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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS. La.. December 2S. Todays training gallops at the local courses included the following: 493 FAIR GROUNDS. Track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 4S1-Back Bay " 41 490-Mndam Byng ..11 484-Christie 40 404-Machine Gunner41 4!10-Celtic Lass ...It 4!0 Omer K 41 34Marline S 3S 4!U-Kcpeater 43 4S9-lr. Campbell... 38 481 -Has 40 Frank Munse ..40 4S7-Selma C 3S l."3-Laneclot 39 489-Tnb. ilHonneuHl 4!2-Lad 39 491-Tippity AVitchetll 490-Luey Kate 38 479-Toe the Mark.. 39 Half Mile. 480-Amoriean Maid. 53 485-LnvolinesH, " 490-Charlotte C. .."; 490-I.ady Hmmeliue..ri3 490-Elizabeth May. .53 192-Miss Minks ."3"f. ISr.-Grouml-Swcll ISl-Old Faithful. . ."i 4S9-Hand Sweep ....15 4!ll-lhilippic "." 487- Johnny Overton.."!-.-, 472-Siesta "i7 li;s-Kate Fraley ...ri3 Wythola 57 472-Kashmir 59 Five-Eighths Kile. 454- Bluebannoek .1:10 490-Oiiental Dressl:14 4!10-Dahinda 1:10 490-Parader 1:05 4S9-Esoarpolette .1:12 40-Koluctant ...1:12 489- Gen. Amontcl:12 490-Kunzaf 1:12 455- Hindcostan ..1:13 479-Scurry 1:05 490- Julia N 1:07 4S9-Thnnderbird .1:09 4S9-L. Longfcllowl:OS 4SS-Who Cares ..1:0S 488- Midian 1:09 Three-Quarters Mile. 4SS-Bone Dry ...1:27 190-Mahony 1:29 484 -Be Sure 1:2S 4S4-Master Jack .1:2; 490-Chovalier 1:27 4fln-Oeean Swell 1:22 4SC.-Coloiud Lit ..1:29 47S-Sag:imore ...1:25 490-Deckmate ...1:34 ISil-Toss Up 1:25 190-Explosive ...1:24 4Si;-Tony 1:17 490-George Starr. 1:23 ltW-Tipforil 1:24 ISO-Jerry 1:22 490 Thimble 1:27 490-Kezinh 1:15 192-Aairths Lasll:25 192-I.ands End .1:23 Seven-Eighths Mile. I8d-Chief 1:39 480-Veto 1:39 Ono Mile. 190-Albitnttor ..1:51 492-Ouceii Blondel :55 lSii-Amaze 1:55 IS.VKieiielieu 1:50 190-Fair Orient .1:53 IS2-S:imly Mae ..1:53 490-.I. C. Stone ..1:59 490-St. Germain. .1 :53 Mile and an Eighth. 192-Lucky B. ...2:01 The track was heavy again this morning and no fast work was asked of the horses. Scurry did the best trial of the morning. JEFFERSON PARK. AVeather clear; track drying out-t- Thrce-Eighths Mile. 4S9-Diocletian ......43 4S4-Louise Wynne. 40 4S3-Elevc 40 491-Minute Man ..39 4S0-Glcn AVell 40 485-Younccd 3tS Half Mile. 271-Hill i;enilered..53 4S2-Justicc Goobel..53 4S9-KIack Knight. .58 479-ParrIsh 50 490- Kotheration ...54 209-Safranor 53 4S7-Geheral ... 55 4S5-Tiipo Sahib ..54 491- Goldcrest Hoy.. 54 4SS -Winchester 51 Tive -Eighths Milo. 4S-Dr. Hall 1:00 4S9-Salute 1:03 4S9-Dark Hill ...1:03 487-Sw. Patootie.l:07 4S3-Murrhy 1:04 48I-T. Portuguesel:04 4SI-Mormon ....1:00 f ,j Three-Quarters-inie.1 J 4S5-.Tonqnlna 1:19 490-S11. Springs. .1:20 7S-I.iberator ...1:23 4S5-St. Quontin..l:24 One Mile. 4S7-Aztee IMS 4SO-Flibbglbbot .1:50 491-By Heck ....1:47 479-Sterllng 1:41 485-Cnpt. Rurns.l:47 4SS-AAar Club .. .1:52 4S;-Claquer 1:49 Younccil showed good speed. The Portuguese worked well. Sterling was under restraint all the way. AAincliester seems to, Improve.