Second Race [Second Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-19

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I I I : 1 j I I | | . ; ■ : ; : ; I 1 ■ 1 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 9, 1918—1:11 1-5—6—116. ANNA GALLUP, b. g. 4 101 By Ogden— Oriental Queen, by Graenaa. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner, Ogden Stable. 62375 F.Gnda 8-4 l:18%Caat 7 M 1 I I U - i--- T .larvis 12 Alolackll.. Jock Scot LouiaeV 61986 Jefsou 3-4 l:16%hvy 13-5 166 2 a I *| 1" H Kinf,- 13 Marmite. Winuecoune Oak.Belle 51824 Jer son 3-4 l:19%urad 4 164 t; fell" l«i J Roberta 16 Lonely, L.Mildred Cobnlt Lass 5177.S Jefson 3-4 l:16%good 4 103 4 1 2 2] iL .1 Roberts 12 Yaphaak, Big Idea Iiurcoyne 61486 Churchl 7-6 l:36%laat 22 101 14 U 13 12 13s 13*« C F.uel 15 Grnd-8well, Serbian W Flower 51000 Latonia 1 1-1G l:46%fast 7 161 S 8 S rt ? 7" C Buel 9 Friz. Ifarry B Simonite 60668 Latonia 3-4 1-J3%faat 7-5 V. 0 11 10 9 71 6* C Iluel 12 Buhy Pyx Military G:rl 506.S0 Lntonia 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 97 11 10 8 3" 6* C Huel 12 AlchPlofr, SoUeelar, Sec.CoUSln RAINBOW GIRL. ch. m. 5 108 1. Ballot— Lychee Nut, by Sir Modred. Trainer. J. McNamara. Owner, R. A. Leigh. : il.i i -1 !:i:.--,fast 13-6 108 I ! 4 ."• l .1 j hPn*yl2 Ina Kay Carlhae s I . 62153 Jer son 3-4 l:14%faat 18-5 M! i l i l| ll J J Mneyll laaKay. BackBay HyBnraorne 52114 Jefson 6i f l:07%faat 5 M i 2 1 1 1 1 C Pouee 12 Ina Kay. Vansvivia Carllne 8 61824 Jefson 3-4 l:16%mud 6 11" 1 1 2 7J 9" C Ponce 10 Anna Gallup, Lonelv *L Mildred 51523 Jefson 5i f l:08V?fast 41 167 1 13 1" 1« C Ponce 10 Potiltnev. J.Thutnmel BackBar 49768 B.Grasn 3-4 l:14%slow 9-5 108 i F Wilson I RapklStride, L.Iu PorteDntWu 16621 L.Col.Fair 3-4 l:132ifast 7-10 106 1 W Meehan 5 SelmaG., Betsinda. Starlike INA KAY. ch. m. 9 108 By Nasturtium— Subdue, by Star Ruby Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. C. N. Freeman. taMF.G-Dda :;-l 1:i:;-,f,st 4L N6 2 :: I ] ■ 1CTonce « ici.ow cirl. CarlUeS,, J. QoebH ...1.... Jet son 3-4 1:14%fa»t u H7I ! I :, 2« 2 i C Ponce 11 Rain. Girl, I.kliar H.Burgoyne 52114 Jefson H t l:67%faat 7-6 113 2 1 2 2» 2 i T Jarvis 12 RTwwGlrl. Vansvivia CarliueS E1620Jeraon 3-4 1:15 pood 2-5 164 2 I 1 1« 1* C Ponce 8 Rv Heck. Illaa Kruter Salute 51532 Jefson 5Jfl:07%fast 4 163 2 1 1 1«| 1* c Pence 11 Winneeonne. Galwav A Plotter 50991 Laurel 3-4 l:14%fast 43-10 184 l 13 3 1*1 F C*ItBetti 10 Ktiuh, Lloyd George: Genaral 50524 II.deGce 6| t l:06%fast M M8 1 4 3 3J 3i F CMtiletti 7 T.I.eluianlL, W.SIack, M.Feaat VANSYLVIA, br. m. 5 103 By Ivan tha Terrible— Sylvia Dunbar, by Oninl Trainer, F. Tennant. Owner, P. Reuter. 