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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Saturday. February 5. 1921. — Sixty-third dag. Lower California Jockey club. Winter Meeting of 1l." or more days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing Starter, Harry Moniwiy. Racing Secretary. 1 n Wing. Racing Marts .it l ;.-. p. m. Chi-ago time 3:.~. l. 52790 Fir3t Race— 3 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 12. — 1917— 42-5— 2— 112. Purso 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eipiiv. Odds. lad. Horse Wt. Fin. Jockey! straight. 32dd7-Swiftcrlcket 110 1; P Martinez tUO-100 I .v;h«7 Crestwd Boy lit i". B Hayward 280-100 5S7B2xAshland T13 :;| B penny f S3M7*Captain GreetllO I] C Whlttgton 13W-10I 52702 Candorosa 1 10 B* B Taylor 160-104 Stiff Aleso no «. R McCrann 3710-108 Helen Major IIS 71 N Poden 5354-108 527*9 Rogon Jr 113 8s! L Gaagel 2810108 52421 Fiesta m H II Badke 1520-108 52742 K. Williama 187 M C Groan Ittt 188 tCoupled in betting as Nevada Slock Farm enliy. 82 arataela paid. Nevada stock Farm entry, si.lo Rtraight .40 place. B2.BS show: Creatarood Bog, .80 plaie. .00 sin a . Bqatraleat hoakiag odds — Nevada stock Farm entry, llo to 1«H» straight. LO to Iiki place. B0 to 100 -now; Crestnr 1 Bog, 40 to Km» place, IBB to 1 show. Time. 43. Track fast. Wlaaei Nei ida Stock I.nm"- ch. f, by Afhel bag II. Dora L. by Baglea Plume trained by W. S. Heath: bred by Nevada Stock Farm I. Went la post at 1:85. At post 3 minutes. Start j gaad and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched 58708 Lottie Laratoe, 110: 52067 Mis. Pal. lib. Overweight* Creata I Roy. 1 pound: Fiesta. 1. 52701 wivj. Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191G_ 1:051;,— 3_ 118 Purse 00. , 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight, j ." •- ««« Channant 105 r. p Martlnea io::c-ioo 52*47 John Lake MG Zj E Taylor SM !on . -iSI0 The Vamp M 3» C Cross 848 188 .VMi-il Joe Baldwin 108 4 I .1 Hantamer 8360-108 BS72B Hon. o Bine 108 5* W Taylor 1050-108 .- -»ltfi Jack Led! M8 P B MarlneUI J70-100 ." 2."»o:i Iicoi N2 7- .1 Cletneata tl4fi0-140 r l~, t. Irone 113 8] L Gaugol 268-100 525BS Dixie Mason |0 :•; I Powell 124S0-108 525BB Wise Judge in io x Poden SSStJ Miss Spears his ll*J C Wbittington 50140 Alajah 113 12 B Dontv 1438-180 vMntuel field. sl inutueis paid. Chanaaat. 2.48 xtraisht. 0.40 place, si;. so show; John Lake. BIBidB place, .00 shew: The Vamp. ST.-i •how. Bqoivaleal I king odds Charaaaat, lBBB to Iimi straight. LO to 100 place 240 to 100 show: Joan Like. LO to 10" place. 250 to 100 show; The Vamp, 288 to 100 show-. Time. l:094o. Track fast. Winner L. II. Baxter* ch, f. b] The Baseal— l.inoiin. by Beqaital trained bv L. H. Baxter; bre l by Mr. W. 1.. Watkmsi. Went to post ;it -_:l:o. At pool ." minutes. Btart good and slow. Won driving: second and third the -aine. Overweights John Lake. 3 poaads; Dixie Maws J: P.onnet o Rlue. 1: The Vamp. 1: Mis Baeara, B. "*"" K97OO Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1920— 1:11-,— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. BqaiT. Odds. lad. Hois.. wt. Fill. Jockey. straight. S24B2 Mis:- Manage 1H M C dross 130-108 52BB2: Apple .la-k 111 Z » W Taylor 2CoO-108 .V.!7." ." Dclanccy 118 B Hayward 740-100 52448 Lit. Princess 30? 