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; I j i ! i ; ■ I ! I * I • • ■ j , j , . I j | , TURF HEALTH IS ASSURED o Jockey Club Stewards and Maryland Folks in Accord. o In Future the Four Chief Turf Bodies Will Fully Control Their Own Fields. NKW VoI:K. . V. February i; -The iloiids gra clearing awaj from the i-onclasions reached al Wednesdays Chiladelptafai conference between the -towards of the Jockej club and the member- of the Ifarylaad Kaeing Commission. Tin- Jockej Club -tew.ud- yielded to the em mi — ion on all reasonable points, a- the] should haw don". They were guided In Ihe eomi i sense of general business, applied a- common sen-.- always ahoald in applied to turf baaaness. Authority i- not geographical. Winn a properly authorized body to rule the turf of its locality i- In power it -iiouhi pass on ihe conduct ami standing of the item- over which it- authority j directed. There are broader items which age and care protect. Such is. he Stud Book and its regi-trat hm records. without which the lurf could UOt be properly operated. These are rightly within the New fork Jockey Clob*a hand- and -o win remain. So. with their iiece-saiy -u-1. lining fees. Ihe Jockey In!,. .Maryland Racing A— ociation. Kentucky Jockej lub and Canadian Baring ft Maria tion- are strong and healthy bodies, well able to rale their own fields. In future they will rule them. It is hoped that this rule will run. as ir probably will, through Ihe avenue of wis regulation- lo cover : il Hold* lor the health of the entire turf to be fully reeognlard and reciprocally applied. In future, therefore, licenses to trainers and owners, isnaed by the Jockey club Ifarylaad commission, Kentucky Jockey Club and Canadian Baring A— ociation- will be recognized In :;l the four turf bodies. These organiaatioaa will collect all license fees and I..- license- named will be fully recognised by each of the four organization-. So it will be witii color registrations and their fee-. At the conference, too, it waa arraaged that date- -hoiild not conflict except when absolutely necessary. Tin- working agreement, of cur-,., i- in thi rough, but a- time Mr. on it is to be hoped that il will be broadened. It would be a mighty good idea if the fear turf bodies would form a central committee, each with one member and a neutral chairman and Secretary for lie purpose of samothiag out difference- that may arise from time to time and to record all forfeits, penalities and general rulings. This amy all rami in time.