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SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 16 1920 205 15 6 115 115TOKALON TOKALON MARCH b g 7 107 By Marchmont II Tokalon by Tammany TammanyTrainer Trainer W C Weant Owner W C Weant WeantE3GS9 E3GS9 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 95 117 2 3 3 3 21 2h T McCullh 7 Lewis B Propliqcy Boreas 63630 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 4 107 1 5 5 5 A 4 = J E Taylor 8 Pierrot Cobrita Boreas 63540 Tijuana 1 116 IMOVsfast 2 112 3 3 4 5 51 653 P Martinez 9 Pierrot GMuelilebach L Clink Clink634S5 634S5 Tijuana 1 116 l4S fast 2710 112 COG 6 62 5J C Whit tn Pierrot Cork Gco Muehlebacli GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b g 6 107 By McGee Stolen Moments by Kingston KingstonTrainer Trainer J McDowell Owner L A McDowell 53722 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 225 114 7 4 4 4 431 46J E Noble 7 FrankShannon Cobrita Pierrot 53690 Tijuana 34 l14fast 13 112 8 S 8 S 72 D Powell S ThtySeveii JcoJamcs Diciicro 63571 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfast 16 112 6 Lost rider M SlBhtcr 8 Ncpperhan Pierrot Audrey K K6ffi40 6ffi40 Tijuana 1 116 l49M fast 225 112 1 2 2 2 221 23 B Marielll 1 Pierrot Little Uink Uioue BUCKHORN II b g 4 107 By Buckhorn Bertie V by Sernproniui SernproniuiTrainer Trainer L T Whitohill Owner L T White hill hill536S7 536S7 Tijuana ImTOy l4Cfast 185 110 2 3 3 3 3 33 E Taylor 7 LIiinocence Samllill Nashotali 53641 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfast 4 106 6 7 6 5 41 4 J D Priblc 9 It Lee Prophecy Kof Pythias 63615 Tijuana 1 1S l5Gfast 26 110 6222 3J 2 = 1 O Willis 8 Fannie Nail Mike Daly Sasin 63503 Tijuana Im70y l47fast G 113 6 4 4 G 71 G 3 O Willis 11 Sliciiandoali PinkTenny Zetetic TOURS br g 9 97 By Out of Reach Ethel Thomas by Himyar HimyarTrainer Trainer P Enos Owner F R Doyle 63642 Tijuana Ihi70y 147 fast 23f 100 10 10 8 S C 6 = 1 E Josiah 10 Charitonian SIIill MScdalia 63568 Tijuana 1 316 211 fast 8 135 5 G G G G30 6 8 A Thomas i Coronado Appletto Adorock 63479 Tijuana 1 l43fast 9 109 10 7 9 9 71 2n B MariellilO Roscllis M Sedalia IatMick 63457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 16 107 1 G 5 G 4s 34J E Josiah 8 Zctetic Czardom Fairy Prince LADY INNOCENCE b m 10 113 By Salvation Mi Reina by Santiago SantiagoTrainer Trainer A J Christie Owner Brcadin Christie 63687 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 15 115 7 7 G 6 2 Il E Fator 7 SamllHl JJuckhornll Nashotali Nashotali63Gri4 63Gri4 Tijuana 1116149 fast 4 110 S 7 4 2 21 4J T McCullh 9 Mike Daly Electric Mayworth 63575 Tijuana 1 l42fast 29 110 S G 8 8 8 533 E Burns 8 Cobrita Pierrot Sam Hill 53569 Tijuana 1 116 148 Hifast 16 1151212 Pulled up H Rettig 12 Ilclmnn FanNail Shciindoah AUDREY K b m 6 105 By Ballot Captivity by Goldfinch or Star Baby BabyTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin 53722 Tijuana 1 18 l54fast 9 112 5 G 6 6 7 7 D Hurn 7 FrankSliannon Cobrita Pierrot Pierrot5ZG59 5ZG59 Tijuana 1 11G 148 fast 15 105 3 6 G G G G 3 D Hurn G Yermak MissStathcm Walktlp 53630 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast S 110 3 7 8 8 7 = 1 G D Hum 8 Pierrot Cobrita Boreas 63574 Tijuana 1 l42fast 125115 6777 52J 4 = 3 P Martinez 7 Aunt Annie BabyFaust Huinma HuinmaSTANLEY STANLEY S blk g 13 102 By Jack Point My Gem by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity Garrity536S1 536S1 Tijuana Im70y 143 fast 12 115 1 10 8 8 81 6 R Dority 10 RHarrigan GoOn DrCPFrycr 63537 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 4Gf 113101010 10 103 9 ° J Murray 11 Prophecy M Dunbar Ullgau 63526 Tijuana 1 1S 155 fast 232 107 6 7 7 7 8 818 J Murray 8 Nepperlian Sasin Sam Hill 63265 Tijuana 1 l46hvy lOf 112 11 11 12 12 11 10 B Parke 12 ChMaster DandyVan LJphine