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SEVENTH RACE 1 14 Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Sept 25 1918 205 6 103 AUSTRAL b gr C 108 108Trainer By Dalhousie Australlna by Montana Trainer J J Casey Owner A Swenko 5SC52 IIdeGce 1 1S l55fast 95 112 S S S G 5t 34 II Myers 9 Antoinette Mather Railblrd SunduriaP2C05 53515 Bowie 1 1S l57fast 225112 C G 5 4 42 1J H Myers 8 SolidHock Speariene Sunduria P2C05 FGnds 1 31C 200 fast 20 109J 777 7 7 I3 A Collins 7 Ilenty Nominee Newl W 52541 FGnds 1 14 208 fast 5 109 4 4 4 5 5 4 J Roberts 0 David Craig Pit Aztec 52419 FGnds 1 14 2OCfast 7 113 13 12 10 10 11 7T T Rowan 1C Nominee Lad Pit PIT ch e 8 112 By Leonid Bella Rankin by Handball Trainer HandballTrainer JT Phlllipi Owner J Pbllllpi 53504 Bowie 1 14 212fast 14f 109 G 7 7 7 21 I2 F Cltiletti 8 Siindnria Alma B Aztec 53515 Bowie 1 1S l57fust 1910 107 S S 8 8 8 G5i M Schwtz 8 Austral Solid Rock Speariene 52095 FGnds 1 1S l54fast 135115 G G G G G 21 D Connlly 0 Grandee Bombast Koliinoor 52044 Craig52C91 FGnds 1 18 l53fast 7 112 8 8 7 5 3J 1 D Connlly 8 Aztec Lad David Craig 52C91 FGnds 1 14 207fast 75 109 G C 5 4 2 21 L McDott G SMac MandinsCoat MGalvin LADY EMMELINE b f 4 98 By King James Auntie Mnm by Melton MeltonTrainer Trainer L Williams Owner Crown Stable StableESG97 ESG97 POKing53C07 HdeGe 1 11G l48fast 17f 109 81111 11 10 Gl F Cltiletti 13 Roisterer AmerBoy POKing 53C07 Bowie 1 18 l57sfast 14 111 7 G G 4 42 4Ti F Cltiletti 7 Napthalius UPardner GDawn 53535 Bowie 1116150 good 30 112101010 9 S G2 T Pargton 1 1 Zoiwe GoldDawn Woodthnish 53199 Bowie Im70y l47fast 55 108 2 9 10 9 S 5 G Babin 12 MadgeF AmerBoy Antoinette 52325 FGnds 1 11G l47fast 20 109 10 9 9 9 9 9 i C Robsonlli Kimpalong HKing GoldDawn SUNDURIA br m 5 102 102Trainer By Olambala Miss Kingston by Bramble or Klngi Trainer J H Murray Owner J H Murray 53753 HdeGe 1 11G l49fast 23 102 2 2 2 9 S2 GX G Babin 14 MormoiiElder Mather IronBoy 53G7G IronBoy53G7G HdeGe Irn70y l47f ast 4310 10G G 11 S S C2 I L Penman 12 Speedster SammyKelly Maize 53G3S Warlike5SC23 Maize53G3S Bowie 1 11G l51fast 2710 IOC 2 3 a 2 1J Il G Babin 7 Toreador Attorney Warlike 5SC23 Sentimental53T Bowie 1110152 fast G 10G G 5 5 5 32 2A G Bnbiii 8 Aztec PConnelly Sentimental 53T 64 Bowie 1 14 212fast 31 102 422 2 1 22 G Babln 8 Pit Alma 15 Aztec 53515 Bowie 1 1S l57Jifast 26 10G 1 5 G 5 5 41 G Babin 8 Austral Solid Rock Speariene SpearieneBOMBAST SpearieneBOMBAST BOMBAST br g 0 103 By Broomstick Xela by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer G Peterson Owner G Peterson 2 HdeGce 1 1S l55fast 9 10S 7 7 7 7 S S C Ponce 9 Antoinette Mather Austral Austral5CG09 5CG09 Bowie 1 11G 51faHt ISGf 114111010 7 0 534 C Ponce 11 