eqalr. oil. is Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight l6l68iobl Flush 11- 1" P Martinez. 289-199 46103 Don Jo a- ,15 8*1 D Connelly 109 1M 46105 Mack oDay !!.". :U R Row. 509-100 46!66-IlaiUa;;oiiet 1M A I J Roberts MOO 1M 46107 Onwa 115 • M Woods 2803 399 46IOJh Hollers 110 » R IVeiuy 13339 MO 40003 w I Could :n ~1 W Wright 3501 M9 46064 Brail. Maggie 13 M C McCorkle M99-M" 46107 Kio lb! !» Hayward LlOJO-100 SL iniituel- paid, odd Flu-h. .S7.L straight. 34.30 place. 82-00 show; Dim IK- ge. S3. 00 place. .*iL.L0 -how : Mack ODay. SL.40 -how. Time. 252: . 51%. 1:183-,. Track slow. Winner F. Men;- eh. g. 4. by General Roberta Flu-h of Odd. hv Royal Flush trained by F. Moiri-: bred by Mr. I.. A. Bhutagaaae. Went to ]«i-t al 4:Ji. At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 4.filQfl Eighth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 1UJ.S7V _1:1125— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 70: second. 0: third. 0. Eqalr. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 00035 Mharlestn lit l1 D Connelly 300-100 46068 King Dick R2 LI P. Pinnegar 09-199 46061 -l I I R Low. COO-100 46058 Orchid King 111 -I R Ryan 3! 20-10O 46058 Concha 111 .". M Woods 5:i20-10f 46006-cieelv Kay Ml iiJ K Smith TJO-100 46066 Stanley S JUL 7 R Guy V10-100 SL mutuols pud. 8S.O0 straight. SL.tiO place. 82.20 -how: King Dick. SL.OO place. 82.23 aboa i Me*, 82.08 show. Time. 25. 50. 1:1T%. Track slow. Winner Broai stable- br. g. ■ . by Woobitharne Kspionage. by Inapeetar P.. I trained by W. F. Vivell: bred by Mr. Milton Young. Went to post at 4:08. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Stanley S.. L pounds; Hex, L; Cicely Kay, 1 ; Concha, 4.