untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-05


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NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER YESTERDAY S "BEST BET" WAS SCRATCHED. DANCING SPRAY ....8-1 WON WAS MONDAYS "BEST BET" HARVEST KING 6-1 WON WAS OUR NEW YEARS DAY "BEST BET" that we advertised would go in the sixth race and should be 5 to 1 or BETTER. ::this sure is making good:: YESTERDAY S SHEET ALSO GAVE LITTLE PATSY .... 9-2 WON ANGON ••.. 2-1 WON SEA SINNER 12-5 WON OVER 50 PER CENT WINNERS ON OUR "BEST BETS" since New Orleans opened. And all it costs is 50c — DAILY — 50c CANT BE BEAT AT ANY PRICE. For sale at all news-stands and office. MAILED DIRECT, 1 WEEK, . National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, Illinois SEA SINNER 12-5, Won Was Yesterdays Form Special WEDNESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: October-Orange -61 -42-40-44. New Book Out Today .containing code to above specials. You not only get a Free Special every day. but the best line on the horses that you can get at any price. Its the only publication of its kind in the West that has had the same editor since its first issue. We only publish the one book. Others publish ratings and give reports and claim each one is the best. Going some. Get the OLD. RELIABLE STANDARD and you have the best. For sale at all news-stands. 35c per copy. Good for one week. The Standard Turf Guide Room 403-22 West Quincy Street Chicago. 111. FOURTEEN WINNERS. two seconds. 3 thirds, eight losers w ,i out of last twenty-seven starters. MWIaA TWO LIVE ONES EACH WEEK BY |»*wH MAIL. Will mail you two going Li JANUARY 10 FOR . Laaf *fand See latest THOROUGHBRED, on sale CW today. 35 cents, for our HalaaaaT-J GUARANTEE. TODAYS BEST: Ship-South-Run-The-Tar-Row. American Thoroughbred. Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. THE WINNING POST Yesterdays free code won: Sea Sinner 2-1 TODAYS FREE CODE: Desoto -Horses -All -Bookie -Best, 15 Cents Per Copy. Per Year. THE WINNING POST 101 West Forty-first Street New York City SUPERIOR RATING FORM 25c Daily. Mailed 2 Weeks . 1 Month SUPERIOR PUB. CO. 333 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago 111. SATURDAYS NEW ORLEANS BEST Tippity Witchet 13-5, Won FRIDAYS NEW ORLEANS BEST ST. ISIDORE 15-1, WON TODAYS One Best a;rain comes from the same excellent source and cur Ciocker says get down strong on this one. Only 25c and is for sale at all news-stands. AGENTS Cincinnati. 0. — All leading news-stands. Dayton. 0. — Euphrat. 129 S. Jefferson St. Indianapolis, Ind. — Moeslein, 112 Illinois St. St. Louis. Mo. — Wm. Laser. Lobby, 705 Market St. »St. Louis. Mo. — Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. Louisville. Ky. — Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. And all other intermediate cities. M. M. LEACH Exile C. E. MICKELWAIT | Pedigree Authority Managing Director Lexington, Ky. New York City. AMERICAN BLOOD STOCK AGENCY orr s|tuii l«iits In I : nu. la ml, Ireland, France, Australia, Argentine Kewultlie, etc*. All Transactions on a Commission Basis, nrniPDCCO incluuinand »se, color, ftJT r t U I b n t to SSSL attain,nents: JT 0 Sound Matings Selected, 0. Ail Data in Connection with Illood Stock l-iiriiiMlie l. LEXINGTON, KY. NEW YORK CITY POLYTHIA 4-1 2nd beaten by a neck. y. « STERLING 2-1 3rd f tfr~and beater; two heads fflflrejRa last Saturday:. X Specials. Send T3wM ,01 tw0 andoin6 Saturday. January 8. yj*P/ We GUARANTEE ONE WINNER. NP See latest REPORTER, on sale to day, all news-stands. 35 cents. TODAYS SPECIAL: Do - Thursday - Was - Can - Run - Wa s . THE TURF REPORTER, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago 517 Temple Court Bldg. Chicago. 111. DAY LILLY 8-1 WON DANCING SPRAY 8-1 WON Were picked to win on Mondays sheet Get Todays — 50c or Mailed Overnight SUBSCRIBE for DAILY RACING ruUM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010501/drf1921010501_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1921010501_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800