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AUNT DEDA 1315100 WON BRIGHT GOLD GOLDTANTALUS 605100 WON TANTALUS 1705100 WON THE DECISION 2405100 3RD MOSE 1765100 3RD two scratches three losers my Bowie wires Jef ¬ ferson Park ietavay Specials were wereCOOMBS COOMBS 500U WON WONBONDAGE BONDAGE 1201 WON WONTICKLISH TICKLISH 3501 3RD 3RDand and two lowers Dont wait to read my ads to see what I am doing Send 10 for 3 Guaranteed 11 Winners 3 LIVE ONES NEXT WEEK ELARE JAY 120 Aliens Ave Galesburg 111