Thorncliffe Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1920-06-06


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THORNCLIFFE PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 1230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 12 Mile Mile2yearqlds 2yearqlds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record June 1 1920 49 2 112 112Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtlIan AWtlIanBroadview Broadview ch g 1 y First Sight Loupania 105 47838 Gay Kap 110 50 108 Mary Cowell ch f by 51 a g n e t o Miss Thompson by Goldcrost 112 477073 Aunt Annie 115 53m 112 45212 Ilueii 105 7il 115 477831 bBygono 112 50 115 Second Race 5 l2Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming ClaimingFoaled Foaled in Canada Track record JiUie 2 1920 107 5 113 47840 Sca Breeze II 107111 5102 47840 Eaiiy Binmore 4 102 47787s Rosyth 107 111 4 101 47730 Pink Ardoon 3104 47784 P Moody 94 108 3 104 Gallant Groom ch c by Galatine Bride Ijine by St Amant 3107 47810 Satinmoro 3 107 PIiyer br f by Xealon Frolic l y Ailes dOr 3107 47S40 Aiitlphon 4 1Q7 47840 Oalway 112 109 4 109X 109XThird Third Ilace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track lecord June 4 1920 114 5 108 47732 bPiinctual 9311316 1Q5X 477852 bDr Hall 100 115 105 10547709s 47709s bAnzac 1105115 107X 47709 = Diomed 101 114 107X 47841 AHlson the Gretl09 115 108 47841 Bucklaide 112 114 108 47729s Enrico Caruso 110114 110X 110XFourth Fourth Ilace About 2 Miles Toronto Hun CJiib teeplechase 4yearolds and upward HaVidicap Xo track record 47035 tLlvcly Sleeper M 4 155 Fergus cii h by byDoctor Doctor Boots Flexible by Great Torii 8155 JRaxswood 155 31030 tJoo Gaiety 11 158X 158XiSiiigletime iSiiigletime b in by Singleton Lady Rayon by f fRayon Rayon dOr 8 100 47780 Iandy M 5 103 34049 Henley II M 8155 47780 JGreek Patriot 5 173 477815s 5 Jim 6 11 175 X XtG tG W Beardmore entry JF Proctor entry Foxhead Mews entry entryFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Opeongo Claiming Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record July 25 1917 149 5 107 47007 bGain de Cause tl5 151 3 98 X 47713 Dottle Vandiver 98 145 4 105 X 47788 bPiedra 115 l4Ss 5 107X 47700 bWaukeag i 100 145 0 108X 108XSixth Sixth Race S 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 2 1920 107 5 113 47812 Pokey B M 4 100 47815 bLady Ivan 100107 5101 47814 bOuico 100107 5 101 X 47SK5 Brookcress 8 101 34897 Curious 12 103 X X47035siikey 47035siikey Mar 105 1 00 8 104 47839 bMurphy 108108 710 X 47785 Paula V 100100 510I5X 478142 Miinibo Jumbo 113107 i 107 47787 Hemisphere 109 108 4 108 47728 bEl Mahdi 117 108 9 111 47732 bThursdiy Nighter 101110 0112X 0112XSeventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 3 1920 19 G 113 47130 bBrookland M 108 141 5 110 47789 MHS Sterling M 112 142 5105 47789 bJose de Vales 101J140 5 115X 47812 bMistake M 4 107 47785 Antiseptic M S10SX 47789 = Donna Graf ton M103 142 5 108 47839 Sir Galahad II M 5107 47839 bArmant 108145 4112 47712s White Haven M 4105 Eighth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 1 1920 144 4 100 47839 Cora W M 90147 4 95 47731 Lord Hamilton 3 103X 47812 bAntoinetto 100J145 4105X 47790 = TIuis F McMahon 104 145 4 107X 47790 Bob Baker M 100145 4107 410747S44 47S44 Lady Ward 10511 53h i lOSx 47099 = Pas de Chance 112 145 5 1100 110047S39 47S39 bGeorgt Duncan 5 110X 47843 bSea Irchin 112145 7110X 7110X47S44 47S44 Prunes 109 145 5 110k 47700 DIadi 110 145 9 113 47713 bJames Foster 110147 5113X

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Local Identifier: drf1920060601_2_2
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