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THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Feb 1 1920 143 15 6 122 PROPHECY ch g 5 110 110Trainer By Astronomer Fleda B by Falsetto Trainer D Dennison Owner D Benniion 22 2 Int n H Rettig 11 MDimbar RHarrigan DHorn 534G1 Tijuana 1 144 fast 18 115 2 2 1 1 I2 2i B PinngarlO LTosene RHargan GCourt CS405 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 332 10S 4 S S 8 81 7 = II Rowe 14 Runecft I0rphan ClmtCourt 53361 YkLassIe532G5 Tijuana 1 l43fast 41 115 9 2 4 9 101 10 B Pinnegrl2 Helman LitOrphan YkLassIe 532G5 Tijuana 1 l4GMhvy 7 117 2 3 3 4 31 4 = 1 B Pinnegrl2 ChMaster DandyVan LJphine LJphineSUCKHORN SUCKHORN SemproniuiTrainer II b g 4 106 By Buckhorn Bertie V by Semproniui Trainer L T Whitehill Owner L T Whitehill Whitehill53G15 53G15 Tijuana 1 1S l5Gfast 26 110 G 2 2 2 3U 2 = J O Willis S Fannie Jfail Mike Daly Sasin 53503 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast G 113 G 4 4 G 71 G 3 O Willis 11 Shenandoali PinkTenny Zetetic 53478 Tijuana 1 l43Vsfast 15 106 5 3 3 1 31 Il O Willis 11 Czardom Lit Pointer Electric E3405 ElectricE3405 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 39 109 14 14 11 14 122ill O Willis 14 Runecft LOrphan ChatCourt E330S ChatCourtE330S Tijuana 34 114 fast 98 106 6 5 G21 21 51S O Willis 7 Trophy Betsinda Poacher ROBERT LEE b g 8 110 110Trainer By General Roberts Princess by Cheviot Trainer J G Stadler Owner R S Irvin 535GG Tijuana 34115 fast 115 10S 12 1C 7 5 = 1 In D Powell 13 Careen Viva Tom Caro 53456 Tijuana 58 l020fast 7 113 32 14 12 10i s5S C Whittn 14 PPayne MDimbar BSquirrel 53379 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 6 115 14 12 12 II2 ll i P MartinezlS WCDooly ViNail BSquirrel 52435 Tijuana Im70y l46Vsfast 41 110 BSquirrelHO 32 G Yeargin S TFMcMahon TGIant VLady 42062 Oaklwn 1 l42 fast 7 112 S 8 8 7 3 1J J Bell 11 ThSeven LitString LPrincess LADY JOSEPHINE br m 5 113 113Trainer By Jack De Mund Donna Elvira by Ethelbert Trainer F Martin Owner F Martin Martin11G 53501 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3S 11G 9 S S S534GI 5 G2 G = J O Willis 12 Ilelman BabyFaust Fan Nail 534GI Tijuana 1 144 fast 41 106 9 9 9 G 42 1J D Powell 10 Prophecy RHarrigan CCourt 53305 Tijuana 1 11G 150 fast 10 110 2 3 2 3 3i 33i D Powell 12 SadieD MightyLever FPrince 53305 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 45 110 S G G 4 4 = 1 3J B Marielii 9 BabyFst LitOrphan DrDrley 53265 Tijuana 1 l4GVfchvy 3T10 110 S 9 S C 5l 31 D Powell 12 ChMaster DandyVan Pruhecy ZETETIC ch m 9 113 By Abe Frank Josios Jewel by Rancocas Trainer W L Stanfield Owner W L Btanfield 535R9 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 16 112 31 9 7 9 91 9 A Zeigler 12 Helman FanXail Shenndoah 53503 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 1910 315 2 7 7 7 4i 31 P Martinez 11 Shenandoali PkTenny VLady 53484 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 9 105 465 5 5s 4 O Willis 7 Salgeorge Nepperhan B Faust 53457 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 3710 110 2 1 1 1 I2 I1 O Willis 8 Czardom Tours Fairy Prince 53420 Tijuana 1 11G l49fast 225 112 7 8 4 4 3U 3 i O Willis 13 FXail MSedalia MightyLever MightyLeverBy PINK TENNY ch m 6 113 113Trainer By David Tenny Fraim by Pacemaker Trainer G Lyon Owner G Lyon 5r574 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 195 107 r r f 5 7 713 R Carter 7 Aunt Annie BabyFaust Humma 53503 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 3910 315 121 1 1 = 1 2H II Buxton 11 Shenaiidoah Zetetic Von Lady 545S Tijuana 1 l42fast 9 115 28 7 7 33 3 J E Haywrd Maud M Helman Billy Joe 53111 Tijuana 1 l42 l427 fast 7 135 4 5 C 3 21 31 C Gross 12 Ostentatious Helman MaudM MaudME29S9 E29S9 Tijuana 34 114 fast 13 115 3 S 10 10 = 97 C Gross 11 Goldie Rose Striker Quid Nune KNIGHT CarbineTrainer OF PYTHIAS br g 9 110 By Boanerges Carcanet II by Carbine Trainer S Hazeltine Owner S Hazeltine 53G13 Tijuana 34 l14Vfast 51 PDouglas13f 109 4 4 3 3 3i R Carter S PMartin SMaggie PDouglas 53503 