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IN FAVOR OF ILLINOIS RACING BILLI State Senator Denvir lias introduced a bill in inthe the Illinois Legislature permitting thirty days daysracing racing between May I and October 1 with pari pariinntuel inntuel registering machines generally considered the least objectionable form of betting Why Whynot not notAVhen AVhen we had racing in Chicago the American Derby was the greatest threeyearold race in tho country Crack juveniles were shipped here from Kentucky California the East and all breed ¬ ing centers yes and even from Kngland Derby Day at Washington Park was a society event en ¬ joyed also by the hoi polloi and cliibliouse stands sin1 inflH wer i nrk d dNew New Tork Kentucky Maryland and Louisiana permit racing witn modified betting and the sport is tolerated in several other states Kren Illinois overlooks running and trotting meetings in some of the smaller communities just as boxing often is permitted downstato while prohibited in Chicago ChicagoSupervised Supervised betting as Senator Denvir statrs certainly is preferrable to the sub rosa or handbook variety which exists and always will exist in Chicago ChicagoIt It is an axiom here that cities in which haud Ijooks and iNMilroonis operated were always below aYljragc for Icgimatc racing racingHacing Hacing undoubtedly improves the breed of tlior oiiglihjrtjcls and army officers favor it as a means of jimpTovJng slock available for cavalry remounts jiiito apart from this feature however racing is a spectacular and enjoyable sport to which Chi cagoaus are entitled entitledHy Hy all means lets have a thirtyday racing bill for Illinois Chicago Tribune