52364 F.Gnda 8-4 l:13%faat 10 hd :: c. a 7-ir-f, McDottl2 Inn Kay. Rbow Girl CarltoeS 52114 Jefson 6jt f l:07:;-,fast 7 M6 5 3 I 4 I* j J MneylJ BafalboarGirL InaKav Carline.s 68667 Jefson 6| f l :08«iffoc.I 9-5 »« 9 3 1 V ll J J aTneylO JtleeGoebel. Generai I AeuaBosa 51SS5 Jefson 3-4 1:16 last 4 1*4 .". 3 2 Z 4" J J Mney 8 KstieaCub, Rnrgoyne* O Sinner 61776 Jefson 8-4 l:15%good 12 l«i2; 2 1 v- VI J J Mney 8 Nebraska. K.Jane. Amackassin 66818 Kwrth 6a t l:W%fast 14f MS 5.12 V 2» F. Harbne 12 Sedan, Lonelv Huntress 66684 KWrth 51 f 1:07 fast 2t Mi 4 6 5 6J 9 R C.regorylO Karnest. Sedan. Huntress KULTUR, br. g, 7 113 By Burgomaster— Whimsical, by Orlando. Trainer, E. C. Crockett. Owner, W. Watson. 45886 Jefson EJ f l:ll%hry 10 lis 5 I 4 5* 5 » J JVIooney 6 Langden. Wtersmeet. S.ibretash 45843 F.Gnda 3-4 LlW.hvy 46 110 7 5 S 8* 73 F Bryson 12 leneral. Wall Street Korfhage 45634 P.Gnds 3-4 l:20%hvy 16 U8 7 6 7 7= 6«M Mooney 10 G.Whington, D.Zub B Through 45022 F.Gnds 3-4 l:19%mud 30 MO 2 5 3 5»t 7IU J Mooney 10 Bonstelle. Hadrian General 46589 F.Gda 3-4 1:16 hvy 25 ill I 2 2 9* 9" J Pitz 12 Ettahe. Cacambo. Mabel Trask KIRAH. ch. f. 4 109 By Astronomer— Mary Greenwood, by Falsetto. Trainer. A. Zimmer. Owner, M. E. Dwyer. 62331 3-4 l:19%hvy 12 111 2 11 U P»C Robson 18 ThdyXighter. Ti kstar S Kellr 52153 Jefson 2-4 1 :14%fast 15 66 2 lo 10 In* 10" T Jarvis 11 RabowGui Ina Kit Back B-ir 52094 Jefson 3-4 1:15 .slow 4: M6 11 12 II II* 10»« T Jarvis 13 M. Maxim. PlainBill Trackstar 51200 Laurel I 1 : l3%gOod 15 K4 1 4 4 I 11- 10»J T Jarvla 12 Verity. UistressPoHy Arbitrator 61248 Laurel 3-4 l:14%fast 4 98 6 111 2 T Jarvis 13 AaOHBapu, 1 icklcFancv KnJana 51084 Laurel 3-4 Lllfast 5 97 2 3 4 3s 3* T Jarvis 11 Phantom Fair. Jock Scot. Donado COBALT LASS. b. m. 6 108 By King Cobalt— Lady Rosalie, by Handanriiur. Trainer. J. Randolph. Owner, A. Paletare. .—u»jp**nu. 52272 F.Gnda 3-4 1:15 good M 101 7 7 7 6*6* L htcAtee 13 H.Buraoyae Blaise ThotVpet 62153 J.fson ::-! 