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HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART HAVRE DE GRACE MD TUESDAY APRIL 20 1921 Ninth day Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association Spring Meeting of 13 days Weather clear temperature 74 ° Stewards icorge i itrown Jr 11 I oakling ami itaucr aters mages L iornemscn J it Campbell mid Joseph McLcnnan Starter James Milton Racing Secretary Joseph McLennan 5 O E FIRST RACE 12 Milo April 29 191 17 2 112 Cinderella Purse Purso 1200 O OOt 2 year olds Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Oddd Strt nSfiSMtOGAKITK Will 9 1 I1 1 J AVIlliams J II Louchlielin 210100 I NANCV F will C 5 33 2 2 L McAlec V J Farrell 0310 53001 MIRIAM COOPER w 111 72 21 3 3 1 RodKez Shesi Stable IDWimj 53705 QUICK RUN w 111 4 7 4i 4 4 = 1C llaynes Pelican Stable 1435100 53001 MARYLAND BISLLK w 111 3 4 53 5B C Turner Maryland Stable SO1100 SO1100GUACI3 GUACI3 FOSTER w 111 2 C 7i 7l C J Shelcpets 13 1C Uryson 1331D100 53003 AV1CSSI13 U w 111 8 3 Cl fi3 7 A Uichcrk J Arthur 22910100 22910100IJUXOM IJUXOM w 111 5 8 S S S = J Conley AVm Farnum 23865100 23865100IJI3LSKI IJI3LSKI w 111 19 0 9 9 K AlcCrim S G Morton 11720100 11720100tDisiniiililicd tDisiniiililicd for foul Time 22 47ii Truck fast 2 miituels paid Nancy F 300 straight 330 place 280 show Miriam Cooper 830 place 450 show Quick Run 470 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Nancy F 05 to 100 straight 05 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Miriam Cooper 315 to 100 place 125 to 100 show Quick Run 135 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Sweep Frances Dillon by The Commoner trained by F D Weir bred by Messrs A E Hundley Son SonWent Went to post at 230 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing OGARITE began fast and immediately rushed across to the inside causing a jam then set a great pace and finished easing up but was placed last NANCY F was pulled up when OGARITE interfered with her and finished fast and gamely MIRIAM COOPER ran well but was tiring at the end MARY ¬ LAND BELLE was crowded back at the start The hist four acted and raced green SECOND RACE 34 Mile Sept 27 1919 Iliy5 Sr128 Purse 1200 3ycarohls and upward Claiming Net value to winner S900 second 200 third 100 i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 53002 KIRAII w 113 11 1 l t 11 11 ill c Rob son F I Sullivan 293100 53235 TRUSTY wan 7 115 8 7 41 2l 2 = 2 J IJutwell C R Daly DalyC1 253100 53720 JKAN BULLANT wi 113 13 S C1 G1 Gi y II McCrnn Lincoln Stable Stable2li 710100 53328 = 1RIN MYRTLE wit 4 103 G 4 2li 41 31 41 J Rowan J D Bartolomco tlO0100 tlO0100Stable r3i70llRIGOURDINE w C 105 3 2 31 51 5l T Burns Kcntmero Farm7k Farm Stable t t42G5100 53700 = FICKLE FANCY w C 100 2 5 7k V 72 G J Gncisen 1 IJ Rice 42G5100 53720SGENKRAL w 11 115 10 3 3rJ372H3MIDIAN 101 10b 8 7 J Uodgez T II AVllson rJ372H3MIDIAN wu 4 113 12 9 55 31 4 k S1 C Turner R Scherrcr 53700 IlEDLAND wu 0 115 9 15 143 II1 II1 9J E ISiirncs G Holmes HolmesSJ 10810 MUSITO w 5 110 1 C C0TETLEY SJ S 91 10i II Thurber E T Zollicoffcr 2193100 2193100125W1IK 0TETLEY w 5 105 7 11 11K30 9 k 91 10 H1 A Tryon H AVilser 125W1IK 125W1IK13GGO100 K30 3RAArENSEA w 4 103 013 13 13 13 = 121 R Lcastcr G Price Price12i 13GGO100 13GGO100t 53192 TOADSTOOL w 5 110 11 12 12r 12i 12l 12 13 T PirKton J Troy TroyII1 t r 37Ii EQUATOH w 4 103 13 14 II1 11 11 14 M Harson J J OToolo 50300 JOHN UHL w 3 OG 4 10 10fMutucl 15 Ran out M Sehwtz R Goodloc t tfMutucl fMutucl field Time 23 47 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Kirah 700 straight 400 place 370 show Trusty 110 place 310 show showJean Jean Bnllant 300 show showEuuivalent Euuivalent bMking odds Kirah 205 to 100 straight 145 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Trusty 