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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE Weather Forecast Illinois Showers and thun ¬ derstorms tonight probably clearing Friday morii ing colder strong shifting winds General Fore ¬ cast Showers and thundersqualls in the westeri hike region and the central valleys will accompany the movement eastward of the disturbance todaj and tonight followed by gradually clearing wealhei to the eastern limits of the district Friday will lower temperature However settled weather is noi now probable for any length of time because of tin appearance of another disturbance in the far north west westIndictments Indictments were handed down yesterday by thf federal grand jury at AVasliingtou against four men two minor government officials who have recently resigned and two outsiders as the result of in vestigations conducted by the Department of Justict following revelations indicating that a coterie oi AVall Street speculators was profiteering through t leak of decisions of the United States Supreme Court CourtAfter After having been adrift in a seaplane for six ¬ teen hours without food or water Major Sidney E Parker of the lirilish army and Miss Rlanclif Frazcr arrived at Baltimore Mil yesterday on tin steamship Hilton by which they were pickecl up on Sunday last Captain Carey said he found Major Parker and Miss Frozen in their plane about fifteen miles southeast of Jupiter ou the Florida coast coastCounsel Counsel for the two sons and a daughter o Richard Croker former Tammany leader have announced that the Palm Reach County Fla court had issued a temporary injunction preventing the transfer or disposal of all Crokers property in that state pending institution of proceedings by his family to have a conservator appointed to man ¬ age his estate estatePostponement Postponement of the Danish general strike until next Tuesday shows according to a dispatch to the London Times from Copenhagen that the So ¬ cialists are willing to give the influential persons who they know are working for a compromise time to effect a settlement and that the strike will not take place if the situation changes in the meantime meantimeA A strike that threatens to stop travel on Gotham ferries went into effect yesterday when workmen employed on lighters and tugs of the Erie Railroad Company struck over the question of hours of labor Union officials predicted that the walkout would spread to every railway and passenger ferry hi New York City CityThe The United States Supreme Court yesterday granted an injunction restraining state officials of Texas and Oklahoma from taking any action in re ¬ gard to the dispute over the boundaries between those states along the Red River until the Supreme Court has handed down a decision on the boundary dispute disputeThe The Massachusetts state senate late yesterday passed to he engrossed by a voice vote a bill which would provide for daylight saving ill that state beginning the last Sunday in April The bill had previously passed the house Governor Coolidge is not expected to act upon it before next week weekThe The strike of 000 stock handlers which paralyzed food production at the Chicago stockyards since Sunday ended yesterday afternoon when the strikers voted to return to work tomorrow morning pend ¬ ing an arbitration of their wage demands before Judge Alschuler AlschulerFive Five Socialists Louis AValdman August Chiessens Charles Solomon Samuel A DeAVitt and Samuel Orr all of New York City the entire delegation of their party in the New York assembly were expelled from the New York legislature yesterday yesterdayAdoption Adoption by Hie House of Representatives next Monday of a declaration of peace with Germany is the plan announced by the Republican leaders fol ¬ lowing the introduction of the proposed joint reso ¬ lution to terminate the war officially officiallyPhiladelphia Philadelphia morning newspapers announced yes ¬ terday that beginning April 4 the price of Sunday papers will bo increased to 10 cents Heretofore the price has been seven cents in Philadelphia and eight cents outside the city cityPitiful Pitiful calls came over the wireless from Moscow Wednesday night pleading for the rescue of the steamshjp Solovei reported drifting beyond the arctic circle with eighty women and children among its starving passengers passengersThe The beginning of a revolution all over Turkey except in Constantinople directed against the allies is reported by the PesterLloyd of Iudapest ac ¬ cording to a dispatch from Iasle to the Founder agency at Paris ParisEighty Eighty carloads of American Red Cross food clothing medicine and hospital supplies a record shipment have arrived at Vienna from Paris and will be ilistributed among the sick and destitute In that city cityTwo Two men in a motor car held up the messengers nf Swift Co packers ou the Twentythird street viaduct in Kansas City Mo yesterday morning ind escaped with i handbag containing 45840 45840The The Italian government has notified Gabriele ilAiiiiunzio that it will have to accept President Wilsons project for the settlement of the Adriatic iiestion iiestionMustapha Mustapha Kemal Turkish leader in Anatolia has leclared war on England a Constantinople dispatch lo the Ijindoii Morning Post asserts assertsRatification Ratification of the equal suffrage amendment ivas defeated in the lower house of the Delaware legisla Hire yesterday yesterdayThe The London Globe Pays the resignation of Ian MacPherson chief secretary for Ireland has been iccepted icceptedBritish British warships have anchored In the harbor at Itelfast according to a dispatch to the London