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FIRST RACE 78 Mile yearolds and upward Claiming May 24 20 1 2S 110 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FLAGS ch g 6 127 Bj Waisk Broom II Inaugural by Voter Trainer L Gentry Owner t Gentry 539G9 Lexton 1 l42mud 6 115 2 3 3 3 36391G 3 24 T Murray 4 Ginger Distinction WhlingDun 6391G Lexton 34 l14mud 6 126 2 33 4 = 41S T Murray 0 MinMan ColumTenn Brookht 63823 Lexton 34 lllfast 135 126 6 42 3 35J T Murray 0 Brookholt Ben Valet Napoo NapooT 61036 Latonia 1 116 144 fast 51 111 5 Bolted T Murray Ou Watch Ginger King Uorln 50788 Latonia 34112 fast 3310 135 5 44 3 1 1 A Collins 5 High Cost Jorice Miss Jemima 60614 Latonia 34 lllfast 1 132 6 2 1 2j 3 W W TorlO Angonj Miss Jemima Jorice B0532 Latonia 34 l12faat 1710 132 8 72 2 2 T Murray 8 Westwood Angon Jack Hare Jr ch c 4 112 By KcGee Conclusion by Peep oDay S Ownbey Owner G Knebelkamp 34 l145ohvy 3 104 1 1 1 11 I J D Mney 8 JackHareJr Napoo GreenGrasa 1 l434 mud 21 103 1 158l00fast 12 3 3 4 = 1 C Ponce 0 SSinner BiffBang Escarpolette 58l00fast 15 114 3 3 3 21 21 C Ponce G ERickher AJackll RisRock 61 MOSmud 13 1081 1 1 1 11 11 W Heinch 4 ViceChairman Chesty EndMan 58 l00fast 115 1081 1 2 1 11 in W Heinch 8 A Jack II H Jewel A of Aceg 61 f l06fast 10 1091 3 3 5 6 651 W Heinch C George Starr Angon Touneed 34 l13slow 165 108 4 1 1 Il I1 W Heinch 7 Gipsy Queen Sam Reh Louis A 34 l15mud 41 108 1 1 1 14 1J1 W HelnchlO GipsyQueen LadyLuxury Ruby CROOPER ch g 6 109 By Trap Rock Ecitacy by Ben Stromt StromtTrainer Trainer F W Staton Owner J Brown Browni2723 i2723 PGnds 34115 hvy 4 112 2 4 5 41 4 J J Mney 8 Flibrtygibbet Herald GnGrasa 2499 FGrids 1 140 fast 115 103 311 1 51 Gl J J Mney 8 St Allan Fizer Botheration 2420 FGnds 1 11G 146 fast 8 103 1 2 4 4 31 4s J J Mney 6 St Isidore Lucky B Fr Orient 2254 FGnds 1 l43Mhvy 4 110 1 1 1 2 21 21 J J Mney 7 TMcTgart ShtOu Flibberbet Flibberbeti209G i209G Jefaon 34 114 slow 15 110 4 32 2 I1 J J MneylO Port Light Title Ablaze Ablaze19G8 19G8 Jefson Im70y l47hvy 41 110 8 5 4 G 6 = 6 ° J J MneylO Chief Title Lads Love 51888 Jefson 1 l9fast 41 102 2 1 1 3 3J 3 J J M MDAY Mney 9 BryShaon DSpray PasSwaln DAY LILLY br f 3 96 5 By OlambaUTrainer Olambala Orange Lilly by William the Talrd Trainer 3 Tigue sue Owner F St John John4115mud 53981 Lexton 4115mud 7 1091 10914 4 4 3 3J 3 = 1 E Pool 5 AphieDear Pongee GolDreams 53785 Lexton 34 l13slbw 8 112 7 7 5 5 51 J Roberts 8 ODreams LMadcap AphieDear 52815 PGnds 78 l2G1ifast 45 109 C 3 3 1 I1 Il J Roberts 9 Lucy Kate Doric Julia N N52C61 52C61 FGnds 34 l13 tfast 3 103 G C 6 4n 14 J Roberts 9 Rolo Rantocas Julia N 52539 PGnds 34 