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TIJUANA • — The horses winch s,.,.ni heal i. Pridays races s aii Tijuana. Mexico, January 20. 1921. I — Hi koryiint. Patsy Mack. Cominander. 2 — Huiiiinn. Frank Shannon. Itrown Bee. :t Manncheii. Chrome. P. Moody. 1 Lewis l ... t ul. Murphy. .-,— CA Al, AIMUK II., P.attle Mountain. An 1 drey K. li Diomed. Phedodcii. Sed.f;ras- 7 — Deckhand. Midia. John Jr. O. W. Schilling. Bfew York Handicap. 1 Phophecy. Utthe Sandy. Commander. Hick orynnt. 3 Dots, llumina Frank Shanien. ltiown Pee. S — Nashotah. Pretty Baby, P. Moody. Daisy N. t ol. MlirplM. K.sellis. Velvet. Lewis P,. .". CAN AH ADOIT! II.. Audrey K.. Little Prin- . i ■,* P.atlle Mcuntain. i; BedsegraMK. IMomed. Phedile.. Coractter. 7 Bees Win. Dl. Jose, ola Lee, Joh. Jr. ClilcaKo and iluflato Handicaps. 1 Litib- Sandy. V.ii Lady. lli.k..rynut. Treo wen. 3 Sky Pilot, Frank Shannon. Dds. Dandy Van. i. : Coion.l Matt. Manachen. liroine. I. Mood] i Ld.ib Tra.ter, Lewis it Mack Gamer, c l. .Murphy. .". t AVAl.t Aluili: II.. Liltle Princess. |,„, tan.. Pell.- Prevaricate. it Phedoilen. Niulisiiek. Joe lioclinan. BetsUSda. 7 J. Ini Jr. De. klnind. Bees WhSf, Midia. Observers Handicap. 1 -Hiokoryiiut. Lit lie Sandy Patsy Mack, Tie ou ell. 3 Frank Shannon, llumina. Sky Pilot. Tia.iali :; Chronic Manncheii. P Moody, Miss Parncll. I Lewi* p.. Vehet. labile Tranter. Col. Murph: :. AVAI.l ADOtH II.. Montana Belle, Audrey J K . Little Princess •i Phedoden. Dioosed. Nightstick. Joe Goodasa. • T — Deckhand. John Jr., Midia. Yukon. Consennns of Handicaps. 1 — Hickorynut. Littb- Sandy. Pbophecy. Patsy y Mack. 3 Hnnini.i. Dots, sky Pilot. Frank Shannon. :• Manncli.n. ieln lab. Colonel Malt. Chrome I .-lvei CI. Mnipli Tranter. Lewis || .". AVAI.l ADlH l; II . I.I 1 1 0 PrincvMH. M"iil.ina a It.lle. Andrei K r, -Phedoden Diomed. Kedgegraaa. Mghtatk-k. 7-Dcekhiiiid. Bees Winj, Jdui Jf Midia.