Havanas Great Winter Meeting: Immense Sum Of 16,005 Distributed During 110 Days of Racing---Mose Goldblatt The Leading Money Winner, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-30


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HA V ANAS GREAT WINTER MEETING IMMENSE SUM OF 616005 DISTRIBUTED DURING 110 110DA DA YS OF RACING MOSE GOLDBLATT THE THELEADING LEADING MONEY WINNER The seventh annual winter meeting of the CubaAmerican Jockey and Auto Club wliich began at Oriental Park November 25 1920 and cume to an end March 27 1921 comprised 110 days of racing dur ¬ ing which time J93 races were decided The total money distribution amounted to 015005 a considerable increase over the 482278 distributed during the season of 19191920 The daily monetary offering aver ¬ aged 5 COO a fine showing for a winter track and a meeting of such long duration There were twenty one stake races decided three of which were each worth over 10000 to the winners The outstanding incident in connection with the meeting was the substantial support of the Cuban government as strik ¬ ingly illustrated in the generous endowment of several of the stakes It augurs well for the future pros ¬ perity and popularity of both breeding and racing on the island Certainly Mose Goldblatt made no mistake when he decided to try a winter campaign in Cuba and has substantial reasons for feeling satisfied with his invasion of the Pearl of the Antilles As the result of the marked success of his stable he stands first on the list of the money winning owners of the meeting with 47215 to his credit The Cubanowned Armonia Stable held the leadership for a greater part of the meeting only to be sup ¬ planted near the finish by the Goldblatt establish ¬ ment However the Cuban owners may well be proud of the fine record made by their liorses which won fortyone races and 43775 Among other owners who fared well are E Alvarez with 21205 T Doyle 20275 C A Stonoham 14SO E Cebrian 14030 O B Potts 13395 and Will ¬ iams Bros 13325 The following are the owners who won 1000 or more each eachOwner Owner 1st 2d 3d Amt Goldblatt M 21 21Armonia 28 21 47215 Armonia Stable 41 41Alvarez 18 22 43775 Alvarez E 13 13 13 212 212o o Woyfcs 0 2S 2SStonehaiu 14 22 20 52 Stonehaiu C A J I ICebrian 0 2 14805 Cebrian E 10 10Potts II 12 14030 Potts O B 5 5Williams 2 2 13935 Williams Bros 18 18Hodge 13 11 13325 Hodge T 17 17Goldapple 21 19 12075 Goldapple Stable 3 3Hall Hall W H 14 14Davis Davis H E 13 13Walters 12 14 Walters J 10 10Bartolomeo 9 2 Bartolomeo J D S SThompson 7 3 Thompson M E 12 12Moody 2 9 10 Moody J II 11 11Mock 188 S Mock B 10 10Rosedale 0 11 17 Rosedale Stable 11 11Westmoreland 1 5 S Westmoreland W C 9 9Springer 12 i Springer E D S SFitzgerald 12 7 Fitzgerald E L 7 7Shields 740 Shields H 8 8Coe 8 10 Coe W R 8 8Millin ti 0 Millin J D 7 7Woods Woods H G 8 8Dolz Dolz R 3 3Hofflcr Hofflcr T 5 5Herdel Herdel H 8 8Baxter Baxter S T 8 8Swan Swan H E 5 5Herold Herold F A Foster O L 77 77Padgett Padgett W R 12 12Crist Crist L Graham P E 0 0Finnegan Finnegan W B 7 7McCafferty McCafferty J J T TFlorida Florida Stable Holmes G 0 0Campbell Campbell W C 0 0De De Estrampes J 7 7Kentmere Kentmere Farm Stable 0 0Iribarren Iribarren L M 7 7Lowe Lowe J 0 0Sullivan Sullivan E J G GEl El Morro Stable 4 4Gilroy Gilroy Q H 3 3Wade Wade J L 0 0Coons Coons H 0 0Whatley Whatley J S fi fiPlant Plant H W 4 4Sheedy Sheedy W M 5 5Middleton Middleton C 5 5Cotton Cotton If A r rOLeary