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FINE FAIR GROUNDS RACING n a =s Parader Takes the Feature Under Wise Waiting Tactics. i • ■» Johnny Dundees Namesake Wins for Him — Midia First at a Long Price. - ■ i -t BY .1. L. Deanaeey. Ni:W lUI. KANS. La., January 10 The agile handicap, for three-year-olds, with ■ ,300 parse given, enabled S. A. lloptem ti score hi- first victory of the i n-» — ■ n t meeting when Parade! . going in vastly taweved fane over his Batardays race, won from Paatoehe, with Petrarch ia third place. Restraining tactics was aned aa Parader this ■fluaaaa aad it ptebaMy contributed to his iiaictas. for he held Paatoehe safe ta the hart quarter sprint. There urns little to choose in ■ betting way between Paatoehe, White st;ir. Parader and Petrarch, the ejaaihlli coating ia for aa aaaal aaitaat at support. There was i bad mix-ea aa the la-t nun in which Petrarch was ■ sufferer, for he was knocked hack from ■ r.eateadlag position t- laal place. This was primarily dae to faulty jndgaaeat of liis rider. Another to suffer at this time was White Star, on which Widn had the laiaat. raiadtr was benefited from the mix-up and rushed into a 1 ng had wliich Paatoehe was unable to itvcriorae. despite Lykea strenuous endeavor. Petrarch might have heatca the leader had he had a dear coarse, for he came like a racket in the stretch and overhauled White Stalin the last stride for third place. An unusually large Monday throng witnessed the racing despite chilly weather. la the crowd were many newcomers to tbeae parts and included visi-lan Itom Now York. Montreal. Kentucky and Missouri. Qaad s|iort was the order, despite ordinary and unwieldy fields starting in most ..f the dashes. The race for two-year-olds found .lohnny Dundee, named after his owner, much the heal and he scurried home a good margin in front of Adventure, with Teddy IS. heading the Other*, Johnny Dundee was a pronounced favorite. .1. M. Oa«de added another purse to his score with his Kiabe, hacked by liis Kentucky connections, hut site just managed to ontatay Hanover The latter was lest. hut the diuiinm iv e McDei -■Matt vvas not equal to the oceaaiea. Midian. one of the extreme outsiders, accounted for the third race alter a spirited duel with Lays and Old Sinner, with those regarded with the meet favor finishing far in the rear. The mile am! seventy yards parse, serving as a ■i foedarr feature for the afteraooa, brought about the near defeat of Captain Hershler. regarded aa the betting proposition of the aftern l. His ■tarsia was only a aeeh better than Baapdragaa IT.. aad but for the latter being allowed to race too far back tor the firai half he weald hae reversed the decision. V delegation from Lexiagtoa arriving this ih»it-ing included H. Sewell Coombs, .lohn C. Oallaher. Kramis Douglas, Praafc Hadsaa. .1. T. Loeeey ami Oerar West. They will remain f r soaae time. T. .1. Pemlergn-t. whose horses are beiag raced here in rharge of I.. Paha, aras an arrival today from Kansas City, Mo., and will be here until the close of raring-. Jockey Connelly was this morning granted a license to t ide and will begla accepting mounts. Mia John has taken Murray and Noenah to Carthage, Mo . where the will be turned out until Summer. After an extended skirmish between attorneys repre seating the lewdness Mens Raciag Association and District Attorney Itarr. Judge llumphre.vs set the trial of the directors ..f the Basiness Ileas Racing Association for next Friday. The Business Mens Badag Association attorneys asked for a two weeks delay t« gel eb-nly with their case, while District Attorney Mart- was insistent that the trial be held this aieraiag.