12 MS 7 6 6 5J 5! F c.tihttill RnbowGirl. Ina Kav Hack Hiv 61866 Jefson 3-4 1 :lfi*f,hvy 7 111 7 6 0 € 6*1 8 McGraw IS A.Gallup, Marmite" Winneeonne 51824 JeC aon 3-4 l:19%aaud 45 11210 9 9 5 4 J H Burke 16 Anna Gallop, Lonely L Mildred 51737 Jefson 8-4 l:17%hvy i no s 5 3 6J 5* s McGraw 8 BackBay. Opportunity Pullaz 51783 Jer aon 8-4 l:17%a Ud 13 113 6 0 5 4i ;: S McGraw T Resist. Opportunity. Lancelot P0ULTNEY, br. h, 5 113 By Bryn Mavr— Galgrli, by St. Oris. Trainer, D. Womeldorff. Owner, Snyder and Holmes. 52231 F.Gnds 3-4 l:19%hvy E Hon S 7 U» Dt** H Lunsfd 13 Kirah. Tlidav.Nighter Traekatai 52009 Jefson :;-4 1:17 ljvy 31 115 I 4 4 V 8«1 J Burke 8 II.Burg. vne. Vdl.Weat Tarascou 51795 Jefson 5i f 16%mud 6 116 6 6 8 3s 3*| J H Burke 10 General. Lonelv Miss Kruter 51741 Jefson 1 1 :44--.hvy 2 M0 4 3 2 2 V 4»J T Jarvis 7 Nebraska. Prunes Lieut Perkins 51707 Jefson 1 l:447r.m.jd 3 111 3 1 2 2 Zl 6*i J H Burke 9 R. Stride. Prunes Guv Fortune 51674 Jefson 55 f 1:09 mud 5 112 4 3 2 21 ? J H Burke 9 Lancelot Approval, Cobalt Luss DONNA ROMA, br. f, 4 101 By Light Brigade— Oxeye, by Hastings. Trainer, G. H. Keene. Owner, Waldeck Stable. 62232 F.Gnda 8-4 l:18%hvy 12 l«7 2 l ! 9* 11 " G stone IS Itanoyae. Kealah Mickey Maora 51369 Churchl 3-4 l:14%good 13 RM 7 6 I 91 9«» J McCoy 13 Blajae, Cnrrtncy, Gloria Prance 50838 Latonia 3-4 1:1 4%f ant 7 109 2 111] n G Stone 12 Doctor Jim, Simonite Jake Kohl 66921 Devre 8-4 l:17%hvy 11-5 164 5 6 4 31. 2* G Stone 11 B.Brmel IL. Gorhum Simonite 19X49 Lcvre 3-4 1 :137ifast 43-10 1o7 4 2 5 6| KG Stone 11 MkWeat, PMBsyBtsotn, .Murray TARASC0N. ch. h. 5 111 By Magellan— Tartine II., by Tarquin. Trainer, S. A. Clopton. Owner, S. A. Clopton. 52232 F.Gnda 3-4 1:1. -hvy lo 199 3 6 E ** 8M F Bryaoal3 Burgoyae. Keaiah Mickey Moure 52139 JeTson 1 3-16 2:02%fast 30 ins 12 14 9*111" E Moore 12 spectacular Giri Togs, latec f 2009 Jefson 3 11:17 hvy 11-5 115 6 6 0 5» l«! F Cltiletti 9 H.Burgoyne. Val West "poultnev 5188". Jefson 3-4 1:16 fast 7 112 7 7 7 75 C" F Cltltatti 8 KatiesCnb, Rnrgoyne O Sinner 51844 Jefson 3-4 l:18%hvy 0 112 1 4 4" fi»5 V CltllettllO DonbleVan. Optunlty Or "nlx.ll £1362 Pimlico 1 l:48%faat 26 1-S 8 4 I I 6s 6*1 L. Morris 10 Nightstick. Albert A. V McGee 51303 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%faat 13 117 4 5 5 3* 2 J A Johnson 1.". Aamckaan M.ivW Lit Muudia 51224 Laur.l 11-16 1:61 slop L0 112 2 2 3 3 4: 4 H Hamtn 8 S. Light III.. Starlclm. M.Polly OLD SINNER, b. c. 4 111 By Von Tromp— La Sinaloa, by Emperor of Norfolk. Trainer, C. Phillips. Owner, W. R. Tolmie. 