OLeary L F 5 5Kuebelkamp Kuebelkamp W F 4 4Austin Austin A L 4 4Niehaus Niehaus A C 3 3Fountain Fountain D S 4 4Marianao Marianao Stable 4 4Crawford Crawford H J 4 4Delbarrio Delbarrio F 3 3Feuchter Feuchter W 4 4Oliver Oliver W L 3 3Baxter Baxter E P 4 4Fountain Fountain C 4 4Keene Keene J 0 4 4Lczatna Lczatna A 4 4Allen Allen R B 4 4Dasca Dasca T 3 3Denny Denny O C 4 4Tuggle Tuggle O 2 2Wrispen Wrispen F J 4 4Allen Allen G K 3 3Foley Foley G B 4 4Carter Carter R D 4 4Leydecker Leydecker C 3 3Shields Shields M M 4 4Gengler Gengler J Moore 0 K 2 2Taylor Taylor A L 3 3Reatlc Reatlc J 3 3Eaton Eaton J C 3 3Kennelly Kennelly W J 3 3Groves Groves R 3 3Van Van AVinkle O E 3 3Key Key es 1 J 3 3Oneck Oneck Stable 13 13Cheek Cheek T 3 3Sawyer Sawyer L O 3 3Warwick Warwick G 1 1Davidson Davidson A B 3 3McGinty McGinty F Est of 3 3Seifert Seifert M 2 2Burnside Burnside S Gardner G L 3 3Lenahnn Lenahnn C E 2 2Whitney Whitney H P 2 2Brown Brown L 2 2Dugan Dugan W J 2 2Price Price G 2 2Robertson Robertson A G 2 Owner 1st 2d 3d Fletcher M H 1 5 Gomey J 0 1 Messulam J A NIckerson It T Umensetter J Costello J Uarrah C J Beal N K Beambolt R Molera A J Muckenfuss O Pogolotti Stable StableEmener Emener O E Brooks R P Derosset O Acosta M Smith C P Buckley J T Boughsman F Bills C E Mizell G C Ridge G M inner C F V VKeith Keith A O 3 Carvallo Bros 1 3 Everest J 1 3 Strewbridge E 1 3 Billy Barton was the star of the meeting He was unbeaten capturing three races all stake events of the net value of 19790 which placed him at the head of the money winning horses Atta Boy II was second with 1G970 and Bread Man third with 13010 Htrron and Sweep Clean were the only other two horses to win over 10000 each the following being a list of all the horses with winnings of 550 or more each to their credit Horse HorseBilly 1st 2d 3d Amt Billy Barton Atta Boy II Bread Man Herron Sweep Clean Matinee Idol Sea Prince Datusa Furbelow Buford American Ace Different Eyes M limbo Jumbo Riverside Bally Lackawanna General Menocal Last One Blazeaway Belle of Elizabethtown ElizabethtownHarlock Harlock Mayor House Assumption Pomerene Perhaps Sirocco Roundel Buck Nail Mather Dolph Duke Ruff Osgodd Huntress Opulent The Belgian II Zindo The Enquirer Bill Hunley Black Prince Candle Light Elmont Hocnir Runnyven Walnut Hall Doublet II Firoworth Polar Cub Avion Perigourdine Vie Munoz Allivan Frank W American Eagle Bianca Cnviin Boy Darnley Sleepy Dear Just Fancy Elias O Military Girl Winall Currency Mavehona Clip Gratian Pas de Chance Guaranteed Chefa Ed Garrison Foster Enibry Loyalist Whippoorwill Koran Jellison FauxCol The Pirate Gold Stone Jacobean Princess Myrtle Sol Gilsey Continued on third page HAVANAS WINTER MEETING Continued from first page HatrackIncinerator Incinerator Hatrack Natural NaturalStepson Stepson Byrne Black Thong Rey Enuis Searpia II IIFright Fright Rancher Penelope FrascueloPenelope Frascuelo Fickle Fancy Grnndy Litholick Norfolk Belle Sister Susie White Haven Get Em Langhorne Marion Hollins Timothy J Hogan The Blue Duke DukeHush Hush Pacifier Punctual Red Blondel Bread Line Doctor D Paula V VPresumption Presumption Rhymer RhymerSeven Seven Seas SeasTosca ToscaAva Tosca Ava R RDewitt DewittJack Dewitt Jack Hill HillSecond Second Cousin Slippery Silver SilverTalent TalentGeorge Talent George C Jr JrGolden Golden Chance Attorney Muir MuirFlying Flying Frog FrogExhorter Exhorter Black Top Chimera Drif field fieldJiilieannn Jiilieannn