l13fast 12 99 7 Lost rider J McCoy 8 UnVerde BungaBnck Rancocai 52478 FGnds 34 l13fast 41 106 2 44 2n I P Wdstk 11 Rancocas Rolo Oceau Swell SwellLOUIS LOUIS A b c 4 107 By Buckhorn Electro by Electioneer ElectioneerTrainer Trainer E F OMoara Owner OMeara Bros 53820 Lexton 34 l12fnst 10 115 9 88 8s 8 1 E Pollard 10 Clintonville Herald Gl France 62787 FGnds Im70y 144 fast 3 103 4 5 4 4 24 31 J Roberts 7 SlrGrafton ConiCi DrCarmen DrCarmen52G93 52G93 FGnds Im70y l44fast 1110 100 267 7 3l 2nt H Thurber 7 Inquiry BarryShnon Tantalus 52500 PGnds 1116146 fast 7 104 3 4 4 2 2n 2nt J Roberts 7 Sdragonll DCarmen BarShu 52418 FGnds 1139 fast 8 104 7 0 4 4 2n 24 J J Mney 9 Dr Carmen Tantalus Fantoche 52342 PGnds 34 l12fast 15 10811 9 9 9 95 J Roberts 13 UlGold TdHonur StIsldore 51408 Churchl 34 114 fast 20 102 5 55 55HERALD 14 I1 J Roberts C DrCarmcn Panaman AmerAc HERALD b g 6 111 111Trainer By Coy Lad Angorona by Sir Dizoh Trainer J M Goode Owner T M Goode 54002 Lexton 34 l16hvy 25 111 2 22 1 14 J Gruber 0 BritMaid Tulsa Blond Buddy 53820 Lexton 34 l12fast 8 112 233 3 21 J Gruber 10 Clintville GFrance DCarmen 52814 PQnds 34 113 fast 5 112 1 22 11 I1 F McDottlS AAlexder HBurgoyne Trusty 52784 FGnds 61 f l06fast 6 106 1 11 11 2nk J Gruber 9 Blue Paradise Daydue Linden 52723 FGnds 34 115 hvy 6 113 5 22 1 2s J Gruber 8 Flibgibbet GreenGrass Trooper 52588 FGnds 34 l12fast 15 112 5 43 24 3s H King 10 UltraGold CrystalFord Kuklux KukluxI1 52498 FGnds 34 l12 Afast 15 109 5 54 I1 751 H King 9 GeoStarr StIsidore DltraGold NAPOO chc 3 96 By Martinet La Gloria by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeTrainer Trainer P j Williams Owner Williams Bros 53934 Lexton 34 Il4hvy 16 991 3 33 34 3 ° G Fields 8 MarvMay JHareJr GrnGrass 3823 Lexton 34 lllfast 47 9S1 4 3 4 43 41S J McCoy G Brookholt Ben Valet Flags 51115 Latonia 34 l12fast G 99 2 3 2 4n 2l S Wida 5 SirLawnfal BungaBk NElkhn 51002 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 77 106J10 10 10 10 9 = 9 H J BurkelO BYourself McGdwin BrotherB 50912 Latonia 1 l41fast 37f 110 8 Fell G Manganl2 Bettina BroBatch BalWheeJ 50682 Latonia 34 l12fast 27f 112 9 10 8 71 7 G Mangan 12 Rangoon Coyne Brunswick 60531 Latonia 61 f l06fast 58 112 8 8 5 61 6 G Manganll Muskallonge Brunswick Rarign 19897 Devre 61 f 110 mud 1910 106 4 32 14 14 E Donhue 8 Tharon Judge Budrow My Rose 49661 Windsor 34 114 good 175 101 2 11 1s 1s E Donhue G Old Chap Alberta S Alcatrua 19586 Windsor 34 l13fast 7 103 9 8 7 61 44 G Yeargin 9 Loch Leven Doric Alberta S SAM REH b h 5 109 109Spence By Peep oDay Coy Maid by Kingston Trainer K Spence Owner W E Applegate 53871 Lexton 34 l17hvy 3310 115 1 78 