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MORTUARY LIST OF 1920 Roamer. Jack Atkin and Cesarion Most Noted of Horses Which Died Last Year. A great race bane, one of the beat of recent years, died when Ueainpr was pal to death, on tin first day of l!f_n because of a l roken leg. He was nil the most exaetlag owner coald ask. :i aahle weight carrier, a stayer and cap winner, and his eajoraaOM speed is attested hy the fact that his is the record of having run the fastest mile in American annals. No other really noted racer of the |. resent died, lint the dead stattieaa Jack At kin. Meelii k. Heno. Beckton and Cesarion all did notable things in their radaaj da*a, lack Atkin in particular having lieen a wonderfully fast and high-class racer. Cesarion died in Australia and Adam in Luropc. but both plaved a part in American breeding and their descendants live with us Sain was not a great race hoi-e. but he wa- a highly successful sire. The Brook was one of the best -tei plechawera of recent year-. Among the dead bread mares Katy of the West wen enduring fame as the mother of the famous Hermis. Briagbarst and Housemaid were capita] sprinters when at their best Hut it must be said that the majority of the hois,- Which passed on in liCJO were not di-tin guished. and the eipiine mortuary of the year i-: •Adam. ch. h. is. l.y Flying Fox— Amie. b Clamart. Armant. b. g. I. l y Jack Atkin— Fair Empress. by Jim Gere. Auntie, ch. f. 1. by Cade— Lydia II.. by Lake Blackbara. Bagpipe, ch. K. t. "v Meelick — Dona Hamilton, by Donald A. Bajazet. br. g. 3, by llilrim — Skirts, by Gfaraa-tiiim. BilUe B.. ch. g. 7. by Thicket-Belle of Harris burg, by Dr. Haslnouck. Blankenburg. b. g. J , by Knight Errant — Magna Charta. by Hindoo. Bouibon Lad. b. g. 5, by Transvaal — baaafe, bf Knight Errant. Briagbarst. br. g, !i. by Plaudit— Sweet Marjoram, by Dinna Forget. Buck .Shot. b. g, 7. by Joe Carey — Sain Shot, bv Sain. Cabalas, b. g. 4. by Pree Laace— Kaaeaaeade, by st. Gattea. Calvert, ch. c 3. by Harrigan— Anytime, by Yankee. Cesarion. b. li. 2B, by Faustus— Cleopatra, by Bosicrucian. Costly Colour-, b. I. -. by Fair Play— Violet Bay. by Bock Sand. Daddys Phosce, b. h, f.. by Trap Bock— Earth, by Baaer. Dancing Carnival, ch. f. 4. by Star Shoot — Decoy, by Ogden. Diamond Girl, ch. f 3. by Oolden Maxim Diamonds and Bubies. by Ornament. ♦Dioscoride. br. g, 5, by Querido Dogma tic by St. Simon. Daaagaa, ch. c, -. by The Cairagh — Keaayetta, by Clifford. Dr. Levy. oh. g. B, by Marathon —Attentive, by Allan-a-Dale. Duke of Devcn-hire. ch. g, 3. by Transvaal — Mindful, by Star Shoot. El Plaudit. ch. g. •" . by Plaudit — Cttae B., by Prince Boyal. Ellangowan. b. in. 21. by De Beauvoir — Lady Lou-fellow, by LoagfeUaar. Ktrnscaii. ch. g. s. by Burgi nia-tcr — Fiesolc. by Goldfinch. Fveiitng Bay. b. e, 1. by Ildrim — Fifi. by iigan-teiini. •Flapper, br. m. a. by Yankee -The Hoyden, by Raher. Gauey Head. br. h. ti. by Oalatine — Fairlie Head. b Avrshire. tins .Mask. b. g. 4. bv Oi mondale — Veil, by Disguise. Geaeral Glena, ch. c, 3. by Magneto — Mattie Gleaa, by Orlaade. George P. Kyne. ch. C, -. by Enfield — Lady a-tine. by Castine. iieu Light, i-ii. c 3. by GleaeaJra — Lights Out, by Gleadasreer, b. f. l". by Jhn Gaffaey — Viola B.. by St. Avonii a-. Oolden View, ch, BE, 14. by Hastings— Fairy Cold. bv Bend Or. Grand Slain. Ch. C, 3. by Whi-k Broom II.