105 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Jean Bullant SO to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Cli f by Astronomer Mary Greenwood by Falsetto trained by J Rowland bred by Mr MrK K P Sliipp SliippWent Went to post at 313 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the thesame same KIRAII took a quick lead and setting a good pace raced PRINCESS MYRTLE and PEUI PEUIGOURDINE GOURDINE into defeat but just lasted long enough to outstay TRUSTY The latter raced forwardly forwardlyand and made a fast finish JEAN BULLANT closed a gap and outstayed PRINCESS MYRTLE The latter latterran ran a good race but tired finally MIDIAN showed speed but tired in the stretch PERIGOURDINE PERIGOURDINEran ran fairly well wellScratched Scratched 53751 Black Top 101 53720 Amackassin 105 53002 Tarascon 115 53471 Alors 105 53700 53700Machere Machere 105 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs April 16 1921 I05y5 3 108 Purse 1200 3year olds Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 53004 SOCIAL STAR wsi 113 G 3 4 1 4 3 I1 R L caster E B Henderson 370100 53004 AVRAITH w 100 12 1 = I1 li 2 L Penman N Macfarlano 2G151CO 2G151CO53020CELTIC 53020CELTIC LASS wu 110 7 4 2 t 21 2 3i T Rice J 13 Dunn 213100 213100r3700 r3700 GEORGE POVEE wsit 10G 9 G Gl C = G1 4 C Ponce G Peterson 2733100 2733100r3017 r3017 MORNING FACE w 103 38 91 93 71 51 A Richer F Farrar 4S03100 4S03100r372aTENNlTE r372aTENNlTE w 97 8 5 3l 31 41 G1 M Harson J II Loucliheim 21 21r3091 r3091 = PERHAPS wi Ill 310 Sl SJ S 7i J Gneisen C Fountain SIKMOO SIKMOOr309lMISS r309lMISS RANKIN w 9G 10 1 7 71 9l S2 I Gordon M Boasberg G13511K G13511Kr309lACTRESS r309lACTRESS wu 100 2 7 GU 5i 51 9 ° R McCrnn R F Carman t SO100 SO100r3003 r3003 STREAMER w 103 11 9 11 11 10 101 F AVelner B F Marshall t 53128 TALENT w 109 4 11 10 = 101 11 11 II Thurber T Hodge t ttMiituel tMiituel field Time 23 47 101 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Social Star 940 straight 530 place 350 show Wraith 2010 place OSO show Celtic Lass 310 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Social Star 370 to 100 straight 105 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Wraith 1205 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Celtic Lass 55 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B c by Brummcl Glad Smile by Dr MacBride trained by S M Henderson bred by Mr Hugh McCarren McCarrenWent Went to post at 344 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing SOCIAL STAR followed the leaders close up to the stretch turn and responding witii a rush when railed on raced to the front in the last fifty yards and won going away AVRAITH showed much the most early speed and made a game iinish CELTIC LASS raced prominently but tired in the last six ¬ teenth PERHAPS began slowly and ran a poor race GEORGE BOVEE finished fast MORNING FACK closed a big gap TENNITE ran a good half before tiring tiringScratched Scratched 53751 = Louise AVynne 00 53517 Spugs 101 53092 Tout Or 103 537513Lucy Kate 10S 53093 By Jove 107 03091 Plum Blossom 108 108Overweights Overweights Morning Face 1 pound Celtic Lass 4 5 5q q C c Q FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Sept 27 1919 111 3 128 Spring Handicap Purse 0 O Q O 2000 3ycarolds and upward Net value to winner 1300 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt1 V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Emiiv Odds Strt 53730 ROUTLUDGE w 5 111 G 1 I1 lt I1 I1 E Ambrose AV M Jeffords 200100 20010053730ST 53730ST ALLAN wu 4 112 2 2 41 5 = 5 ° 2 S AVida D Cunningham 400100 53700 CAPT HEKSIILERw 4 109 5 4 2t 2k 21 3 C Turner S Lewis 700100 53000 = SAGAMORE wi 4 101 15 5 41 3 4 k A Richcrk J Arthur 332U100 332U10050323KING 50323KING