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1 921 RACING ORGANIZATIONS American Trainers and Riders for the Coming Season Contractual Relations Between BetweenLeading Leading Stables of the theEast East and West So far as contracts have been made or renewed the relations of racing stables trainers and riders for the season tof 1021 are given in the appended table The list includes only the most important establishments of the East and West and is up to date dateOwners Owners Trainers Riders RidersAnderson Anderson R IT Van Meter C C Applegate C A Applegate C A Arlington E Johnston James Armenia Stable Carter W A Arnold C E Van Meter C C Garner M Arthur James Arthur James Richcreck A Ascot Stable Kraft F E Atkinson G W Atkinson G W WBaker Baker R L Baker A Bauer L T Smith J P Rowan T TBeal Beal N K Beal N K Corey G GBlackford Blackford G L Vestal R VMcGraw S SBradley Bradley E R Thompson II L Lyke L LHurley Hurley W Brannon B J Brannou B J Breckenridge D Chcnault S Brookdale Stable Walker G Butler James Gunther A Camden J NMilam J C Carman R F pannan R F Jr Cassatt E B Hoaly J Simon SimonCebrian Cebrian E Lowe John Kelsay W WChinn Chinn Phil T Harmon T J Clark C W Barnes G V iWida S SClark Clark P A McCormack J McAtee L LClark Clark Mrs F ADonahue T Clopton S A Clopton S A Coltilctti F FClyde Clyde Thos Westou A G Cochran G A Evans James Kennedy B BCoe Coe W R Karrick W H Wilson F FBncll Bncll C Cosdon J S Garth William Rice Ted TedDavis Davis J E Brady M Healy J Simon Eustis W C Brooks W Farrell Frank Weir F D McCabe J JFarnum Farnum W Fizer W H Babin G GFisher Fisher H C Gordon A B McCoy J JFletcher Fletcher M H Keene G H Lunsford H HFlorisant Florisant Stable Trotter E Kummer C CForeign Foreign Stable iMcNaughton S Kummer E EForeman Foreman G W Short W Fuller J W Hukill J H Van Dusen C CGentry Gentry I Gentry L Jerry R L McDaniel H Glen Kiddle Farm Feustel L Ambrose E EGoidblatt Goidblatt M Goldblatt M Gjoode J 31 Cavanaugh H Iing IT ITGrayscn Grayscn Gary T Brooks W Keogh F FGreentree Greentree Stable Midgley W RFairbrother C Griffith J E Rites H Hawkins J S Hawkins J S SHeadlcy Headlcy Hal PricBuford W M MHemlrie Hemlrie G M AValtcrs J Hewitt II H Smith J I Hayes T P Hayes T P Hiillenbeck J J Taylor F M MHirsch Hirsch Max Hirsuh Max MaxIreland Ireland J T Ireland J T Islip Stable Webber T Jeffords W M Hastings John JohnJenkins Jenkins S L Rites H Johnson Fred Nutter Jos JosJones Jones Montfort Milant J C Kedgwlck Stable Garth Win Kelly F J Land G KeeneJO GHBrewster E Kilmer W S McDaniel W Kilrane Stable AVhitc C Kirby A L Kirby A L Ridenour W Morrissey W Livingston J JLoft Odoni G Loft G W Hirsch Max MaxCoyne Long G J Coyne P Loiichheim J H HLnmsdcn Clark C F Lnmsdcn J Healy J W Macomber A K KMadden Stratc G W Madden J E Walker W S Marrone Stable StableMartin May berry J P Martin W Martin W Callahau John McDowell T C Chenault S Martin E McLean B B Schorr J F Butwell J Huff N Modo Stable Odom G Morris A II Walden R W WMusante Musante F Musante F Nash J E Nash J E Nevada Stk Farmlleath W S SOBrin Denny G OBrin T W Shannon T J JOak Oak RiCfee Stable Garth L W Ogden SttLe Henderson S M MOneck Oneck Stable Karrick W H Parr Ral Garth William WilliamParrish Parrish J W Ward J S Burke H J Pelican Stable Wagnon J G Quincy Stable Fitzsimmons J Mooney Joseph Lancaster R Lowe S SPierce Redstone Stable Booth W Pierce J JGruneisen Ross J K LBedwelI H G GTauber Gruneisen J JHarbourne Tauber L Harbourne E EJohnson Ross Samuel Brooks W Rossetcr J II Stratc G H Johnson Albert Hamilton II Rancocas Stable Hildreth S C Sande Earl II Salmon W J Wayland E Kstep R Sanford John Burch Preston Knsor L Hughes Hollie HollieSchwartz Schwartz M LNotter Jos Short Grass StableTudge Steve Stoneham C A Goldsborongh A Miller C H Seagram Stable Bringloe J W Skinker J RBurttschell W Stinnyland Stable Smith R A Morris L Shea W A Livingston W WSoule Rodriguez J Soule E G Hoag H W Thraves W VSpence Kay KayWaterbury Waterbury L Harlan S P PWeld Weld E M Snyder O L LWhitney Whitney E F Irvine W Whitney H P Howe James JamesHayes Kummer C Hayes T P PClopton Penman L LZoeller Clopton S A AWidoner Widoner G DJoyner A J Zoeller J Widencr J E Welsh J H HLewis Turner C Lewis J IT Byers D William Bros Williams P J JWilliams Mangan G GEnsor Williams R D DWilson Wilson It THealey T J Ensor L Xalapa Farm Patterson K KWallace Schuttinger A Wallace W Robinson C Hughes C