91 9 H Lunsfd 10 Ragazza TheNephew LouieLou 5140C Churchl 34 l14ifast 4110 108 C 10 S 8 7s P Wilson la HoiiMan GipsyQn TheNepuew 51280 Churchl 78 l28Vtmud 36 114 7 5 6 8 71 8 T Murray 8 Beaverkill Dr Carmen Rifle 51232 Latonia 31 l13slow Cl 108S 5 5 54 4 31 34 H Lunsfd 7 MarinMay GipsyQueen LouisA 51177 Latonia 1 l43mud 20 109 3 3 4 4 5 = 5 1 T Murray 9 Trooper Bread Man Frank W 51072 Latonia 34 l12fast S 113 3 5 3 In 2n L Lyke 9 ANAkin SweetLiberty Legotal FIFI II ch m 5 112 112Trainer By PlaudiUHandzarra by Handsel HandselG5 Trainer J L Paul Owner J L Paul 45770 FGnds 34 l12fast 10 98 6 G G5 51S A RIchcrk 7 Eon Tromp Assume A N Akin 15301 FGnds 34 Ii3 fast 10 110 G 54 55 C Robson 8 U Gold Etruscan WVHtlng 45048 Jefsori 34 l13fast 7 106 9 10 = IO14 C Robsonl2 Green Gold Bon Tromp Trusty 44G19 Churchl 34 114 good 35 107 3 14 1 ° C Robson 8 Kiku Mrchesall SweepGlance 44537 Churchl 34 l15hvy 14 104 7 6 6 6CLINTONVILLE 52 6S2 C Robson 9 BindTie Jago Lady Fair Play PlayBy CLINTONVILLE b f 4 r 115 115Trained By Transvaal Maid Militant by Rainbow Trained J H Nichols Owner 8 E Nichols 53968 Lexton 34 114 slow 175 111 G 55 555S820 5 591 J Rodgez 5 MinMan Brookholt HighClond 5S820 Lexton 34 l12fast 95 115 1 44 21 IS M Garner 10 Herald Gl France Dr Carmen 51392 Churchl 78 l26fast 7 110 3 3 5 5 4 4 C Buel 5 BlushingBeauty HarryB Dodge 51155 Latonia 34 l13mud 7 112 5 53 41 4 1 Is Barrett 6 C Brown Minute Man Kinburn 51098 Latonia 1 l38fast 3910 98 G 4 4 4 65 5 S Wida C Woodtrap Claymore Iwin Iwin3s 51055 Latonia 34 lllfast 21 105 5 53 3s 3i S Wlda 7 Jorice MarjHynes MissJeinlma 50913 Latonia 34 112 fast 135 98 5 53 OceanSweep2s 2 2 = F Smith 5 Jorice GeorgeStarr OceanSweep 50733 Latonia 34 112 fast 13 100 3 22 2s I F Smith G MHynes LadyFPlay GCurcl 50681 Latonia 1 l37fast 12 99 4 2 2 5 5 5 J C Buel 5 Sway Ginger Minto II KEWPIE ONEIL ch s 6 114 By Golden Maxim Bettie Landon by Mentone MentoneTrainer Trainer E Trotter Owner Florisant Stable 49147 Saratoga 1 l37fast 75 1081 111 1 11 1 ° M Garner 4 T McTaggart Fluzey Mat Idol 48523 Ft Erie 1 11G l46gool G5 107 3 1 1 1 1 11 M Garner 8 Piedra Cheer Leader Exporter 47979 Latonia 34412fast 115 116 2 1 1 I1 1 M Garner 12 DavidCraig Virgo RaiubowUlrl 44577 Churchl 34 l13good 36 107 3 3 5 7 7 O Wills 7 BlParadise Enmity MPrlnceaa 44234 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 1710 112 322 2 2 2 H Lunsfd 8 Bullion Arravan Exhorter CLAUDE BROWN b c 4 117 ByTrainer By Great Britain Mary Le Bus by St Savla Trainer J S Hawkins Owner J 8 Hawkins 31393 Churchl 34 113 fast S5 ICC 2 3 2 2 = 25 E Pool 5 By Golly Meliora Spring Vale 5132G Churchl 34 l12fast 12 1WS 3 5 5 4t 44 E