— Trumps, by Sandiiiiuliani. Heaaa, br. f. l. by Helaset — Xi alabka, by Hiniyar. Heuo. b. h. -1. by Falsclto or Henry Young — Quiver, by Paaataa. Hesperus, br. b. 7. y Sunstar — Our Laaate, by Ayrshire. Ilitcby -Km., b. f. I. by Aaaagul nswkaUght, by Haw kswick. Hot Stuff, br. i:. -. by Madrigalian — Inferno Qaeea, by star gboat. Hiiiiseniaid. b. m. 1-. by Broom-tick — Ethel Pace by Troubadour. Ilorkyte. b. f. -. by Horraa Herkyte, by Heraiia. Iolite. b. g. 7. by Broomstick- Iota, by Saudi inghani. Jack Atkin. b. h. M, by Sain El Salado. by Emperor of Norfolk. Jack K.. b h. 5. by Ossarj Mizpah. by Ki-mt. Jazz Band, b. c, 4. by Duke of Oiasoaik .Nottliumbria. by Ben Strome. Jiffy, br. g, 5, by .Marathon— Bonnie Btotae, by Clifford. Jim Dudley, br. g. 4. by James Dockery — Alice Dudley, by F.lectioiieer. Katy of the West, br. m. I.i, by Spendthrift— Perdita. by Prince Charlie Nov Mar. ch. g. V by MaWT— Belle Aton. i Berasada. *Kilt II. . b. u, j. by Ma.donahl II. --Wallflower II.. by Meddler. Lady Ueeaa, b. as, j. by Peey • Day — Battle Walker, by Bound b— . •Littlecote. b. g. 4. by St. Amant— Celine, by Cvllene. Lncile P.. b. in. i. by Bryn Mavvr— Annoyance. bv Meddler. Lakes Pet. b. f. 3. by Luke McLttkc— Altiora, by Lamplighter. Moolick. ch. h. 1"«. by Planudc-— Ilithyia. by Tammany. Mi-- itryn. b. m. •". by Brya Mawr — Miss Camden, by Li— ak. Miss Pluvious, blk. f. J. by Plaikaai Maude Fealy. by P.eti Strome My-tic Light, b. g. 1". by Ardingtou— Ve-ta. bj Catesby. Ninety Simplex, ch. g, 8, by Marathon Flash .f Lightning, by Ben Brush or Prince of Monaco Obelus, b. g, V by Oddfellow — Keninore Qaeea, by Dell Strome. ullie Martin, ch. g, »i. by P.annokburn — Belle, b.- Saiu. Oyama. b. b, 17. by Commando- -Ben My-Chroe. by Oalopin. Pop Ryes, ch. f. 3. by Ivan the Tell Ml — Sweet D I] . by Peep o" Day. lniioii-. ch. m. ti. n.v Ballot Otaziosa. by Ben Ali. Princeps. ch. b, •" . by Fair Play -St. Priacilla, by Kayon dOr. Qaeea of the City. ch. m, » by Sea King —Cantaloupe, by Hastings. Qaia, b. g. •!. by Peter Quince Kuby Methenole, bv star Rahy. Bambier Roae, ch. f. 3. by Garry ninasaaa Golden Rose. b Goldfinch. lb d Domino, ch. g. 3. b] oi.unbala - Paataaqae, by Disguise. Reliance, b. g. B, by Star Buby— Lina BoUaday, by Hanover. Ruaater. b. g, v. by Knight Rrraat- -Rgae Tree li.. trj Bona i-t.i. Rocktoa, b. h, 88, bj Meddler -Brown Prim,--, b. Prime Charlie. Bupica. b. g. s. bj Rocktoa— Burnt Hill- bj t liffonl. sain. br. h. -. b] St. Serf— The Tusk, by Bar-caldino. •Saint V P.iidge. b. g. ," . by Bridge of Earn— Saint D-ni-e. by Tl I ilcnnis. •Sansyming, b. h, 7. by Sanlry— Symington Toll, bj Symington. Seahorse II.. cb. li. .4. by Nelson— Moouga. 1 j Goldsbrcagh. " Bereneat, br. ■, 8, by Trap Bock — Souveralne. 1 Raycn dOr. Sleepy Sidney, b. r, 2, by Ilurm — Patsy Carol, by Islington. Startling, b. h. i, by Marta Santa -Country Fraud, by Deceiver. Stirabout, b. c 2, b M.ii.iilioii -Zinfatnlel. by The Commoner. Baagpai, b. g. 5, by All Gold— Vespcri bj Himytr. •Sycamore, b. h. •" , by Magellan — Statuette, by Amphif n •The Brook, br g. 7. by Troutbeck- Battle 1 v Kendal. Toddler, br. f. 4. by Sir John Johnson-- Dam cress, by Ogden. Top Coat. blk. u. 3. I.v Pair Shoot — Rairlnn. by Plaudit. Itlthaa Thtilc. b h, .".. by Ill iiiius— Bnbia Or.iinla. by .reenan. Iniversal. b. e, 3. by Sweep — Cold Ten. by Ooblcre-l. Vaacoaver, b. :. I. by Ogdea Lady Alberta, by Alts it. •Vindictive, ch. c, 4. by St. Victrix — La Bosalie, by Iml Baha. W. W Ilastiir.--. ch. g. 3. by Harridan Koval Lady, by Royal Flu-h III. •War Marvel, ch. e, 4. by Spanish Prime— My Daily, by Sundridge. W. Ward. ch. c, 1. by Baabridge Wasti. by Vool-lhol|ie. Water Warbler, b. m. 7. by Waterbo.v - Solilo.piy. by Midlothian. Vorkville. b. g. 10. by York-hire Lad Su-ie Bush, by Onondaga. •Imported.