Kings Plate To Be Run Saturday: Sixty-Second Renewal Of The Historic Race, The Feature Of The Opening Day Of The Canadian Racing Season Of 1921, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-20


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KINGS PL A TE TO BE RUN SA TURD A Y SIXTYSECOND RENEWAL OF THE HISTORIC RACE THE THEFEATURE FEATURE OF THE OPENING DAY OF THE THECANADIAN CANADIAN RACING SEASON OF 1921 The Canadian racing season of 1921 will be inaugurated at Woodbine Park Saturday May 21 with the running of the historical Kings Plate as tho magnet that will attract not only the largest but the most aristocratic crowd to the popular course of the Ontario Jockey Club ClubThe The Kings Plate was llrst run in 1800 under the name of the Queens Plate and continued as such to 1011 For four years 1SJO1S 3 the race was decided at Carleton and subsequently at various places in the Dominion until 1883 wlieii Queen Victoria gave her sanction to an understanding with the founders of the Ontario Jockey Club that the race should thenceforth be established permanently at the Woodbine course Time has proved that this was a wise decision as under the control of the Ontario Jockey Club the nice has amply fulfilled its purpose of encouraging the breeding of thoroughbreds in the Province of Ontario The Kings Plate is the oldest race run continuously on the North American continent and the decision of the Ontario Jockey Club to prevent a break in its continuity by running it in 1918 and 1919 though racing was suspended in Canada during those two years because of wartime restrictions met with the approval of horse lovers the world over Saturday will mark the sixtysecond renewal of this famous race the interesting history of which is here presented in tabulated form from the year 1881 to the present time timetear tear First Ace Jockeys Wt Second Age Wt Third Age Wt Vnl Time 1881 Vice Chancellor 4 Brown 115 Jessie McCullough CllS Athlete 0 119 34000253 1852 Fanny Wiser 4 A E Gates 112 Williams 4 115 Tullaraore 5 119 40000251 1853 Rhody Prlngle 3 Smith 97 Williams 5 120 Pcess Louisc393 42000252 1884 Williams 0 Martin 121 Marquis 5 121 Modjeska 5 118 41500 250i 1885 Willie W 4 Jamiesonllu Fred Henry a 121 Edmonton 4 120 47000 258 2581SSG 1SSG 248118S7 Wild Rose 4 C Butler 113 Fred Henry a 121 Wild Bruce 3 97 49000 2481 18S7 Bonnie Duke 5 Wise 119 Fred Henry a 122 Aunt Alice 7 117 35750219 1888 Henry Cooper 4 C OLeary 118 Evnngcline 4 113 Cast Off 5 117 48750218 1889 Colonist 3 U OLeary 100 Bon Ino 3 101 Long Shot C 120 32250210 1800 Kite String 3 Colemanl05 La Blanche 4 117 Flip Flop 4 117 32750222 1891 Victorious 3 Gorman 100 La Blanche 5 121 Moyama 3 101 40750 214 1892 ODonohue 3 Horton100 Queen Mary 3 101 Hea Bloom 3101 42250222 1893 Martello 4 BIaylockllO Athalo 3 103 Hea Bloom 4117 83000214 1894 JoeMiller 4 Booker 122Bel I einonlftDtivl2GMajrGetnrral310r 78500228 78500228lS93Bbnnlcfleld lS93Bbnnlcfleld 3 I Booker 100 Millbrook 3 100 Lochlnvar 4119 09500217 095002171S90 1S90 Mlllbrook 4 Lewis 122 Springal S 102 Dictator 5 120 97500219 1807 Ferdinand 3 LewisVlOO Bon Ino 3 101 Wicker 3 100 101500213 1015002131S9S 1S9S Bon Ino 4 R Williams 117 Dalmoor 4 122 MaritanaII3 101 101000215 1010002151S9D 1S9D Butter Scotch 3 Mason101 Dalmoor 5 120 Toddy Ladle3103 133100215 1900 Dalmoor C Lewis 120 The Provost 3 108 Bellcourt 4 117 139550214 1901 John Ruskln 3 Vltltoe 105 J Bellcourt 5 121 Fcrnletickle 3101 157050218 1570502181902Lyddlte 1902Lyddlte 3 Walnwrlglitl01 FlyinAmber 4 117 Opuntla 5 123 172500 215 1903 Thessalon 3 Castro 104 Nesto 3 103 GoldCrest 4 117 190000215 1904 Sapper 3 J Walsh 103 Nimble Dick 3 100 War Whoop 3100 197500212 1905 Inferno 3 H Phillips 100 Will King 3 100 HSeasOver 3100 209200212 1900 Slaughter 3 Treubel100 Court Martial 3 100 Haruko 3 101 339500 211 1907 Kelvin 3 FolcylOG HalfaCrown 3 100 Bilberry 5 123 370700212 1008 Seismic 3 Falrbrothcr 106 Sliinioncso 3 101 HaCrown 4 122 303000211 1909 Shimoncse 4 Gilbert 119 Tollemlal 3 103 Fort Garry 310S 323000210 1910 Parmcr 3 J Wilson 105 Commola 3 104 Jane Shore 3 103 333250212 1911 St Bass 3 E DuganJOS Powdermau 3 105 Jane Shore 4 119 339300208 1912 Heresy 3 Small 108 Amberite 3 103 Rustling 3 103 453500211 1913 Hearts of Oak 3J Wilson 113 Maid of Frome 3 103 Gold Bud 4 119 433500209 1914 Beehive 3 G Burns 113 Dark Rosalcen 3 10S Sea Lord 3 105 473500 210f 1915 Tartarean 3 H Watts 108 Fair Montague 3 10S PepSauce 3 113 431000 209 1910 Mandarin 3 A Pickeus113 Gala Water 3 103 Gala Day 3 113 401500212 1917 Belle Mahonc 3 F Robinson 108 Tarahera 3 103 Gala Dress3108 012500208 1918 Springside 3 L Mink 113 Ladder of Light 4 119 May Bloom 3 108 254000 208 1919 Ladder of Light 5 L Lyke 122 Doleful 3 103 Hong Kong 3 113 272000 2095 1920 St Paul 3 K Romanellil3 Bugle March 4 121 Primo 4 103 005000209 Quccna Plate prior to this year and run as such from 1SGO to 1901

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