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 13f Zetetic9f 117 8 3 3 3 35S445 6 = 753 R Carter 11 Shenandoali PinkTenuy Zetetic 5S445 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 9f 115 G 78 78E33S2 788 9S3 B Pinnegrll Celebrate Stanley G James E33S2 Tijuana Im70y l4Cfast 32 100 3 6 5 G Cl G ° l B Parke 0 Point to Point Sasin Bardoru 53321 Tijuana 34 115 fast 21 109 7 74 74VON 44 It W Gargan 15 Rosellis Lantern Mnnnikiu II VON LADY ch m B 113 113Trainer By Von Tromp Cirlina by Orsini OrsiniTnor Trainer F Howland Owner Tnor F Howlandl Howlandl535G9 535G9 Tijuana 1 11G llSfast 57 107 5 2 3 3 41 5s J Noble 12 Helman FanXail Slipnndoah 53503 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 10 HQ 3 S 5 4 4531S5 G2 42 B Mariellill Shenaiidoah PinkTenny Zetetic ZeteticIS 531S5 Tijuana 1 11G l48fast IS 102 C 5 7 7 9 93J B Marielii 9 Pierrot Cork Geo Miiehlebach 53411 Tijuana 1 l42fast 20 115 11 9 9 10 105J307 91 9J R Carter N12 Ostentatious Helman PTenny 5J307 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast U 110 1 5 G 5 5MAUDIE G1 2 ° B Marielii 9 Sasin Miss Scdalia Ben Levy MAUDIE blk m 8 113 By The Commoner Niazus by Charaiui Trainer C Bustillos Owner C Bustillos 53307 Tijuana 1 116 l48fast 25 110 9 9 S S 71 G B Parke 9 Sasin VonLady Miss Sodalia 53250 Tijuana ImTOy IMUfslop 12f 107 9 11 10 10 10 Ss G Yeargin 12 Tttoosii MntiiGirl GMhlebh 53002 Tijuana 3m70y l47fast 11 313S 87 4 3J 21 M Buxton 8 Prince Direct Ben Levy Boreas Boreas529TO 529TO Tijuana 1 116 l497sfast 22 10 7 77 7 7 7i J Clements 7 B Favorite FShaiinou JDavid CZARDOM b h 5 113 By Royal Realm Zoara by Matchmaker MatchmakerTrainer Trainer C Whyte Owner C Whyte Whyte5347S 5347S Tijuana 1 l43fast 910 115 11 7 G 4 31 2 i B MartelllH Hckhornll LPointer Electric ElectricES457 ES457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3110 110 G 2 2 2 2s 2J B Marielli 8 Zeletic Tours Fairy Prince 53395 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 2910 112 5 4 6 7 S l 915 H Jones 12 Sadie D MLever LTosephine 63334 Tijuana 1 l42fast 9 115 S G 5 2 1s 21 21 B Marielli 8 BusyBiril PatMack Kunecraft 63321 Tijuana 34 115 fast Sf 107 10 5 8 82 7 = 1 B Mariellilu TCof Pythias Rosellis Lantern HICKORYNUT b m 7 108 By Hessian Lychee Nut by Sir Modred ModredTrainer Trainer G F Hum Owner G F Hum HumD3616 D3616 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 13G 95 8 999 91S P Hum 9 MadByng L Gentry Ike Mills 53540 Tijuana 1 11G l49fast 45f 102 8 S S S S 9 l P Hura Pierrot GMuelilebach L Gink 6S503 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 22 110 11 11 11 10 91 S l P Hum 11 Slienandoah PinkTenny Zetetic 634G1 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 64 102 4 4 4 4 5b 6 P Hum 8 OMaid AudreyK GMhlebach 63455 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 21f 95 10 11 12 12 108J P Hum 12 JohnJr Hars Heir Ike Mills BERNICE E ch m 6 113 By Salvation Bertola by Albert AlbertTrainer Trainer B Omspoch Owner Gorman Omspoch 63575 Tijuana 1 l42fast G7 107 7 S G 6 6h Si R Carter 8 Cobrita Pierrot Sam Hill 53303 Tijuana Im70y l47 fast 13f 115 10 10 9 9 10 101 M Woods 11 Sheiiandoah PinkTenny Zetetic 63452 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 16f 107 9 10 10 9 91 G5 J Htamcrll Minnie II Fannie Nail Pierrot 63365 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast 46 102 3 7 7 7 G1 G J Htamer 8 LitGink HntnGirl MlkeDaly 63267 Tijuana Im70y 149 hvy 6f 112 2 8 8 8 81 9 C Whlftn 9 Sasin Mount Girl Dickie W HANOVERS PhillipsTrainer TOPAZ ch g 6 115 By Abe Frank Duchess Phillipe by Sam Phillips Trainer X A McDowell Owner L A McDowell 53554 Tijuana 34 l14fast 1C 109 S 11 11 10 97 D Powell 13 FrankShannon Sandab HlSablo 53150 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 2110 113 3 111 1J1 P Martinezl2 EugeniaK IJluuVan JolinLake 63398 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 13 106 8 54 2 J 2 G Yeargin 12 Herder Ncg Smiling Maggie 53393 Tijuana 34 115 fast 13 105 6 G 42 2 W Taylor 8 PeggyMartin IMazer Woodrose 63320 Tijuana 51 f 08fast4110f 100 5 8 8 S2 G l B MarlellllS GMinard Toreador PegMartin