Kewessa KewessaCoca Coca Cola Emma J Fasenda Roseate Allsuioke Blormaii Brig of AVar Honest George Hunter Platt Jake Feld Lerora P Semper Stalwart SpugsFirst Spugs First Consul Fleer Gus Scheer ScheerLariat Lariat Laughing Eyes II IIMarty Marty Lou LouMerry Merry Feast FeastMisericorde Misericorde MisericordeRavanna Ravanna RavannaStarkader Starkader StarkaderTop Top Rung RungDr Dr Charles Wells WellsCabin Cabin Creek CreekDraftsman Draftsman Harp of the North NorthLe Le Balafre Hemlock LuiMeme Miss Wright Mulinero My Aila Night Wind WindSinn Sinn Feiner Twenty Seven View Aiken AikenBibbler Bibbler DiscordOMalley Discord OMalley OMalleyPeasant Peasant PeasantRavensea Ravensea RavenseaRedland Redland RedlandWaking Waking Dream DreamWar War Loan LoanAssign Assign AssignBuncraua Buncraua BuncrauaGuardsman Guardsman GuardsmanJustina Justina E La Kross KrossNepe Nepe Noontime NoontimePastoureau Pastoureau PastoureauPrince Prince of Como ComoVoorin VoorinWaterford Voorin Waterford WaterfordZoie Zoie ZoieDocod Docod DocodBulger Bulger BulgerHainan Hainan HainanIna Ina Wood WoodTon Ton Jou JouMayrose MayroseRameaii Mayrose Rameaii RameaiiPlantarede Plantarede PlantaredeOrleans Orleans Girl GirlJill JillJose Jill Jose de Vales ValesMaricusa Maricusa MaricusaRight Right Angle AngleSalvo SalvoTarascon Tarascon Salvo Whippet WhisperingWhippet Whispering Jack Healey HealeyLncie Lncie May Helen Atkin AtkinBoherNaBreena BoherNaBreenaAthgarven BoherNaBreena Athgarven AthgarvenCigale Cigale Cromwell Director James Dixie Flyer Duke of Shelby Hold Me MeHomam Homam Eddie McBride Huonec War Zone Aigrette Fly Home HomePokey Pokey Jane Juanita III Our Nephew Smite War Tax Count Boris Napthalins Sweet Miusic Al Porter AllahAmerican Allah American Soldier Aunt Deda Finis FinisGrey Grey Rump Pansy Shy Ann AnnMess Mess Kit All Right Sir Ben Butler Birch Bark BarkCliantour Cliantour Clark M Dragoon DragoonFait Fait Accompli George W Lotta Speed SpeedLyric Lyric Manokin Prince Bonero SayonaWillie Sayona Willie Woods Miss Brush BrushArmistice Armistice Big Idea IdeaAzurita Azurita Flewhigh Harry Glover Stiletto Willow Tree Mugivan Brother Maclean Automatic Red Horse Col Chile Coscorrou Cuba Encanto Diuty Moore Josephine K Kathleen K Kings Belle Scotty Superior Thorn Bloom Vim Lady Hester Lady lone San Diego Black Pat Blue Flame Disturbances DisturbancesDouble Double Eye Durclla ElgaJames James Elga Frivolity FrivolityKayman Kayman KaymanSquaw Squaw Chief ChiefTrumpet Trumpet Call CallMiss Miss Hilarity Abbess B B Johnson Experiment Felix M MFoul Foul Weather WeatherGalopin Galopin GalopinLegotal Legotal LegotalOmeme Omeme OmemePeggy Peggy Rives Sain Rose Terrible Susan Tige Tout de Suite Tulinorua MoLelland MoLellandMiss Miss Procter African Arrow ArrowBacchanalian Bacchanalian BacchanalianBounding Bounding Through Douglas Fairbanks El Coronel Elizabeth M Emma W Far East Happy Go Lucky Janice Loijaii Jimmie OBrien Joe Whipple Liberty Bond BondLittle Little Ed EdLullaby LullabyOur Lullaby Our Jack Promising Tom Queen of Trumps Rama RamaSikhim Sikhim Smart Money Starkey SuregetTeachers Sureget Teachers Pet Triomphant Truant F Wilson emerged triumphant in the keenly contested struggle for the saddle honors his sixty winning mounts giving him the leadership The real riding hero however was Penman wno made such a favorable impression that he was signed up by the powerful racing establishment ol IL P Whitney Penman rode fiftytwo winners