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j ; i ! 1 j 1 1 • 1 1 lj »i 1 ! 1, ; 1 I • : ; ► M 1 ► j 1 j HARLOCK IN A CLOSE FINISH ♦ Wins Mile Race at Oriental Park by Narrow Margin. — * ■ Last One Proves Best in Three-Year-Old Dash — Riders for Sundays Big Race. « HAVANA. Cuba. February 12. — A stirring: finish i.-ime with the running of the fifth race, a dash of one mile, in which Ilarlock. the even money fa vorite, managed to earn a close decision over Item Kit. Penman pat 1111 a good ride on the winner and bur for his energetic efforts Mess Kit would have won. Salvo set a fasi pace for three-qaarters of a mile, then quit. Mess Kit was in being blocked when lie attempted to cone- through 011 the inside at the stretch tarn. •1. Wnlters speedy roll Last One won the Lincoln Handicap, a dash far three-year-olds. After sliming an easy lead directly after the start lie maintained it to the end. The finish f,,r second place was closr between ie hfnnsa and Dr Charles Wells, the former lasting long enough. Tin re was tin- usual huge Salurday crowd area ent and the racing proved Interesting with the public having about an even break in its argament with the layers. N. J. Barnes was saspended fifteen days for rough riding and striking jockey McLaughlin with !tis hip during the running of the fifth race J li y Fields v as suspended for five days for 1 • -1 ■ — i 1 riding in the tifth also. 1 -. Lawrence 9 Moss acted as In s|,.s t,, | ; .M. of twenty fiiends at breakfast in the ctab- - Tin- riders for the ftrnnd National Handicap of sin. coo added, to be run tomorrow, will be: Herroa, Kelsay; Cromwell, c. II. Miller; Rancher. Crump: Matinee Idol. Kennedy; Frank W.. Peuinau; Bweep Clean. B. Barnes; Walnut Hall. Pick. 11s: Mayor Honse. Fletcher: Rally. Francis- Bread Man. limn : Mumier. Lancaster. Tomorrows races rail fat 1 distribution ..f 1 l.iiOO throngh the seven races, which i~ a record f * Oriental Park. General manager Frank Braea received word from J. ■ Townsend, retiring governor of Delaware. who is Bojoarnins with hia family, that he will arrive tomorrow anil rests ut for a week, Frank W. Klein, a retired confectioner and prominent sportsman of Louisville, arrived for an extended visit. Bdwanl Jasper reports an unusually huge nuin-1 ber of eiiuies for the Kentucky spring st..|i ,.v