untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-13


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9bBSjbrrrr35ebrbsjmjbrsjbjB5B SPRING STAKES, 1921 ENTRIES CLOSE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1921 TO BE RUN AT THE SPRING MEETING AT LEXINGTON HINATA STAKES ,000 ADDED BLUE GRASS STAKES ,000 ADDED llllt TWO-YBAB-OLD Ill, I. IKS. l!j subscription of if 1 O caeh| BBS :ul- FOB THRBB-TBAR-OLD8. Hy subscript ion of SKI each: fSO additional dilional to sta:-t. Slt.dOlt added, of which B3BO to second :iml Slot* to . . — — — .. ... .. , ., t „., ,.,„, « a?-.-,* a ■ -ik ■ . ..,.- . . . to start. , of which .. , .,,- ,. ., ... g- ■ t ■ !S.,.tMHI ii.ilci n.;. to second and Sl.iO to thiirt. third. In addition to first money the »n r to receive :i up donated by Mrs. Clarence bcHus. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Acceptances to he Acceptance* to be named through the entry box the day before the race named tlirou.ih the entry box the dav before the race at usual time of closing. FOFU PI Itl.ONGS. • usual lime of closing. O K MILE AM A FURLONG. IDLE HOUR STAKES ,000 ADDED BEN ALI HANDICAP ,000 ADDED FOR TWO-TKAR-OLD COLTS AND GELDINGS llv subscription of BIS JPJ? THHKKO i: »-»», [S A £ I PWARD. By subscription of -*S 1 O each: . .. , . _..., . *B * addit lonnl to start. 93,000 added, ot which B3SO to second ana ; each; *.» additional to start. SS.SO* added, ...„.,. of which *,..., I to second | , M tm third. « it addition to first money the winner to receive a Cap and SI.IO to third. In addition to first money the winner to receive a donated by Mr. L. L. Ilannii;. Weights to be annoiinced six days lieriire the race. Wluen after publication of weights of a race other tlinn up donated bv Mr. K. K. llradlev. Maidens allowed B lbs. Accep- . . selling or chuiuiim linrw. .5 lbs. extra. Acceptances to be named tanees to be named through the entry box the day before the race at through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing, usual time of closing. KOIR FUELONGS. K MILE AND ONE-SIXTEENTH. ASHLAND OAKS ,000 ADDED CAMDEN HANDICAP ,000 ADDED FOB THRBR-TRAR-OLD FILLIES. Hy subscription of BIO each: ,S.~o POR THRKB-YRAR-OLDD IND UPWARD. Hy subscription of S18 each; additional to start. SS.OOO added, of which SSSO to second and S 1 r.o STB additional to start. SS.OOS added, of which SSOO to second and S4O0 to third. In addition to first money the winner to receive a tup donatea to third. In addition to lirst money the winner to receive a Up donated by Mr. T. . McDowell. Maidens allowed ."» lbs. Acceptances to lie by the lion. .1. . iiiiiilcn. Weiurhts to be anuoiineed six days before named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time 01 the race. Acceptances to be named through the entry box the dav be- closing. ONE MILE, fore the race at usual time of closing. OAK MILE AND ONE-Ol IRTBR. TO BE RUN AT THE SPRING MEETING AT CHURCHILL DOWNS DEBUTANTE STAKES ,000 ADDED BASHFORD MANOR STAKES, ,000 ADDED SPRING TRIAL STAKES ,000 ADDED i FOB TWO-YBAB-OLD FILLIES. By subscrlp- FOE TWO-YEAK-OLD COLTS AND GELDINGS. FOE TWO-YEAB-OLDS. Hy subscription of tion of SIS each; S7S additional to start. — Hy sn bscript ion of SI ■ each ; STB additional SlSefwijBL fSOotoeeVe *4O0 toYhird! sr.,MKI added, of which SSOO to second. S4IMI to start. S..OOO added, of which BOOS to sec- fourth to save stake. Winners of a sweep-to third, fourth to save stake. YViimers of a ond. S400 to third, fourth to save stake. Win- stakes. .* lbs.: of SS.OOO twice or fliree sweep-. . .... , stakes of any value, 5 lbs. extra. oii-vv inner* sweepstakes to carry :: lbs.; of two sweep- ners ot « a svv eepstukes ■ to carry .. .»,..*» lbs.: of tw» of m xXV«.epstakes allowed 4 lbs.: if noii-vv Mistakes. ." lbs. extra. Maidens allowed ." lbs. sweepstakes. 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed ."» ners of three races. 7 lbs.; maidens never Acceptances to be named through the entry Ihs. Acceptances to be named through the 1 »«-««1 in a sweepstakes, to lbs. Acceptances . _ . .. - . ., , .. to he named thro null the entry box the dav box the day before the race at usual time or entry box the day before m the race at usual t.me before the race at usual time of closing, closing. roiR FUELONGS. of ujosinx. FOUR AND ONE-HALF FURLONGS. FOUR AND ONE-HALF FURLONGS. KENTUCKY DERBY, 0,000 ADDED THE FORTY-SEVENTH HI PINING OF THE KENTUCKY DERRY FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS.— By subscription of 5 each: 50 additional to start. 0,000 added, of which 0,000 to second, ,000 to third, to fourth ,000. Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing. ONE MILE AND ONE-QUARTER. KENTUCKY OAKS 0,000 ADDED KENTUCKY HANDICAP 0,000 ADDED THE FORTY-SEVENTH RUNNING OF THE KENTUCKY OAKS. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD Hy subscription of S2.- each : 1OU THREE-YEAR-OLD FILLIES. By subscription of SIS each; .S7n SSSO additional to start. BIO.OOO added, of which SI. BOO to second additional to start. tflO.OOO added, of which if II.SOO to second. SSOO to gg#w f fcw Uiurtu Uf s.|Vf. Mta,. Wel«rbt. six davs before the «-*«»■» «»« race, i.ne. third, fourth to save stake. on-w liiners of a I hree-.v ear-old race of _.., .. . . _ . mM%M ~ the value of S2.SOO allowed S lbs.; maidens, l-l lhs. Acceptances to be Winners of i -..»00 after piiblicat ion of weights. .. lbs. extra. Accept- named through the entrv box the day before the race at usual time mi ■»«ej to be nainri through the entry bov the- day before the race at closing. ONE MILE AND ONE-EIGHTH. usual time of cbisiny. ONE MILE AND ONB-OUARTBR. PROCTOR KNOTT HANDICAP $ 5,000 ADDED CLARK HANDICAP $ 7,500 ADDED FOE THREE-YEAR-OLDS. llv subscription of BIB each: STB additional POR_ THREE-YEAR-OLDS A » I 1W A K ! .— H v su hscriptioii of 0 cacti ; . +2. S1J.» additional to start. fT.BtMJ added, ot which Sl.ooo . . . to — second. S.dn to start. I5.000 us- ../... a.lded. iii of r xvb.ch u i *M M» ■ t to second, i .f40i» l..,l to ,i.«_i third, * fourth „ *i. T third, fourth 1o save stake. Weights to be announced six da « be-to stake. before the Winners after publi- save Weights six days race. fore t|,e r. dinners of a race other than a claiming or selling purse eatfoa of weights ot a race other than claimiiiK or selling purse. .» lbs. after publication of weiahfs. S lbs. extra. Acceptances to he named extra. Aeceptsiiices to be named through the entry box the day before through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing, the race at usual time of closinu. INK MILE AND ONE-OUARTBR. ONE MILE AND ONE-SIXTEENTH. TO BE RUN AT THE SPRING MEETING AT LATONIA CLIPSETTA STAKES ,000 ADBED HAROLD STAKES ,000 ADDED CINCINNATI TROPHY ,000 ADDED FOR FILLIES TWO YEAES OLD. By snbscrjp- FOB COLTS AND GELDINGS TWO YBABS OLD. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS Hy subscription ot tion of S I .* each: !H7."» additional to start. Hy su hscription of SIS each; JP7."» additional S*S each; S?S additional to start. SS*0OO SB.POO added, of which *.KOO to second. S4 M to start. f8,000 added, of which *SOO to sec- added, of which SK.SOO to second. *4«M to third, to third, fourth to save stake. Winners or ond. f 400 to third • fourth to save stake • «- ££* VosTtorfoe ""j "ibrSoJ! S.fMM, :: lbs.: S-.tMM twice or .S.-;.tM f , B lbs.; ners oi SS.OOO, .: lbs.: SL.OOO twice or .V.,. MM . tr.. tilll,.s or 4,ot t» twice. U lbs. extra. on- W.tMMI three times, or BB»OOS twice, 7 lbs. B lbs.; f2,OOS three times or .f..tMMt twice, 7 winners of a sweepstakes allowed 4 lbs.; two extra. on-w inners of a sweepstakes allowed lbs. extra. Aon winners of a sweepstakes al- races. 7 lbs.; maidens, if neve*r placed in a IS lbs.; three races, ." lbs.; two races. S lbs.: lowed T! lbs.; three races, 7i lhs.; two races, S sweepstakes. Ill lbs. Acceptances to be named ! maidens never placed in a sweepstakes. 12 lbs. lbs.; maidens never placed in a sweepstakes. through the entry box the day before the race cceptniices 10 be named through the entry V2 lbs. Acceptances to be named through the ■ usual time of closing. In addition to lirst I.ox the dav before the race at usual time of entry box the day before the race at usual money the winner will receive The Cincinnati closing. FIYB FUELONGS. time of closing. FIYE FUELONGS. Trophy. SIV FURLONGS. LATONIA DERBY, 5,000 ADDED VOK THRBE-YBAB-OLDS. Hy subscription of %*and each; SSSO additional to start. SlS*OOS added, of which SS.OOO to second, fl.OOO to third, lour th to save stake. The winner, if :ilso the winner of the Kentucky Derby, to receive SB.OOO additional. AYlnners in l!»