Answers To Queries, Daily Racing Form, 1920-05-28


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ANSWERS TO QUERIES Cuaimiiiiifatlons without names and addresses will not be noticed nor answered No answers will be Mnt by mail anil none by wire unless reply pre ¬ pay mcnt is made at time of wiring query Het ling papers will not be calctllu Potter Chicago 111 Naming the Mad Hatler enjry was the same as saying the Ilildreth entry Mad Hatter to go and whei Mad Hatter was scratched the matter liccame a draw on the entry 7 I OS Chicago III The track diagram in the American Racing Manual will show you that the straight course at Holmont Park is without a curve To arrive at a conclusion at time compare the main trck and straight track records No do not specify chutes Dclorimicr being a short track do not Keep its records recordsE E A Chicago 111 Frank Farreli owned and raced Grapple over the eastern tracks Fuller does vcol did

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Local Identifier: drf1920052801_1_12
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