THRUSH w 4 US 4 3 33 C 41 S13 J Kutwcll J K L Ross 210100 210100C3770 C3770 ST QUENT1N wu 5 107 3 G G G 0 G C Ponce J B Dunn 1905100 1905100Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Routledge 000 straight 340 place 280 show St Allan 450 place 340 show Captain Herslder 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking xlds Routledge 200 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show St Allan 125 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Captain Herslder 100 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch h by Toddington Understudy by Star Ruby trained by J Hastings bred by Mr Thomas C McDowell McDowellAVenl AVenl to post at 412 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing ROUTLEDGE set a fast pace from the start alid was under slight restraint until in the last eighth ST ALLAN was outpaced in the early running but finished fast and in resolute fashion on the inside CAPTAIN HERSI1LER raced in closest pursuit but tired in the final strides KING THRUSH was in close quarters for the first quarter and could not get through SAGAMORE ran well FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sept 25 1915 142 4 119 Comrade Handi ¬ cap Purse 2000 3yearolds and upward Net valuo to winner 1300 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt V V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 53772 JEG w 3 104 3 3 2 2l l I1 25 F Cltilcttl J E Griffith 91311 53035 = KINGS CIIAMPNwn 4 112 2 2 3 41 4 = 4J 3 II Thurber J MacManus 57310 57310r r 37103KING JOHN w G 107 1111 I 2J 3l 41 C Turner F Musanto 129310 129310T3750 T3750 FIXER wu 7 102 G G G G 51 53 55 C Ponco E P Suinmcrfield 7U310 7U310C3073 C3073 DUC DE MORNY wn 3 1071 4 5 53 53 G C G I Morris S L Jenkins 2G951C 2G951CTime Time 24 48 114 139 143 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Sporting Blood 330 straight 200 place 240 show Jeg 180 place 350 show Kings Champion 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sporting Blood 05 to 100 straight 45 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Jeg 140 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Kings Chnmpion M to 100 show showAVinner AVinner IJ c by Fair Play Felicity by Rock Sand trained by AV Booth bred by Mr August Belmoiit BelmoiitWent Went to post at 439 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same SPORTING BLOOD was saved to the stretch and racing on the outside of the leaders won JEG down and got up to win in the closing strides JEG ran well but tired after passing ICING JOHN and taking a clear lead KINGS CHAMPION was outpaced but raced gamely KING JOHN tired badly at the end after having set a good pace to the far turn turnOverweights Overweights Due de Morny pounds SIXTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards Sept 25 1915 142 4 119 Purse 1200 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 900 second 200 third 100 AAVtPPSt Vi k Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enuiv Odds Strt as 7 7 AMiJK tw iiui wu 4 iiu 4 s s 9 4 oi I ii iiorwiiy w v uusey uusey53731AVOODTHRUSII 53731AVOODTHRUSII w C 101 2 1 I1 21 2l 21 2l M Harson J M Collins 5 729DIXIE CARRLLwi 3 105 10 7 3 lii iu lii 3 F Cltilctti J A Coburn 5371 OSGOOD wi 5 10S 13 11 Gl 41 G1 5 = 41 J GncXcn K B Rice Rice537313AVIDOW 537313AVIDOW BEDOTTE w 7 109 7 2 Tu G1 5 4l 51 C Turner E Trueman TruemanG 53710L1OLA wn 4 101 813 91 G A Allen II AValscr 53728 FAVOUR w S 97 12 G 4l 7 L Penman P S P Randolph 53389 MESS KIT w 1 103 11 5 71 8l 91 83 S1 E Barnes M E Thompson 53731TRICKSTER II w 5 10S G 12 12 II3 II1 H1 9 II Thurber E T Zollicoffer 53773 JOAN OF ARC w 5 105 3 9 13 13 13 121 101 R McCrnn F Musante 53773 SUMMER SIGH wu 5 112 9 10 10 10HO3 10i lli A Richcrk J R Skinker 2133KKl 53728 CAUBEEN w 1 93 11 3 2 7J