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QUICKSTEP HANDICAP HANDICAPQUICKSTEP QUICKSTEP HANDICAP o000 added For threeyearolds and over By subscription of 15 each 75 additional to start 5000 added ot which 800 to second 400 to third fourth to save stake Weights six days before the race Winners after publication of vcights of a race other than claiming or selling pir e 3 Ibs extra Acceptances to be naiuiil through the entry box the day before th race at usual tune of closing Threequarters rule ruleAdan Adan N General J M Gomez b c 3 by Hes Bian Expressing Applegate W E Ginger ch h 55 by Coy Lad Lucky Wave WaveApplcgatcv Applcgatcv W E Jack Hare Jr br h G by ilaratUoH Moouct Baker J H Co Columbia Tenn b g 5 by Ilanbridgc Please Welles WellesBell Bell J W Ben Holt ch c 3 by Uncle Natalie D DBradley Bradley E R Beaming Beauty b f 4 by Sweep Bellisario BellisarioBradley Bradley E It Believe Idle Hour ch f 3 by Cunard Lovenot LovenotBradley Bradley E R Bit of White br f 3 by Sun Star Dreamy DreamyBradley Bradley E R Behave Yourself b c 3 by Marathon Miss Ringlets RingletsBradley Bradley E R Black Servant br c 3 by Black Toney Padula PadulaBrannon Brannon B J St Bernard ch g 5 by Ivan the Terrible Beatrice K KBrannou Brannou B J Colonel Livingston b g 5 by Handsel Janice JaniceBrannon Brannon B J Golden Dreams ch f 3 by Dick Finnell Moonet MoonetBreckinridge Breckinridge Desha Lady Madcap br f 3 by Dick Finnell Affable AffableCamden Camden J N Darjceling b g 3 by Light Bri ¬ gade Muriel MurielCamden Camden J N Rangoon br g 3 by Light Bri ¬ gade Lardella LardellaCebrian Cebrian Edward American Ace br h 5 by Von Tromp Roscgal Clark C W United Verde br c 3 by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree TreeClark Clark C W Captain Mac ch c 4 by The Manager Royal Dainty DaintyCosden Cosden J S Blazes br c 4 by Wrack Blaz ¬ ing Star StarDattner Dattner Mrs M Minute Man br c 4 by Pataud Miss Moments MomentsFernandez Fernandez A L Aiken b c 3 by Peter Pan Easy Street StreetFletcher Fletcher M II Miss Muffins b f 3 by Luke McLuke Carmen CarmenGaiiaher Gaiiaher Bros Scwell Combs ch h G by Jack Atkin Royal Captive allalier Bros Kinburu ch c 4 by Duval Royal Captive CaptiveGaiiaher Gaiiaher Bros Sergeant York br c 3 by Dick Finnell Mileage MileageGentry Gentry LloydrAngon b c 4 by Assagai Hor tensia tensiaGentry Gentry Lloyd Flags ch g 6 by Whisk Broom II Inaugural InauguralGentry Gentry Lloyd Right Over Might b c 4 by Celt Follie Levy LevyGcode Gcode J M Herald br g G by Coy Lad Angerona AngeronaGoode Goode J 31 Sands of Pleasure b g 8 by Fair Play Golden Sands SandsGreesou Greesou Easton Miss Caltha b f 4 by Pentecost Caltha CalthaHarned Harned Bros Marjorie Hynes ch f 4 by Dick Finnell Alice Uaird Harned Bros Mighty Man Chi c 4by Martinet Lady Irma Harrington W K Wyoming cu h G by Bryn Mawr Star of the West WestHarrington Harrington W K iWestwcod br c 4 by llorieywood Roselawn Harrington W K Brunswick b c 3 by Frizzle Country Fraud FraudHawkins Hawkins J S Co Claude Brown b c 4 by Great Britain Mary Le Bus BusHewitt Hewitt H H Slipalong ch c 3 by Ballot Hazzaza Jones Montfort Brookholt ch c 4 by Ballot Gracilla GracillaKelley Kelley Frank J Guvnor ch g 3 by Super ¬ man Verdict Kelley Frank J Gangway b c 3 by Luke McLuke Little Oasis Kellcy Frank J Golden Quince b f 3 by Peter Quince Golden Bush Kilmer Willis Sharpe Ultmidge br c 3 by Ultimus Midge MidgeKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpe Sun Brae ch c 3 by Suiidridge Sweet Briar King W N Mary Gaffney b f 3 by Jim Gaffney Grand Mary MaryLivingston Livingston Jefferson Major Parkc blk h 5 by Dick Welles Lady Infallible InfallibleLowe Lowe John High Cloud b h 5 by Ultimus Umbria UmbriaMcDowell McDowell Thos C High Command ch g 4 by The Manager EllenaDale EllenaDaleMcDowell McDowell Thos C Distinction b f 4 by The Manager Alanarka AlanarkaMcLein McLein E B Lough Storm b f 3 by Lough Foyle Storrii Nymph NymphMcLean McLean E B Lough Eagle blk c 3 by Lough Foyle LAiglefte LAiglefteMcLean McLean E B Lough Swilly blk c 3 by Lough Foyle Bleachers McLean E B Pretty Peggy ch f 3 by Light Brlgade Hermosa McLean B B The Baggage br f 3 by Lough Foyle The Minx II IIMcLean McLean E B The Porter b h G by Sweep Ballet Girl GirlMcLean McLean E B Charlie Summy b Assagai B rack town Bell Moeller P King Plaudit br c 5 by Plaudit Wild Thistle Moore M C Charles Henry ch c 3 by Jack Atkin Prudential Girl GirlMorris Morris Walden Dark Horse br c 3 by Ballot Morris IncognitaMorris Incognita Walden Transient ch c 3 by Trans ¬ vaal Footstool FootstoolMorris Morris Walden Fallacy br f 3 by Light Brigade Fallal FallalNichols Nichols S K Clintonville b f 4 by Transvaal Maid Militant MilitantParrish Parrish J W Gossip Avenue ch f 3 by Bulse Paul RoseWood RoseWoodPaul Mrs J L Co Cotton Blossom br f 4 by Luke McLuke Crownlet CrownletPaul Paul Mrs J L Co Jorice ch m 5 by Plaudit Abby C CPoison Poison W F Pyx br c 4 by Pataud Okitau OkitauPotts Potts Mrs 0 B Tacola ch h G by Transvaal Erla Lee LeeRcspcss Rcspcss J B Lord Wrack b g 4 by Wrack Gowell GowellRespess Respess J B By Ginger ch g 3 by Marathon Annie Gilmore GilmoreRehm Rehm Oscar E Sam Freedman b c 4 by Pa ¬ taud Fcmesole FcmesoleRoss Ross Commander J K L Motor Cop b h G by Uncle Xarco XarcoRoss Ross Commander J K L Billy Kelly b g 5 by Dick Welles Glcna GlcnaRoss Ross Commander J K L Lion dOr ch h 5 by Heno Aile dOr dOrRoss Ross Commander J K L Hildur blk c 3 by Star Shoot Shelby Belle BelleRosseter Rosseter J II Valley of the Moon b f 3 by Friar Rock Masquerade MasqueradeRothstein Rothstein Arnold Gladiator b c 4 by Super ¬ man Lotowanna LotowannaRowe Rowe C E Miss Jemima br f 4 by Black Toney Vaila VailaSalmon Salmon W J Rubien ch c 3 by Peter Quince Belle of Ashland AshlandSalmon Salmon W J Careful br f 3 by Wrack Mindful MindfulSalmon Salmon W J Step Lightly ch f 3 by Ulti ¬ mus Tripping TrippingSimms Simms E F Leonardo II b or br c 3 by Sweep Ethel Pace Simms E F Bon Homme b c 3 by Sweep Sue Smith SmithSimms Simms E F Mulciber blk c 3 by Vulcain Tapiola TapiolaSimms Simms E F Despair b c 3 by McGee Mary Davis DavisSimms Simms Oliver Eternal br h 5 by Sweep Hazel Burke BurkeSimms Simms Oliver The Wanderer b h 5 by Vul ¬ cain Rose Tree II IISwift Swift D F Monsoon b c 3 by Peter Quince Mattie C CThraves Thraves W V Thraman ch g 4 by Great Britain Some Kid KidTroxlcr Troxlcr J J Fern Handlcy br in G by Bryn Mawr Snarl SnarlWatts Watts Garrett Royal Dick ch g 3 by Dick Finnell Eunotis EunotisWhitney Whitney II P Dr Clark ch g 4 by Broom ¬ stick Panasiiic PanasiiicWhitney Whitney II P Exodus ch c 3 by Peter Pan First Flight FlightWhitney Whitney II P Ararat br g 3 by Broomstick Dovelet DoveletWhitney Whitney H P Crocus b f 3 by Broomstick Inaugural InauguralAVoodard AVoodard Wm Co Black Watch II blk g 4 by Macdonald II Black Venus