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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY Weather General forecast Fair weather will continue in the western lake region and upper Mississippi Valley until Friday night but some showers arc probable in the sections directly to tilt south and west The temperature will not change materially but the tendency in the Xorth wcst will be upward Illinois and Missouri Fair lenight and Friday except possible showers in ex ¬ treme south portions not much change in temper ature atureTaxation Taxation amounting to something like 55 IHT cent of gross revenue and heavy running expenses are responsible for the recent closing down of sixty firstclass theaters in Germany Many the ¬ atrical and operatic companies arc said to be in sore financial straits Few can afford to pay for the higher priced seats at the present increased rates and the moving picture houses with their popular prices are reaping the benefit benefitAirship Airship ItSO built at Barrow England for the British admiralty will be launched in two or three weeks It embodies the latest improvements iii aircraft design and it is stated that it could fly across the Atlantic with ease The vessel is 535 feet in length and 70 feet wide Her lifting power is thirtyeight tons tonsThe The postal pay Increase bill was passed yesterday by the House by the unanimous vote of the 343 members present The bill would become effective July 1 and would add approximately 33000000 to the postal pay roll the first year It now goes to the Senate where favorable action is expected before adjournment Saturday SaturdayDuring During discussion of the Irish home rule bill in the house of commons yesterday Waller Hume Long first lord of the admiralty said if an at ¬ tempt were made to use the bill to establish an Irish republic the bill would be suspended and the imperial parliament would take steps necessary to restore law and order orderEnthusiastic Enthusiastic thousands yesterday gave Hiram Johnson one of the most rousing receptions ever accorded a political candidate in Chicago Long before his arrival the station and the streets ad ¬ joining were packed with men and women who are boosting the California senator for the Republican presidential nomination nominationThe The police of Montgomery Pa and neigh ¬ boring counties and a posse of neighbors in auto lucbiles are searching for kidnapers who entered the home of George II Coiighlin and stole his 13monthold son Blakely from its crib cribFive Five thousand dollars has just been paid in Paris for one egg says a dispatch from Paris The cost of living V Xo the cost of art The egg was ono on which was painted an exquisite miniature dat ¬ ing from the eighteenth century centuryTwo Two marines were wounded Wednesday night when a thousand sailors and marines from the Great Lakes Station renewed the race rioting be ¬ gun between negroes and bluejackets in Wuukegan Mcnday night nightThe The first commercial passenger airplane arrived in Boston at 330 Wednesday afternoon having left Xew York at noon the same day The distance was 230 miles It cost each passenger who made the trip 150 State authorities at Vera Critz have accepted the offer of the United States government to send a sanitary detachment and supplies to that city for the purpose of combating the spread of bubonic plague plagueCongress Congress will end its present session Saturday under a resolution adopted by the Senate today after that body was assured by President Wilson that he would not call a special session sessionA A milliondollar steamship will be built this summer by the Crosby Transportation Company for service between Milwaukee and Miiskegon Mich With Milwaukee as a home port portOnethird Onethird of the houses of Vera Cruz will be liurued because of the bubonic plagues infection it has been decided by the citizens of that city according to the Excelsior today todayTnited Tnited States Senator Itobert M La Follette will undergo an operation next Monday for removal of un infected gall sack The operation is not re ¬ garded as of a serious nature