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SMALL RIDER BADLY HURT • — ♦ -j Injury Received by S. Mitchell in a Fall May Prove Fatal. » — •■■■ a ag Columbia Tenn Wins Again in Fast Time — Two New Orleans Owners Capture Races. ■ f- 4 t ii BY .1. L. DITMPSF.Y. NFW ORLEANS, La.. January IS.— The first •eriou- racing accide-nt for this year develope-d • with the running of the fourth rac when joekev jS. Mitchell. riding Crouuel-Swell. fell heavily ; and is said to have sustained a bad fracture. j which may terminate fatally. He was unconscious when rushed with all speed to a local hospital. ; whore it is hoped to save him hy an operation. The- youngster, who hails from Calgary. Alberta. anada. is slightly under -. ve-nte-en years old and j uneler c -on tract to B, R. Bradley. At first it was tkoagkt that the riders injury was superficial and I that beyond a shaking up and being unconscious j for a brief period, he would show no ill effects. hut a minute examination in the tracks teinieorary ; hospital hy the track physicians disclosed the gravity or the yaaagaser*a injury and he was at "in C l usheil to the hospital. ; The incident pal a damper on the sport, which .Otherwise would have- be regarded as leoide-ring on the- seaahttaaal order, for finishes were of the hardest fought kind and the- contender in compact •groups. A handicap at three- [iiarter- of a mile served a- the eatare and. in addition to the 500 purse, i handsome- euii w. nt to the winner. The j latter was donated by a lumber company of Boga - ! lusa. La. Columbia Tenn. under improved riding from that which he roe-eiveil in his last race, prove-d an easy winmr of the raw from Fltra Cold, with Tableau dHonneur in third place-. The appearance in the- : r.-ie-e of Patted Verde, making his initial apgearaaee since- his triumph in the B.i-hfi rcl Manor Stakes last ! spring at I/ uisille. held much interest. The- colt raced prominently for a half mill-, then retired as ii short. In addition to the- fall in the fourth race-, which was won by Oree-n Cold from Jock Scot and Marie Mavfca, it brought activity oil the part of the flalaurn and three of tile starters changed owner ship. Greea Gold wen; to ihe Hartaaal stable far 92.500. A like price was paid for Taaaccd by Mrs. It. J. Cilmore and Marie Maxim was taken by It. II. Harvey, who lost Greea Cold, the claiming price in thi- hiatanee being .ddk. One- of the- surpti-.- of the afternoon came with On- victory of David Craig fg in Ile-nty and Neini-m-e-. Since- starting in the Tg lilt e-ndurance test David Craig has la-en given up as of no farther us.- for racing pargaaea, as it was tkoagkt that the grinding trial he was subjected lo had thoroughh Impaired hi- apeed. He ran a tine- race-, taking the lead after going a half mile anil outuaming PJeiity in the final drive-. Local owners were in the limelight during the afternoon, the two ope-ning pane* going to tln-ir ace-ount. Their success began in the- twc.-year-old ilash. in which Star Time-, a former eloubl.- wlnne-r. again skewed his heels to his followers thi- time including the first time starter Miss Finn, earrying J. C. Milams colors. The- latter, on the- strength of a thre-e-e-ighths work-out in feB%, was made the favorite and akaorked the attention of the backers, but she always was in Ihe- wake- of Star Time. which won easily. Little- Patsy haded thifd by virtue- of tin- listless riding Williams gave War . Belief. I Iiiulieo. another loc-aly owni-d horse, scored in the mile dash bringing out a band of three--ye-ai -old-. ! lie- was much the be-st. for he ran wide- on all the ; turns .-md covered at least fifty yards more- ground than the- others, but won e-asjly. Toss Fp landing in second place and timer K. heading the others. For refusing to deliver the horse Chesty, claimed : out of the se-venth race January 14 by I.. Re-sege-t. ; owner O. J. Poach and the- horse Chesty were today raled off the turf by the stewards. lackey Bahta was suspended for six days by the -tatter for di-olieclieiice at the- post in the fifth race-. J. M. Murphy, we-11-known breeder and former owner of the Walelcck Stud, near Louisville, was among todays arrivals.