1- 1; Taylor 880-108 .".,m;»»! Daisy N 101 *J H Bowe SB9M08 : m;ii Our Loader 111 b- B Marinolll 720-108 3 Joe ,1 j R McCrann 310-108 .»i65i-Velvet 1M 8 C Wliittigton 880-181 r i701 Pellcitor Ul » P Martinez 3288 M8 M.d.i hit 10 N Podea I47a-W8 miitu. I- pud Mis, MaiKigc. .Afl atraight, .20 place, -2U *how; Annie Jack, si 100 place, sp.iup show; Delancey .00 show. C.liiivabni |..m king odds Mi Manage. 48B to loo straigbl. 100 I" 100 place. I 10 to loo show: Apple lack. i;io io 1 im place, 3Mr la IBB ibew; Itoiaucey, -"-" tg imi j*jw. Time. 1:14-,. Track fast. Winner Measrs. Balllager k Coffania* b. m. B, by The Managci OrieBtal Pearl. by Ingohlsby traiaed by s. BaUiager; bred bj Mr. c. T. Worth ingfonl. Went t.r pool it J: 17. At post 1 minute. Start grod and »h W. Won easUy; second and third driving. Scratche,! 5MBS Electric, 104; 52731 Tiajaa, 111. Overweight* Velvet, :: pounds. 50 7QQ Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 191G u —1:11—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Bqaiv. odds. ! Ind. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. .V»38H Smil. Magyrie MB 1 M Slaughter 388 WO :,iHiH m. i-aa Laaa lit .1 class 1410-108 327341 liars Ib-ir io, R Taylor 540-108 52731 Quid Nunc ill || Tbonpson 22SO-1O0 S25S0 Mineral Jim IO 5J B MarlneUI 810-tOB 52403 Batld Arms Ho 1: c Whittilr.-toir.lia Hi" BS703 -Wciga M •■ II Row IKSa-MO ."»2 iH5 II. McCarty 111 s-. |R Hayward 3380-188 5245S Bevy Jamea 111 Is! B McCrann ,7200-108 52731 Royal Irish lit N B Oority B1SB4 Hubbub 110 B. dn. W Rinpby 224 W4 tMatael field. atataela paid. Smiling Maggie-. straight. si imi place, .00 show; Merry Las*. 0.40 place, ,80 show: Harrigau- Heir. show. Eqaivaleal booking odds Smiling Maggie. °00 to loo slr.iighl. 10O to 1M place. 30 Io 10O show; Merry Laws, 1-0 Io 100 place. P.0 to loo show : Harrigans Heir, 00 lo loo -how. Time. 1:14. Track fast. Winner N. W. Rurkh.irdts ch. 111. B, by Smile .Margaret M., by Woobltborpe trained by N. W. Barkhardt; bred bj Mr. Ctoytoa liarria. Went to ]iost at 3:11. At post 1 minute. Start gooil and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Scratched oiiiss Staalej s.. 111. Overweights — Rutland Anns. 1 pound: Battle McCarty, -; Harrlgana Heir. 2. u,t/TI KO704. Fifth Race— 1 Mile. June 17 1916— 1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-yeai-olds and upward. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. Bqaiv. Odds. Ind. Hois,- Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52734 War Smoke 111 l» C Whit tgton 330-108 83344 MoffieUl in*; i" i: MarlneUI 250-100 B27BS Ptodra in; :;- W Taylor 1448-108 52734*Oiymn King 111 -t ; c Thompson 1428-108 52700*Wat. Willow 114 V I" Martin-/. 