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, I I , 1 , , , , „ , j .. , . . S , e r THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 28, 1916—1:05 1-5—3—118. COLONEL MATT. b. g. 8 110 By Colin— Ormelia. Trainer, S. Polk. Owner. S. Polk. 52457 Tijuana "1 f 1 :0 slop llf 109 : 6 Kator 8 D.Paxilion. lastim.- II.M.Carly 39523 Cheyenne 5-8 l :02-.-.f;ist s 112 I : | .1 MclntrelO LaB.Brocade, NewOrilene, Mler ► Cheyenne 5-8 l:02%faat J M8 4*1 C Brown S- J.D.Bugg, Marmnde. TallowDip 0434 Cheyenne 3-4 l:15%faat :; 113 2- .1 M.-Intr 7 FiiarNht. Couidation, I.Monrg MANNCHEN, b. g. 7 110 By Olambala— Madchen, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. C. Whyte. Owner, C. Whyte. 52402 Tijuana ~- I 01 3-5 Ml 1»J B Mari 111 !» Lit. Jake. 1I.M arty. Kd I..- Van 52082 Tijuana • l 1 "7 Iasi 2 Ml V 0 Teorgin 11 Lol.idi.-i. V.Welles. Hgana Heir 50890 Kwrth 3-4 l:13%fast 13 112 2 1 .1 I1 s" .1 Grune 12 Sagamore, DoubleVan. Sen.Jaibea 50429 Dorval 1 1 -10 1 : Is -fast 7 ]"7 2 12 1 I . " I V Maralli 7 Ilish.I.ail. PletTOt, W-odtluush 59296 Dorval 1 1-16 1 :5i»-slow 12-5 109 4 1 2 5 6 6-1 H Myers 4 Pierrot. Antiphoa, Tricksterll. CHROME, ch. g, 4 107 By Sigurd — Queencup, by King Eaustus. Trainer. D. McAtee. Owner, D. McAtee. 52484 Tijuana ■ I 01 mud H Kl E Fat or 8 Ripoata. TIUol BddieTranter ; Tijuana 5-3 6 107 2" B Pator 12 Hat.McCarty. Lantern, i:Veiler 52062 Tijuana 6 f 1 :0s fast 23 Ml 8*| L Mills 11 Hoover. CaHiiiii. Clear 1 he Wav 51743 Tijuana 5-8 8 in •"- L Millis 11 v.-iv-t. Little ;ink, Loraga 61543 Tijuana 6-8 142 fast 1-2 Ml 913 I. Mills 11 Babylonn, BeeaWg, C.theWay 53421 Kwrth 5L f 1:07 fast 17f !••". 8 7 7 62 5T* ■ Harlim 12 Toombeola, Bandy H., IliliiShiy P. MOODY, b. g, 4 107 By Stanley Fay— Pecasta, by Peep oDay. Trainer. W. Walker. Owner, W. Walker. 52459 Tijuana 5J f i :09-.-.slop .".I b I rl B B*wer 7 Clear theWay, Ripoata, Ap.Ja.-k 62403 Tijuana 5-s l 561 107 S3 N Foil-n 0 GertrorieB., BinoBta, TlitiSeveu 515f,» Tijuana 5i f 1 :"9 -fast 8 5 ill lh C Duggmn 12 Chantress, Nashotah. T.P.Kavte 59918 Kwrth 61 f I4f lol 7 5 8 10 lo» J Grune 12 Sedan. Vaiisvlvia. Lonely r/1794 Kwrth 61 f 1*1 fast 20f 146 7 6 7 7 •»• C Duggan HI Calmest. Sedan. Huntress MISS PARNELL. ch. f. 4 110 By Seth— Lady Elizabeth, by OrsinL Trainer. G. Neal. Owner. G. Neal. 52423 Tijuana :.f l:"s 18-5 107 11»J H Rowi 11 MabelBule. BeeaWing, 8is.PoUy i2214 Tijrana 3-4 1:14 fast 6 MO 6»1 R Carter 8 Hilda, Velvet, Plunger 62171 Tijuana 1 22-5 Ml 47 B Mar. Hi S Zamloch. Audrev K., Delancey 52127 Tiiuana 3-4 l:ll!:-,fast 22 107 2*. B Mariclli !t John.Ir.. HisaSedalia, A. Jackson 52024 Tijuana. . f 1 ais fast 11 KK5 V W Perry !» Pvt.Pcat. BraiLMaggie, Plunget 51902 Tijuana 6] f 1 :07 r,fast 18 Ml P] W Perry ■ Milda. Bipeota, PerVO PRETTY BABY. ch. m, 6 113 By Sir John Johnson— Irish Girl II., by Roy. Eblem. Trainer, J. Hoskins. Owner, J. Hoskins, 52340 Tijuana 51 f l:09%good 24 M l1 J Class 11 Brmitana, C. Murphy, N.Witwer 52H02 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast i 112 6*1 JC Haywd 11 Hoorer, CalCiirn. Clear the Way E1442 Tijuana 3-4 l:15%faat I Ml 2*1 W Taylor 0 John Jr.. NellleWitwer, Moveoii 51584 Tijuana 6] f IM last I M 45 W Ilinphy • Bon Joae, Irish Maid, Tillotson 51515 Tijuana lro70y 1 :17.