Pool 9 HighCloud BBeauty GeoStarr 51282 Churchl 34 l134 mud 4 104 1 3 4 4s 4ts E Pool G JackHareJr ColTaylor TheBoy 51155 Latonla 34 l13mud 15 107 1 22 24 1 E Pool G MinuteMan Kinburn Clintvllle 51052 Latonia 34 l12fast 13 106 1 1 1 11 in B Pool 6 LadyLuxury Troilus DrCarmen 50813 Latonia 34 lliysfast 9 105 2 Fell P Quinn 10 LouisA MabelG MisstheTime 50583 Latonia 34 l12fast 175 re 3 42 24 21 E Pool 9 MabelG MarvlnMay GFrance GFranceWAVE WAVE b h 5 104 By Tidal Wave Marie Blanche by Soliman SolimanTrainer Trainer W Covington Owner W Covingtoi 51174 Latonia 1 14 2llmudi 31 113 554 4 3l 2 H Lunsfd 7 Dr Rae Sol Gilsey GeoDuncan 51118 Latonia 1 18 l53Vfast 11 115 9 9 9 9 84 7 1 H Lunsfd 11 Lothair Stevenson Kingfisher 50914 Latonia 1 14 206fast 145112 233 1 3 5 = 1 H Lunsfd 8 Gourmand La Foudre Sun God 50819 Latonia 1 14 203fast 2710 109 2 1 1 1 31 34 H Lunsfd S Kimpalong ManWaite Daalill Daalill506G3 506G3 Latonia 1 14 203fast 12 107 5444 3s 3 = J F Wilson 8 BradsChoice Docod MgrWalte 30616 Latonia 1 18 l52Mfast 9 108 3 2 3 4 5l 6 E Pool 9 Cheer Leader Lucky B Docod 50534 Latonia 1 14 205fast 75 108 3 5 2 1 34 3 i F Wilson 8 JCStone BourGreen BLouder BLouderALULA ALULA SandringbamTrainer b f 4 109 By Voorhees Bremerhafen by Sandringbam Trainer J T Troxler Owner M L Wheeler 4877 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 21 103111111 10 10s 10 F Wilson 11 Best Pal Captain Mac Kinburn Kinburn473SO 473SO Churchl 1 116 l51hvy 11 103 5 5 2 2 3 31 S Wida 5 PaulWeidel AttaBoyll Patches 47319 Churchl 78 l29M mud 51 99 3 8 S 8 41 34 S W ida 8 Converse FlygWelshmanJouett 47214 Churchl 34 I13good4710 110 5 6 4 4 310 M Garner 8 Distinction Frivolity Orlova 46919 Lexton 1 l46hvy 3 121 8 8 8 6 64 6 M Garner 8 Clintonville CBlossom Cobwebs 15771 FGnds 34 l13fast 8 99 3 221 = If8 S Wida 10 Allivan A of Trumps Repeater 45609 PGnds 34 l18mud 8 102 4 4 4 21 2 S Boyle 10 Wendy Ira Wilson Keep tDiaqualiflod for foul foulCHEER CHEER OrnamentTrainer LEADER b g 7 111 By Ogden Belle of Ashland by Ornament Trainer E L Bogers Owner Masterson Rogers 52665 FGnds 1 18 l52fast 75 111 2 5 G 6 51 510 T Jarvis 7 Kimpalong FrOrient SandyMac 52543 FGnds 1 116 l4Gfast 2 109 1 7 4 4 31 2 = T Jarvis S Frogtown Sagamore Troilus 51950 Jefson 1 116 l50Vihvy 75 103 1 3 3 1 2 lk T Jarvis 4 Gain deCause YgAdam Romeo 51652 Jefson 1 18 l53fast 115 104 3 5 5 6 41 21 J J Mney G LuckyB NYorke LVEmmeline LVEmmelineI E1411 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 75 112 2 3 4 5 31 44 H J Burke G Fair Orient Mase John Dresden 31258 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 5 112 5 4 3 5 5 = 5 ° 1 W Heinch 8 SdsofPleas BelgQn HarryB