and but for his suspension a week or so ago iiilgut have finished on top Bert Kennedy with forty nine to his credit finished third and at all times rode brilliantly R Lancaster and A PicUens each with fortyseven and W Kelsay with forty six were other riders prominent during the meet ¬ ing The following is a list of the jockeys who rode one or more winners Jockey Mts 1st 2d 3d Unp PO Wilson FM F 270 GO 39 T2 125 22 M Il Ullt 293 52 53 47 141 18 Srs k 40 49 44 44 103 20 Lancaster R Pickens A 47 37 37 104 21 46 45 50 114 18 Kelsny W i irS rS j J97 34 44 30 189 11 Hunt F FFiews 109 34 25 19 91 20 2012G Fiews G 12G 20 11 20 09 21 McDermott R 154 25 14 18 97 10 Barnes E 145 24 44 17 79 17 Crump W 121 20 22 12 07 17 Butwell J 80 17 18 13 32 21 Eames C 108 15 27 17 109 09 Smith J 193 15 15 14 149 08 Dominick J 135 14 13 25 83 10 Merlmee F 125 14 9 G 9G 1 Garner II GO 11 10 8 37 Carmody J 83 10 11 11 ul Boyle S McCoy J Pltz J Atkinson E Lowe S Median AV Fletcher I Dawson J Robinson II Miller C H Gordon 1 Burns T Collins J Hoffler J 3 18 12 Connors J 5 14 15 Barnes N J 9 48 04 McLaughlin A 3 50 04 Tryon A 3 05 W Mangan G 0 30 07 Tarrell W 4 3 n Porretto F 3 Bulcroft G 7 23 OS Dreyer J 7 45 05 Borel C 0 11 18 Ball R 7 30 Ol Wirth L 0 4 25 Simmons J 3 25 00 Bullman S G 27 02 OMahoney C 3 30 02 Brydges II 2 10 Of Weisner F 2 30 03 Parrish C 3 25 03 Dodd J W 1 G 11 Rodriguez J 1 11 07 Campbell 7 2 3 17 Anderson W 2 14 05 Miller C 0 3 25 Ridenour W 0 2 33 The following riders finished second or third with one or more of their mounts but did not a winner Jockey winnerJockey Mts 2d SdUnp SdUnpGoodwine Goodwine H 20 4 3 13 13Hughes Hughes W J B 1 3 3Montalvo Montalvo J G 1 ° Penalver J 17 1 3 13 13Scheffel Scheffel B 20 0 7 I IWakoff Wakoff H 0 0 2 2McAlancy McAlancy 7 1 0 1 0 0Ellis Ellis R 8017 8017Hurley Hurley F 10 0 1 15 15The The following were unplaced with all their mounts mountsJockey Jockey Mts Jockey Mts MtsFranklin Franklin D 1 Scott R 3 3Furlsuu Furlsuu J 1 Cameron T 4 4llprnimilp llprnimilp Hernandez V F 2 Cirti Carter r E 4 Arehambault G 3 Mitchell P Feldman F 3 Hughes C McCanii J I Jacobs A McMahon J 3 Hirst C 7 7W W A Carter the skillful trainer of the Armenia Stable carried off the training honors the follow ¬ ing being a list of those who saddled one or more winners winnersTrainer Trainer Wins Trainer Wins WinsCarter Carter W A 41 Westmoreland W C10 C10Rice Rice B B 28 Herold F A 9 9Lowe Lowe J 23 Kennedy II J Goldblatt M IS Worley A D 9 9Williams Williams P J 18 Baxter S T 8 8Daly Daly W J 10 Neal C II 8 8Finnegan Finnegan W B 15 Plunkett J W S SFitzgerald Fitzgerald K L 13 Shields H 8 8Finley Finley A 12 Austin A L Hodge T 12 Brown W Karrick K K 12 Foley G B 7 7Padgett Padgett W R 12 Foster O L 7 7Allen Allen R B 11 Hope 7 7 Blair J D 11 Porterie V Haggerty 7 11 Brown T J Naylor J W 11 Burks J Woods U G 11 Carter H I Smith T 10 Crist L Van Ry H 10 Hammond D Trainer TrainerPrice Wins Trainer Wins Price G G Rcatle J Rector F G Reynolds C Spargur H G Smith C R Walters B G Taylor W F Watts A E G Van Winkle O E Brewstcr E 5 Burnside S Coll W 5 RurUschcll J 0 Cotton H A 5 Daly L A Crawford E J 5 Dugan W J Pavis H E 5 Eiseman 0 Dayton A F 5 Lenahan J D Denny A L LDowney 5 Moore C K Downey 7 5 MucCenf uss 0 Hak U 7 5 Ridge G M Middleton C r Seifert M Millin J D 5 Sims W OLeary L F 5 Smith C P Padelford E W WScales 5 Tuggle 0 Scales M 5 Albright E J Snelsou N L 5 Baldwin 7 S Whatley J S 5 Bolin I A Acey