-,fast 14 112 S° A Martin I Marie C.iinell. Iteveler. UeyUo RUTLAND ARMS. b. g, 7 115 By Thrush— Luscinia, by St. Simon. Trainer. F. W. Ritsch. Owner. J. W. Tate. Tijuana 1 1 - 1 :5 1 ". l.i st 29 IK II" It Dority 11 Cork, Cur Maid. Honolulu 52339 Tijuana l i.4i"-,hvy 12 ill G Teorgin •"• Midia. Tom Gooae, Vir k 51063 Tijuana 1 I 8 l:" 13-10 HI 3 -•, G Yeorgln 8 Lit. Jink. LeDaaure, BabySiater 52004 Tijuana lrr.70y 1 :4.-Vif J-st 17 111 6« L Mills !» Coffield. Mister Mark, Miss Orb 51922 Tijuana 1 1:41 fast 5 106 l1 1. Mills 7 TlieCall.-inf. IlabyCal. AudreyK. NASHOTAH, ch. f. 4 110 By Meelick— Modena, by Armeath IE Trainer, J. Bishop. Owner, J. Loe and Bro.. 52314 Tijuana ImTOy 1:44 fast 33 10 110 3| C Gross 7 .1. David. Lewis p.. . L. Inooceoce 52211 Tijuana 1 l:42%faat 22-5 los la* • Cross 10 IriahDalay, Moun.Girl, T.Gallnt 52141 Tijuana bl f l:07%fast 37 112 4*1 E Haywd 10 Kipost.-i. Cover Pp. Irish Daisy 51842 Tijuana 3-4 l:14*ifast 7 Ml o P Chiavta !» Mm. Chandelier, Bcvelry James 51501 Tijuana 6] f 1 :0945fast 6 111 2| L Mills 12 P.Moody, Chtress, T.B.Favrite McCROAN. b. g. 5 105 By Modred — Leenja, by Hastings. Trainer, H. C. Smith. Owner, H. C. Smith. 51959 Tijuana .",-1 1 :1 1.-.Iast 9 10 115 11-"W Hinphyll I.ol.eli.-i. Harrigans Heir. Gila 51059 Tijuana 6-8 IM fast 95 112 f.-jc Tmpsonll Tillotson. Olive D.. SmilincMag. 59138 Reno 5. t l:0B%faat 6 111 «"- K Carter 7 AlincP... Lantern. C.A.Comiskev 4990S Reno 3-4 1:15 fast 43-10 114 l3 II Stuart 7 IMIarrigan, Hyndla. W.C.Dooly DAISY N.. ch. f, 4 110 By Deutschland — Laura E., by Ben Stroma. Trainer, E. Stowell. Owner, B. C. Sebum. Tijuana 5-8 1 :.::■ hvy 11 J"7 1] Rowfl 11 I.itlle Jake. J. I. Sii-_,. Viva Ll 17 Tijuana 51- f 1 :07 ".-."ast .".» Ml 8;IC Gross !» Vuk.m. Delancey. Cover l"p 521"0 Tiiuana 5-3 1:01 19 107 ■.- C Gross 11 I.le.lake. LBrigade, M.Franklin E24S3 Tijuana 6-3 141 fast ill fV Martlnesll Thir. Seven. BabyGirl, BwtToath nSM Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 72 110 3i P Martin-zll Keg, J. I. Sugg, liilly Joe MASTER FRANKLIN, blk. g. 9 110 By Modrid— Zirl, by Sain. Trainer, L. Anderson. Owner, L. Anderson. 52467 Tijuana 5£ f l:09%alop 27 1": «■• T Kind!.- 8 D.Fashion, lastim. -. H.MrCarty •Tijuana 5J f 1:0s -fast 27 IM 4s E Fator 12 C. the Wav. P. Direct, Hoselhs 52100 Tijuana 5-8 1:01-. fast 9f II" 4- B Fator 1 1 Little Jake, I. Brigade, Daisy N. 51959 Tijuana 3-4 PIP.vfast Bf 10S 71 E Fator 11 Lobelia. Harritrans Heir, t;ila 517ti2 Tijuana 5-8 19f 114 6! J Glass 11 Herder. Gertrude JJ., Tambian SWEET TOOTH, b. g. 5 115 By Sir Martin— Sugar, by Symington. Trainer, M. V. Black. Owner, St. Marks Stable. 52402 Tijuana 5-8 l:fll%fast 112f IM 7»J N Poden 0 Lit Jake. H.Mriarty, Bd L« Vaa 52333 Tijuana 5-8 143%hvy 9 IM o-1, B Mariellill DaiayN., Little Jake, J. It. Bugg £2127 Tijuana 3-4 1:11. -.last 67 115 B4| O Willis 0 JohaJr., MtmParaeil, M ffdulla 52413 Tijuana 6-8 1:42 fast is in 3*1 N l-od-n 11 TMr.Sereo, BabyOirl, Naslevatl 51896 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 25 110 78 W Ilinphy 11 Neg, J. D. Su-g, Daisy N.