4388-108 B27O0 IJarnav !"i; i;i 1 Veurgin 429-108 32707 -B. BlackweJl 105 71 K Taylor 1920-108 52700Glen Well 188 I M slaughter 320-188 su- niutuels paid. War Smoke, .08 straight. .80 place, .20 show: Coffield, .40 place, abow; Ptodra, st .4o show. Iviuivaleiil bceklag odd- War Sim.kv. 330 to KM Rtraight. 00 to 100 place. c,o to MM abow; Coffield. 70 to 100 place. 40 to loo show: Piedra. 220 to 100 show. Time. 1:41. Track fast. Winner W. A. Rucks eh. g, •". by Facie -Ollle p.iii bj Cbaraxaa traiaed bv w. A. Ruck: bred by Me-sj-.. Headley * Miller. Went lo [Mist at :;:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the .same. Overweights Rill Blackwell, - pounds; Wafer Willow. I. 5 "*J,*/t 2 7*1 Sixth Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: recond. 20: third, 0. Eqair. odds. Ind. Horse Wt. Fin Jockey. Straight. 52011Phne Ward m i"~ 1: MarlneUI 10-108 S2SS4 Sherman A. 101; $■ Poden 188-M8 526; I Corncntter U8 P Martlnea 3308 180 52085-Ring BO 4« K Taylor 209 188 52210-D.- Land hB $■ P Chlavetta MOO-MO ." 2«7 1 shifty MB 1;- I. Oaagel 1888-108 52672-.Ioe GoodmanlOC 7- G Tea rain 2860-188 525-4B Miss Meelick :• 1 s- II R Bower HlW-loo 52 733* Roy Dewey nn :i m Slaughter IOto-180 iiiiitm 1- paid. Pbrone Ward. .80 -traighl. .H0 place. 1921.sh40 ,|„,u : Sherman A.. 0.00 ptoeo. .20 -how: Coraeatter, B0.80 show. Bqaivaleat booking odds -Pbroai Ward. !m lo 100 straigbl. |o to iOB place. UO to loo show: Sherman A., too to 100 place, SOB to 100 show; Coraeatter, Llll lo 100 show. Time. 1:003. Track fast. Winner Blackwell A Crippeag ch. m, ."», by Prospero Lulu Marr, by Florist it rained by 1 . Crippen; bred by Mr. Saataei A. Beekhaaa. Went to jiest at 4:00. At post I minute Start fair and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched •" l7o7 Carrie Moore. 101. overweight — Boy Dewey, 2 pound-: Coraeatter, 3: Shifty. 3. "*— 52796 " Seventh Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 i— 3— 118.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. Baalr. Odds. Ind. Horse Wl. Fin. Jockey. Straight. S2S04PrivatePeat Wt Is. K Taylor 119-198 •2427 An. Begiaa Mi -1 I. Gaagel 1040-IOti .T2425 Clde Weaver 10S 33 1 Powell 720-MO 52751 CI. the Way 1 ~ Il X Poden 1820-lOi S2 720 Joe Tag 88 " G Veargtn 3808-108 52303 w. Whitaker KO 8j l! Mariaelll 488-188 52283-Dancg Cirl KO 7» C Groaa 788-180 S20O0 Hope Knceas 181 8s M Slaughter HJ0S-K8 52700 The B.Favte 188 8 P Martlnea tMatael field. Btataeb paid. Private Peat, si.-jo straight. S3. 40 place. .80 show: Anna Region. .40 place, .20 show: Claude Weaver. .48 show. B|u:valent booking odds Private Peat. 110 to 10O sfraight. TO to 10O place. 40 to loo show; Anna Regina. LTO to 1O0 place. 108 to 100 show; Claude Weaver. 70 to KXI show. Time. 1:07. Track fast. Winner San Mega Stables ch. e, 1. by General Boberta Janice Marian, by Rubicon trained by W. T. Anderson: bred by Mr. Jeorge M. Van Cordon I. Weill to post at 4:LL At | osl 1 minute. Start good and slow. W u easily: second and third driving. Scratched 51284 Trophy. Ill; 527S53Xeg, IDS: -.JT.-.l Irish Maid. 101. Overweights- Hope Princess, 4 pounds: The Roy Favorite. .".