_l of a t hree-ye:ir-ol«l rsi«-e of B10»000, ."» lhs. extra. l:iidens iillowed 7 lbs. Acce;tiances to be named throunii the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing. ONE -MILK AD OXK-HALK. LATONIA OAKS 0,000 ADDED TEN BROECK HANDICAP, ,000 ADDED FOR THBBB-YBAR-OLD FILLIES. By subscription of SIB each; ,f75 FOB THBB-YEAB-OLDS. By subscription of flB each; SpT.1 additional additional to start. SIO.OOO added, of which B1,SOO to second, SSIKI to to start. SB.OOO added, of which . ;.Sft to second, Jp4fM to third, fourth third, fourth to save stake. Winners in 1! :I1 of a t hree-.v ear-old race to save slake. Weights six da s before the race. WTnners of other of SS.OOO, .i lbs.; of S4.000, 5 lbs.; of S!il.HM. lbs. extra. HaMcH than a claiming or selling purse after publication of weights, 3 lhs. allowed 7 lbs. cceptances to be named throuKh the entry box the day extra. Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before before the race at usual time of closing. ONE MILE AND A OUABTEB. the race at usual time of closing. OAK MILE A A II ONE-0,UABTBB. INDEPENDENCE HANDICAP, ,000 ADDED FOR THRBE-YBAB-OLDS AND UPHTABD. By subscription of *."J each; .5511 additional to start. flB.OOS added, of which fS»QOO to second, SI«OO0 to third, fourth to save stake. AVeijthts six days before race. Winners of other than a claiming or selling purse sifter * liublication of weights, :t lbs. extra. Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closinu. To be run Monday, duly 4. OAK MILE A AT ONE-HALF. DANIEL BOONE HANDICAP, 0,000 ADDED FOB THREE-YE AB-OLDS AND UPWABD. By subscription of ESS each; ,5o additional to start. 810,000 added, of which ,500 to second, SSOO to third, fourth to save stake. W eijthts six days before the race. A inners of fS,SSS after publication of weights, 5 lbs. extra. cccptnnces to he named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing. OAK MILK AAD TIIREE-SIXTEENTHS. ENQUIRER HANDICAP. ... ,000 ADDED QUICKSTEP HANDICAP.. ,000 ADDED INAUGURAL HANDICAP ... ,000 ADDED .FOB THRBE-YBAB-OLDS AND UPWABD. — FOB THRBE-YBAB-OLDS AAD UPWARD. — By FIB THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. — By I llv subscription of Sir, each; S7S .additional to subscription of 8 1 .1 each; fTB additional to suhscriptlon of #15 each: STB additional to start. MTt.OOO added, of which S.SIMI to .second. .... ...wk , , , ., . , . .t...... .. _ ■ *U,tt- ».« 0 =««1«I«m1, ot which BOOS to second. m. to third, fourth to save stake. Weights sj:,rt. B,tJ a,i,ied. of which .SStMl to second. six day. before the race. Winners of other f400 to third, fourth to save stake. Weights f40 f# thir 1 fo|,pth st.,k . AVciKhts than a cluimiiiK or scIIiiik purse after publi- six U!IVs before the race. Winners after pub- , ration of weights. :S lbs. extra. Accept ances ,. ,•...« , , s,v ■■T" before „ the race. A inners of «:.r»00 oiweiu.ifs of other than claim- leation a race to be named through the entry box the day publication ""« " of * weights * .% lbs extra Vc- before the race at usual time of closinu. In i»« or selli..« purse. .1 lbs. extra. Accept- "f. J 11 , will t named through the box the eept.inces to be named through the entry box i addition to first i the winner re- ances entry f reive a Silver Trophy donated hy Mr. E. H. dav before the race at usual time off closing. *M* ««y before the race at usual time of clos- Mcl.ean. ONE MILE AMI ONB-SIXTBENTH. six FURLONGS. in«. OAK MILE AAD OAK-SI YTKKNTI1 QUEEN CITY HANDICAP 0,000 ADDED TO Hi: BUN DUBING AIM MN MEETING, IS31. ENTRIES CLOSE FBBBUABY IB, 1MR, FOB TWO-YBAB-OLDS. By subscription of #zr, eacli : ,Sl*IO additional to start. 8IO.OO0 added, of nliicli J 1,500 to second, SSOO to third. fourth to save stake. Weights six days before the race. Winners of other thai, a claiming or selling purse after iiiihlication of weights, :i Ihs. extra. cce|itanccs to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing. OXF. MILE. J. N. CAMDEN, PRESIDENT. M. J. WINN, VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. SHERMAN GOODP ASTER, SECRETARY AND TREASURER ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE KENTUCKY JOCKEY CLUB, Incorporated, COVINGTON, KENTUCKY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021301/drf1921021301_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921021301_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800