S 91 125 J Callahaii AV L S Martin G03100 53710 ESCARPOLETTE w 4 110 4 H II1 l 3 12 = 13 13 A Collins G E Brown t tG3051SUNNY G3051SUNNY HILL wn G 102 1 4 Pulled up R Lcaster G E Hall 1213100 1213100tMuluel tMuluel field Time 24 49 115 141 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid American Boy 7300 straight 2320 place 1010 show AVoodthrush 3880 place 2020 show Dixie Carroll 510 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds American Boy 3505 to 100 straight 1000 to 100 place 705 to 100 show AVoodthrush 1840 to 100 place 010 to 100 show Dixie Carroll 155 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Superman Adelinette by Melton trained by AV Ar Casey bred by Mr Henry T Oxnard AVent to post at 510 At post 0 minutes Start good and slow for all but SUNNY HILL AVon driving second and third the same AMERICAN BOY began slowly but gradually improved his position and coining fast through the stretch outtinished AVOODTHRUSH in the final drive The latterset the early pace and raced forwardly afterward but tired when challenged DIXIE CARROLL under restraint in the early running took the lead on the backstretcli but tired finally WIDOW BEDOTTE was in close quarters in the stretch SUNNY HILL was left at the post and galloped in behind the others OSGOOD ran well and finished fast FAAOUR showed speed speedScratched Scratched 5372S Frederick the Great 102 53S11 Speedster 101 53S12 Orma Reed 102 102Overweights Overweights Escarpolettc IV pounds Liola 4 CT OQI g SEVENTH RACE 1 11C Miles Sept 13 1920 l44i 3 138 Purse 1200 4year LFtJO tJL olds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 900 second 200 third 100 ses AAVtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 537i2BAR ONE wu G 101 8 10 G G 3i 21 1i H Gregory II B Holmes 1GOO1QO 53095 14010053753MORM FROGTOAVN w 5 102 7 4 3J 4J 4l 2J R Lcastcr C A Applogate 140100 53753MORM ELDER wu 5 108 1 1 1 1 15 1 I 2 H Thurber E T Zollicoffor 010100 010100I53752SAMMY I53752SAMMY KELLY wu 5 112 4 5 4 3 51 4j 41 A Collins T J Carroll 710100 53752 AUBITRATOU ws 7 MS 13 9 7 S3 Ci 53 5 L Morris HI F Mount 3320100 53753 CEO DUNCAN wn G 10S 5 7 Sl 7 SJ 7 C L McAteo J Griffin ri 7 23 BURLING AMIS w 7 07 y G 1U 101 lOltO 7 f 11 tamer G Luther 53753 t3010lCOri3i23BKTSY ARMISTICE wn 1 10S 3 3 r i SJ 7 S S C Ponco Florida Stable t3010lCO ri3i23BKTSY w S 03 10 11 11 II1 II1 II1 T Brooke K Loll t E3728 VVlUTE SOCKS wii US fi S 2 2 = 2 O1 10 P Cltilotti S A Clopton 293100 29310053732B1CAUTY 53732B1CAUTY SIRHP wn ft 93 2 2 J l it 113 p jicNmce R I1 Carman t 53732 HACKAMCmU wn 4 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 E Barnes I S P Randolph 730100 730100tMntnol tMntnol IkId Time 24 49 115 l41 i 148 Track fast 2 mutnols paid Bar One 3100 straight 1170 place 070 show Frogtown 110 place 200 show Mormon Elder 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds liar Oiie 1000 to 100 straight IS to 100 place 235 to 100 show Frogtown 105 to 100 lice 15 to 100 show Mormon Elder 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 j by Radium Iadoura II by St Aniant trained by 1 Womildorff bred by Mr J T Wood WoodWent Went to post at KM At post 5 minutes Start pood and slow for all lint IIACKA IORE Won easily second and third driving BAR ONE a turf acrobat made up pronnd slowly and coininjr fast through the stretch was going away at the linish FIIOGTOWN ran well and made a same linish MORMON ELDER ot a fast pace lint tired in the stretch drive ARBITRATOR closed a big pap IIACKAMORE propped at the start and Itoltod to the inside rail railScratched Scratched 53773RallybPll 103 53732 Tom Sannders 112 53752 Alma I I 5 53S07 Lorena Moss 100 5tiir Hemlock 103 535S5 Doctor Tim 7 53711 Salute 102 5C072 Sunrosc 02 02Overweights Overweights White Socks 1 pound Bar One 1