I 4 Boughsman F Alt 7 7 4 Boyd G Arm strong 7 4 Campbell J H Fountain D S 4 Dennler G Koenier C 4 Devoy G McBride T 4 Edwards T E Rice O 4 Farris R J Sherman G P 4 Healy J D Shields M M 4 Henry 7 Stevens F 7 4 Higginbotham W Wrispen F J 4 Lavely J M Brown TJ 3 McCaf forty J J Cedar W 3 Moore J W Cheek T 3 Munson H R Davidson A B 3 Murphy C P Davis C H 3 Schwartz W H Groves R 3 Springer E D Kearns F 7 3 Stockier 7 Lannay L 3 Suggs W E Leydecker P 3 Wallace E S McCann H 3 Warwick G Montour D 3 Tanner O F Nlehaus A C Tho following stakes were decided decidedStake Stake Date Winner Value ValueAntilles Antilles Stakes December 13 Pomerene 2120 2120Cuba Cuba Mile ThreeYearOld Championship De ¬ cember 13 Bread Man 2530 2530Christmas Christmas Handicap December 20 Herron 3330 3330Cuba Cuba Mile TwoYearOld Championship De ¬ cember 2G Billy Barton 2790 2790Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Inaugural Handicap Novem ¬ ber 25 Buford 2150 2150New New Years Handicap January 1 Bread Man 2800 2800Morro Morro Castle Handicap January 2 Herron 2710 2710Caribbean Caribbean Selling Stakes January 9 Lacka wanna 2730 2730American American Club Handicap January 1G Bally 2930 2930Marianao Marianao TIandirap January 23 Furbelow 2390 2390President President Menocal Handicap January 30 30Herron Herron 4925 4925Havana Havana Electric Power Handicap Feb ¬ ruary 0 Matinee Idol 3120 3120Grand Grand National Handicap February 13 13Sweep Sweep Clean 10000 10000CubaAmerican CubaAmerican Handicap February 20 Billy Barton 2520 2520Cuba Cuba Juvenile Selling Stakes February 22 Opulent 1900 1900Independence Independence Handicap February 24 Bread Man 4730 4730Rotary Rotary Club Handicap February 27 Amer ¬ ican Ace 3130 3130Union Union Club Handicap March G Matinee MatineeIdol Idol 3100 3100Grand Grand Prize Cuba Handicap March 13 Atta AttaBoy Boy II 15520 15520Cuba Cuba Produce Stakes first part March 20 20Datusa Datusa 8500 8500Cuba Cuba Derby March 27 Billy Barton 14480 14480The The percentage of winning favorites was about normal as the following table discloses disclosesNumber Number of days i 110 110Number Number of Races 093 093Winning Winning first choices 301 301Winning Winning second choices 142 142Winning Winning outsiders i 250 250Winning Winning at oddson 45 45Defeated Defeated at oddson 39 39Percentage Percentage of winning favorites 43 43Three Three new track records were established and the marks for the various distances are now as follows Dist Horse AWt Date Time 14 Dr Hull 2112 Jan 24 1919 22 22Aaurita Aaurita 2111 Jan 29 1919 22 38 H Daughter2 113 Jan 21 1910 34 3 12 f Col Chile 2 115 Feb 10 1921 41 12 Elias O 2120 March 5 1921 47 58 P Churchill 3 100 Jan 10 1920 59 5 12 f 0 B HarrellS 102 Jan 24 1917 105 105Sirocco Sirocco 4 112 March 2 1919 105 34 High GearO 102 Jan 8 1920 111 111Money Money 6 104 Jan 11 1920 111 111Right Right Angle5 118 Jan 25 1920 111 78 Pierrot 5 106 Jan 13 1917 127 127Wenonah Wenonah 4 108 Jan 10 1917 127 1 Jame3 C 105 March 23 1919 138 138Im20y Im20y Sea James 8 103 Feb 15 1918 139 139ImnOy ImnOy J J MurdockS 117 March C 1918 141 141Im70y Im70y Golden Gate3 102 Dec 14 1910 141 1110 Zululand 3 92 Feb 3 1918 144 118 Buford 6105 Jan 18 1920 150 1316 Walnut HallG 105 Jan 1 1920 157 114 Herron 4118 Jan 30 1921 203

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921033001/drf1921033001_1_1
Local Identifier: drf1921033001_1_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800