52322 F.Gnda 3-4 l:14%fast 15 113 16 6 E ■": P A Richer* k IS Midian. Lays Valerie Wast 52694 Jefson :;-4-l:l.". slow.: til 8 3 I E* 4 •• A RlcacrkU M.Maxim, PUiaBUl Trackstar 51885 JeCson 3-4 1:15 fast 7 Ml I 6 I I 3 A Richcrk 8 KlrstlesCnb, Rnrgoyne Vsvlviu 51737 Jefson 3-4 l:17--hvy 15 110 2 I 6 C- 05 A Richcrk S BaekBav. Opportunity, Pulhix 51520 Bowie 65 f 1:22 fast 17f MS 4 4 3 2- |ak A RichcrkU Amackassin. Laughter Balarcrsa 11429 Bowie 6: f l:22Sf,fast 8 110 13 14 14 13 13 A Richer k 1. ". T. Portuguese. MavW., Amacku MICKEY MOORE, br. g, 4 111 By Ben Trovato— Africa, by Sarila. Trainer. C. Smith. Owner. C. Smith. 52322 F.Gnda 3-1 1 :1 4- 6 M6 7 16 11 llliiMI King 13 Midian. Lovs, Old Sinner 62232 F.Gnda 3-4 l:18%hvy 4. i"i t 5 :: q J*| c Ponce 18 Burgoyne, Keaiah. Valerie Went ■•-"* • ,r»°n 3-41:15 slow 10 114 4 2 2 25 6" J Rod gezl3 M.Maxim, PlainBIU, Trackstar 47845 Latonia 3-4 30 109 4 6 7 95 10" G Stark 12 Brig of War. W Garden Mil Girl 47169 Churchl 3-4 1 :10,mud 11-10 110 6 5 6 6 ol G Stack 12 F.Wshinan KrnkW M Mxim 46918 Lex-ton 3 1 l:15hvy 11 H» 1 2 3 4» 4» G Stack 5 Kinnoul. On Watch. Regalo MAGIKON. ch. h. 9 M 116 By Marathon— Sorrel Top, by Henr.ence. Trainer, R. Williams. Owner. J. L. Pontius. 52272 F.Gnda 3-4 1:15 good 160 ills 41 |] ; , v Wright IS B. Burgoyae Blaise Tvers Put 49639 Windsor 3-4 l:12%fast 34f 110 6 8 S 9 10»J W Wright 12 M. the Time Pullux Pon Bras »063 Kwrth 3-41:U%faat Ul 11: 11 11 11 io« 6«1 W Wright 12 VlveMeGee. Runny ven KlMaiidi 4,12. churcil 3-4 1:14 fast 1".:; no s 7 |] r?j q MolesthlO Converse. Sqneeler Blaiae 46086 Jefson 6-8 l*6%faat 30 112 M li ]_• n« 12" G Molesthlt Toe the Mark Stepson Tattle 12754 Latonia ::4 1:14 fast 24f 11,10 9 9 75 1*% G Molestblj Mint at Stevenson Serv Flue 11874 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15%mud 4 M7 2 3 3 35 2 W Wright 10 Guv. Alf Venfaw Revolution 41682 Oaklwn 3-4 1:15 faPt 10 lis 2 8 9 6* - i Molesth 9 Plenrv. BnyoanantT VetuacR 39983 Church I 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 29 114 6 6 9 9 8j 8" G MolesthlO Glasstoi. H.BnMVogel, Exhortcr PLAIN BILL. b. g. 4 111 By Ivan the Terrible— Nantura, by St. Simonlan II. Trainer, J. M. Brown. Owner. Hickey Bros.. 62094 Jefeen 3-4 1:15 slow 36 IH I I 1 I !• c Ponce IS M.Maim. Trackstar. O.Sinn.-r 51796 Jef aon f 1 49%iuad 13 Ms 7 4 7 6 « 8" H King 10 Geueral. Lonely. Ioultnev 517.4 J. f. son ::-» 1:1s livy 26 167 6 6 7 7- 7 * J J hf*ney 18 D.Chell, M. Kruter B Bmel II 51693 Jefferson 51 f 1:16 hvy 15 MO I 6 i 4 4JJ J T"nrr ft TTagnwii. IT .nun 11. U.U1L ,1 it 61369 Churchl 3-4 1 :14%good 171 108 I 9 lo M1 M5 K Smith 13 Bi.