Challenger Arbitrator Orenzo 53515 Bowio 1 1S l57fast 19 112 7 7 7 7 7J S C Ponce 8 Austral Solid Bock Speariene 53476 Bowie 1 11C l52Vbslow 31 112 1C 1C 15 15 142 ll C Ponce 1C Kohinoor J Reeves GDawn GDawnMAIZE MAIZE HimyarTrainer ch f 4 102 By Uncle Malta by Himyar Trainer W H FIzer Owner W H Fizor Fizor53G7C 53G7C irdeGe Im70y l47fast 7 IOC It 10 r 4 33 3s G Babin 12 Speedster SamKelly Sunduria Sunduria53G22 Sunduria53G22 53G22 Bowie 1 11G l50fast 7 102 G 5 G 7 S S3 G Babln 8 Oakln Belle Ettalie AnnnGilInii AnnnGilInii53C02 AnnnGilInii53C02 53C02 Bowio 1110151 fast 12 102 8 3 G 4 42 44 G Babin 12 Tan II Toss Un Toreador 53522 Bowie 1 11G l51 fast 7 102 2 3 3 1 1 G Babln HAlPierce Crumpsall ThQiieen 50695 Jamaica 34 l13fast 20 100 G 7 G CJ Gl G Babin 7 LocLeaves Genie W Larghetto GOLDCREST BOY br g 9 10B By Plaudit Polly Prim by Pirate of Peniano Trainer PenianoTrainer J G Wagnoi Owner Pelican Stable StablenSTO nSTO HdeGo 1 116 l49f ast ISf 106 12 13 13 14 14 II A Rlchcrkl4 MormonElder Mather IronBoy 53623 Connelly53C03 Bowie 1116152 fast 18 112 2 3 2 3 7l S2 A Johnson 8 Aztec Sunduria Paul Connelly 53C03 Bowio 1110151 fast 29t 111101011 9 9 9 II Ericksnl2 Tan II Toss Up Toreador Toreador5347G 5347G Bowie 1 11G l52V sIow 12 112 2 7 12 12 131 152 A JohnsonlU Kohinoor J Reeves G Dawn E2012 DawnE2012 Shport Im70y 205 hvy 35 114 133 3 3 32 N Teller 4 Shilling Grandee Bar One OneINDOLENCE INDOLENCE OrnamentTrainer b e 10 103 By HcGee Princess Orna by Ornament Trainer 0 Pons Owner Poinsetta Stable 53711 GeorgeDuncan5S023 HdeGce 1 18 l5G7 fast 13 105 2 S S 5 ff 521 R HolwaylO Atrator Slene GeorgeDuncan 5S023 Connelly5r5SS Bowio 1110152 fast C 107 G S S S S G i R Holway 8 Aztec Sunduria Paul Connelly 5r5SS Bowie 1 110 l51fast 1710 112 123 4 G1 4 ° i C Ponce 9 Alma B Warlike Polygamist 53521 Bowie 1 116 l51Vfefast G IOC G S 7 G O5 2J R Holwayll HelloPdner Warlike Kkenny 53TOO Bowie 1116151 fast 14 106 2 5 5 5 4 51 R HolwayKJ Bar One Orenssu Warlike COURT FOOL b c 4 98 By Fitz Herbert Courtisane by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer R B Jackson Owner W S Murray MurrayC2097 C2097 HdeGe 1 116 IMS fast 26 112 9 10 10 10 lllll2 G Corey 13 Uoisterer Amprlipy PGKing 6S621 PGKing6S621 Bowie Im70y l4Sfast 36 110 4 4 4 2 21 12J G Corey 7 Wdthrusli Manoevre Hoisterer 53535 Bowie 1 116 150 good 72f 114 11 11 11 11 11 11 G Corey H Zouave GoldDawn Woodthrush 53499 Bowie Im70y l47fast 27f 111111112 12 12 12 G Corey 12 MadgeK AmerBoy Antoinette 51016 Bowie 114215 hvy 13 100 7 3 3 2 GJ 7 ° R L LiMnter iMnter lit Jlteeves Hlardiier Spearleue SHE DEVIL ch m 5 90 By Peep oDay Meddlesome She by Meddler Trainer MeddlerTrainer P J Miles Owner P J Miles Miles5S711 5S711 HdeGco 1 1S l5Gfast 12 99 4 4 7 