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i • I Chief Observer!, 35 CENTS PER COPY For Sale at All News-stands Everywhere MAILED TEN WEEKS CHIEf OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY | TODAYS FREE CODES: J HAVANA: FLORIDA-16-3-25. NEW ORLEANS: FLORIDA-10-23-3. * SATURDAY S ADVERTISED 0 FREE SPECIAL , GENERAL HAIG ....8-1 WON The CHIEF surely made good in sensational style 1 when he slammed over this juicy melon. TODAY BIG LONG SHOT Under no consideration fail to set this one. as the CHIEF says he has the 0. K. to go the limit on this one today. For this special go to your newsdealer and ask for the Chief Observers Daily Track Letter Only 50c and is lor sale at all news-stands everywhere. AGENTS Cincinnati. 0. — All news-stands. Louisville. Kv.— Eiler and Goodm.-.n. 227 4th Ave. St. Louis. Mo. — Wm. Laser. Lobby, 705 Market St. AND ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES : t , , 1 STABLE BOY This information is wired down to us direct from the Fair Grounds track by a Stable Boy. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 50c DAILY. THURSDAYS ADVERTISED ONE BEST: TOM McTAGGART . . .6-1 WON We advised everyone to go to him to win only ONE BEST TODAY Should not be missed by no means as our man is very confident in puttng- this one across. He has not overlooked any move that this one has made. EXTRA SPECIAL Has a world of speed and has been placed in the proper spot. STABLE TIP is worth a good play STABLE BOY 501 South Dearborn Street Chicago. Illinois 1 l 1 i t National 0. K. Racing Letter PETRARCH 6-1 3RD was yesterday s " BEST BET." SATURDAYS SHEET GAVE THREE WINNERS OUT OF SIX RACES. IF YOU WANT TO GET NEXT TO THE LIVE ONES • GET TODAYS SHEET 50c — At All News-stands — 50c MAILED DIRECT ONE WEEK ;83 National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, Illinois v k „ e k | s JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS I Only Give One Special a Day. SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY. TODAY My one-horso special is a horse that has been kept away from the publics eye. They have been giving this one secret work-outs. I was fortunate in getting in on all of these work-outs. All I can say about this or.e is that it will take a mighty good horse to beat him. Sheet mailed overnight in plain sealed envelope. Received first mail in morning. a week. JACK FIELD Room 701. 501 South Dearborn St.. Chicago. Ill a b I !e •t . . KIMPALONG 8-1 WON MAB 3-1 3rd WERE YESTERDAYS DAILIES, Trrrns for this service is FOR SIX DAYS. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March- Pear-10-22-33- 33. The Standard Turf Guide ■ Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. | J * , 1 THE American Racing Manual for 1921 is now in course of preparation and will be ready for distribution about January 15, 1921. Orders for it may be filed now, to be filled when issued. THE 1921 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their application charts is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nim S. Hand, an expert of the first class, who recently died in California. THE 1921 MANUAL contains engraved diagrams of thirty-two leading American race courses, with their locations, capacities, chutes, stand."., widths of tracks and Jengths of stretches in detail. PRICES BY MAIL: LEATHER BOUND .60 PAPER BOUND 1.10 PRICES AT OFFICE: LEATHER BOUND .60 PAPER BOUND 1.00 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. The Chief dockers DAILY SPECIALS We Give 2 or 3 Good Things a Day SOLD ON ALL PRINCIPAL STANDS— 50c DAILY SATURDAYS ONE BEST WON Fridays Advertised XXX Special: ROLO 9-2 WON TODAYS ONE BEST Clocker Lawrence knows that there will be no fooling with this one today. Everything is set tor this race and it looks like taking candy from a baby. •CLOCKERS" SPECIAL will surprise all those skeptics, as this one is due to win this race. Ask your newsdealer for THE CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS, only 50 cents. XXX OCCASIONAL TODAY If you want to win a nice bankroll get this OCCASIONAL and go to it on the nose. ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKERS OCCASIONAL. ONLY . Mailed, one week: two weeks. CHIEF CLOCKER 501 South Dearborn Street Chicago. Illinois FULL PRICE Will Be Paid for MAY and JUNE, 1920, Monthly Form Books IN GOOD CONDITION ADDRESS DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. TURF LIGHT Weekly Racing Paper All Cities— 15 Cents — All Stands Gives Its Readers a Free Code TURF LIGHT CODE: Seven - Twelve -Twelve-Integrity-New Orleans BUY TURF LIGHT TODAY All Stands Dealers Write 517 TEMPLE COURT BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. SATURDAYS TWO BOTH WON. Mondays One Best Won. Long Shot Special Lost. GET TODAY S, 50 CENTS. Its Direct Track Informaton. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING OO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. Y.