-iis,. Carrency Gloria Frame Chagrin Ab5-8 l:«l%good i 107 ;," IC Smith 7 MKuretta, ll.Wiildo S W.iemt 50839 Chasrrin Ab5-8 1 :«3%aloW 3 IN 2 J Shilling 8 Mis-Wght. H.Valley, R.L.Owen REPEATER, ch. g. 4 111 By Ballot— Sweet Lavender, by Goldfinch. Trainer. E. Trotter. Owner, Flonsant Stable. 293F.GfMta Mill fat n 10T-8W - 9 9 • ■] II Lun-f l 12 MarleMaxuu. HicLJewel IkScol i: • "" " t:l«%faat SU 112 V 6 7 9 f% k l.m, sf.i 11 Lt. Perkins, HdenJewel Murray 19319 Bar toga 1 l:42%aiop 4. MM ill 1 1* ll M Garner 6 Great* : nil. F. Water- K Verinnt 4"2M s-irtoga 1 l:3S%faat M M8 14 4 8 10 W* 10 « 3d Oarner 12 reuofta Boa. Ro. Robin Mat Idol 47874 Latonia. 11-16 1:41 fast 17-5 112 2 3 1 1 1- ll M Gamer 12 SlrJ.VeTgne Caflage Lt Pklns 47490 Churchl 1 1-16 1:48 fast M Ms 5 2 2 2 4 8" M Garner 10 Inquirr, Cortland, Jim Hastings 47146 Church! 1 1-16 1 :52%mud 31 116 2 2 7 6 6" 6*» -M Garner 7 L.Mouutjoy. J.nastings. Convoy LIBERATOR, ch. g, 9 U3 By Planudes— Countess Irma, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, R. Venters. Owner, H. King. . 62134 Jef aon 3-4 l:16%faat 6, IIS 1 3 15 6*1 K Eh Ith 13 LLgfellow. Salute, M C.gham 63637 Jef aon 2-4 1 :14s5fast 20 1M 2 4 7 85 8" E Smith 11 Approval. Rack But, Pullux 61964 Jefson 5: f l:"7*f,fast M0 115 Left at the post. E Smith 13 J.Geebcl T Portuguese CliucS 63237 Mt-Sterrg 5-8 l:03%faat - 6 7 Kcvlla. Marty Lou MabelTraak "«J0ak:wn -ffat « 1«9 9 5 4 8| 8«1 H Troxlcr 12 HTtrickland7jak.fAroirk U878U«klwa 6ifl88M«S» 13 IL b 7 I lii 6*| It Troxlcr 11 Hairy D., B.WMlSlan, S.-arpiall. SABRETASH. b. f, 6 113 By Duke of Ormonde — Reticella, by Haywood. I Trainer. W. Lewis. Owner. J. OByrne. E2SB5 F.Gnda 3-4 40 MB 12 M W 7| 7-1 J J Mney 13 H.Durtoyne. Rtfim, CtieLaea 62232 F.Gnds 3-4 l:18*shvy 10 M * 10 10 M9 7:i A Collins 13 Bnrgoyne. Keziah, Mickey Miiri 52114 Jefson 51 f 1 fast 15 110 4 7 7 51 « A Collins 12 RainbowGirl, InaKay, Vansylvia f.0794 Kwrth 61 f 1:07 fast 14 110 6 7 9 10 10" Q Walls 10 Earnest, Sedan. Huntress 60713 Kwrth C-4 l:isy5fast 26 110 4 9 S 9 9«3 G Walls 12 Lonely. Sandy H.. Susan M. MM Wdbine 3-4 1:1G hvy 12-5f 108 2 5 4 2l 4= F Murphy 12 Iron Boy. Klniont. Ouieo

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Local Identifier: drf1921011901_3_3
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