C C5 G3 E HarbnelO Atrator Slene GeorgeDttncau 52052 HdeGco 1 18 l55fast 26 93 1 3 3 3 21 5 i L Penman 9 Antoinette Mather Austral 3279 Mobile Ab Cl f 131 hvy 710110 1 3 4 1 1 II Erlcksn C O James Dabinda Countess 5ir4 Shport 51 f l08fast 10 105 2 478 Ss S AVida 8 LitMandie StJust FlrstPult FlrstPultf2119 f2119 Jefson 1116148 fast 15 102 3 2 2 4 41 6 1 J Roberts 8 Sandy Mac Bengali Mab RAILBIRD ch p 5 93 By Plaudit Maud B L by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer C Morton Owner J M Collins 711 IIdeGce 1 18 l56fst l 109 524 S SI S3 L McAfee 10 Atrator Slene GeorgeDuncaii GeorgeDuncaii63G52 63G52 IIdeGce 1 1S l55fast 104 103 5 4 4 4 C = 41 M Sehwty Antoinette Alatber Austral 51244 I Iiurel iurel 34 llCgood 12 115 7 G G 0 6 1 A JilmsoiiH FklFaiuy PCoiily 1rel llaby 51120 Up509U7 Laurel 1 110 l49 = ifast 19 113 C 10 11 11 91 10 A Allen 13 Ragmirok Sunrose Stir Up 509U7 Laurel 1116149 fast 29 110 2 0 6 4 41 48i R Roiuolll S AmerEagle AttyMuir Wilfda BILL HUNLEY ch g 6 103 By Setback Homesick by Deutschland DeutschlandTrainer Trainer B B Rice Owner B B Rice 53075 HdeGe Im70y l4Gfast 51 111 7 S S 7 G5 75 T Burns K War Club Toss Up Iron Boy 53331 Havana linMy 141 fast 31 110 S S 8 8 7 7 C Borel 8 Duke Buff Bianea Clip 53243 Havana Im50y l42ffast 21 105 7 S 5 C 4 t 4SJ L Penman 8 Bieniian Duke Ruff Huntress Huntress520G 520G Havana 34 l13fast 15 110 5 S G 3i I L Ieiuuan 8 Perigrdine Scarpia II Hainan HainanG31G1 G31G1 Havana 1 116 140 if ast G5 103 2 3 2 2 2 21 L Penman t Bianea Rhymer Dewitt ALHENA b p 9 98 By Star Shoot Belle oi Glendale by Sir DLzom Trainer DLzomTrainer B E Chapman Owner L A Seregni 53732 BlingamerG08 HdeGo 1 11G l48i rast 46 110 71011 12 12 12 M Schwtzl2 Hkamore Nutoiker Blingame rG08 BenllampsonKlGOl Bowie 1 116 l51 tfii t A 101 t ID 10 10 iy210l M Schwlzll Keziah Vaphank Benllampson KlGOl Bowie 1 116 l0fast 47 100 358 9 S1 8 = ° M Schwtz 9 Kohinoor Benevolt Speedster 53522 Bowio 1 116 l511Lfast 52 111101010 7 G G M Schwtx 11 Maize Al Pierce Crumpsall 53500 Bowie 1 11G 151 fast 15f IOC 11 10 10 11 11 ll M SchwtzlS Bar One Oreuzo Warlike WARLIKE ch g 4 93 By Ivnn the Terrible Rebellion by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer R Pending Owner R Pending 53075 loyC30S8 IIileGc ImVOy l4Gijfast 14 102 2 7 7 S 1 Ou L MeAtee 10 War Club Toss Ill Iron loy C30S8 Bowie 1 110 IrGlsfast 4 100 7 fi fi 1 53 4 M Sclnvtz 7 Siindnria Toreador Attorney 5 G09 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 1910 101 10 11 11 10 S1 S 3 F CUilettill Challenger Arbitrator Orenzo Orenzo5S5SS 5S5SS Bowie 1 11C l51fast 93 101 J 7 C 5 5 42 2 A Allen Alma 15 Polygamist Indolence 53521 Bowie 1 110 l51fast 75 103 7 G 3 3 32 3J J Heupel 11 HloPdner Indolence Kkenny