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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE ICY FRIDAY MAY 20 1921 Churchill Downs Twelfth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 20 days Weather clear temperature 90 ° Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckols Jr Andrew G Leonard and C W Hay Placing Judges W H Shelley N H McClelland and Edward Jasper Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 p in Indicates apprentice allowance di Sl FIRST RACE 1 Mile May 7 1921 136 3 93 Purse 1300 3ycarolds and OTt OTturfO urfO t upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt it U Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enniv 54224 GOURMAND ws 5 112 5 1 8 S 8 2l lk W I Lillcy llcy J L Paul 54104 = MISS FONTAINE w 3 SO 1 2 2 21 11 11 2l E Scobie Scobie541COMACHIAVELLI W V Thraves 541COMACHIAVELLI w3 9G1 4 G 6 61 61 OJ 41 3l F Ginley R Goose 54237 CAPTAIN BURNS B 10 112 G 4 1 42 41 41 5 4i II King King54218nOND P Martin 54218nOND wsn 7 107 3 3 15 Il 1 3h 31 5 ri E Pollard Cain Sanforcl SanforclS 52789 SCH LIGHT III wn 5 112 7 S 7 7s 71 71 6 61 i J D Mn Mney Porretto Itallano 54 1832 HARVEST KINGwn 7 107 2 S 31 3 32 = 2 G2 75 G Fields FieldsC41633 J M Goodc C41633 SERBIAN w 5 107 S 7 1 0 51 5 S S J Franci Francis H Neustetcr Time 23 47 113 139 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Gourmand 1500 straight 870 place 490 show Miss Fontaine CCO place 560 bhow Machiavelli 1080 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Gourmand 650 to 100 straight 335 to 100 place 145 to 100 show Miss Fontaine 230 to 100 place 180 to 100 show Machiavelli 440 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Braxted Festive Agnes by Jaquemart trained by J L Paul bred in England by Messrs Bricc BriccWent Went to post at 15S At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same GOURMAND dropped far back in the first half but moved up with a rush through the stretch and outstayed MISS FONTAINE in the final drive MISS FONTAINE showed much early speed and racing into the lead made a game finish MACIIIAVELLI closed a gap and finished fast CAPTAIN BURNS ran well all the way HARVEST KING was brought wide into the stretch and quit BOND set a fast pace to the last turn and tired tiredOverweights Overweights Machiavelli 2 pounds Ckl SRl SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs May 8 1909 52 2 103 Purse 1300 2year 2yeartJ tJ Jb JbBfOLf BfOLf olds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net valuo to winner 1000 second 200 200third third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enuiv Odds Strt 54232 TONY SUE rllo 5 4 I1 1 I1 W Lillcy J L Paul 555100 54232 QRMA DALE v 115 11 3h 4 = 2 M Garner II C Rogan 3GO100 53889 MARIMBA v 115 4 5 4 2 3 N Barrett B Combs 310100 54249 ALVERIDA v 115 2 2 55 ft 4 H King W Perkins 230100 230100r r 422 McGEES PINK v 117 6 G 2h 55 5 T Murray W E Applegate 15Ga100 15Ga10054161SCARRIE 54161SCARRIE BAKER w 115 33 6 C fi H J Burko R Goose 11G5100 11G5100Time Time 24 47 54 Track fast 2 miituels paid Tony Sue 1310 straight 5110 place 350 show Orma Dale 430 place 290 chow Marimba 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tony Sue 555 to 100 straight 160 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Orma Dale 115 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Marimba 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Tony Bonero Susan Lenox by Handsel trained by J L Paul bred by Mr J L Brown BrownWent Went to post at 230 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TONY SUE hard ridden all the way raced into the lead with a rush and setting the pace gamely outstayed ORMA DALE The latter was forced back soon after the start but came with a rush through the stretch only to tire slightly near the end gMARIMBA finished gamely after closing a big gap ALVERIDA was forced hack in the first eighth and again on the stretch turn McGEES PINK ran out on the stretch turn P PyfOOr yfOOr THIRD RACE 1 Mile May 7 192t 136 3 S3 Shepherdsville Purse 1400 Orit MOVr Added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1100 second 266 third 144 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 54061 LOUIS A w 4 107 4 4 55 5 = 3 3 11 J D Mney OMeara Bros 450100 4501006422J 6422J = JttQH COMMAND w 4 119 0 1 Zl 2J 1 J iu zl J Howard T C McDowell 45100 54162 BUDDIE KEAN wn 3 00 5 2 1 11 22 21 31 S McGraw L Gentry 1120100 54347 BLACK HACKLE w 4 107 3 3 3 42 510 42 4 ° H l lihsfd ihsfd Mohtfort Jones 33G9100 51411 LOTHAIR wn 5 107 1 5 41 3 4l 5s 5 O Willis T P Hnyes 2750100 2750100531292SEA 531292SEA PRINCE wn 4 107 2 G G G 6 G G J Francis II E Swan 1200100 1200100Time Time 23 40 111 1S6 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Louis A 1100 straight 290 place 230 show High Command 240 place 210 show Buddie Kean 270 nhow Equivalent booking odds Louis A 4 0 to lOb straight 45 to 100 place 15 to 100 show High Command iO to 100 place 5 to 100 show Buddie Kean 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Buckhorfi Electro by Electioneer trained by E P OMeara bred by Mr C C Patrick PatrickWent Went to post at 301 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and tiiird the same LOUIS A marvelously improved bencfittcd by the fast pace iid well ridden came with a great rush through the last threeeighths and got up to win in the last sixteenth HIGH COM ¬ MAND raced into the lead after going a half mile and his rider took him out and against BUDDIE KEAN sharply but he finished gamely under haul riding BUDDIE KEAN was going well when lie met with intei Terence BLACK HACKLE ran well wellScratched Scratched 541S4Inquiry 102 42920 Clermont 107 Overweights 107Overweights Buddie Kean 4 pounds CT i OQ fT FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Oct 10 1913 111 2 105 Purse 1300 3ycarolds tfO and upward Claiming Not value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 r index Horses AWtPPSt Ji fc 54 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enniv Odds Strt 52784 B PARADISE w 6 9 5 3 lh lh I2 in L Penman B J Brannon 54198MARVIN 10E1PP54247DR MAY w 4 109 14 4 3h 23 2 G Fields G Knebelkamp 10E1PP 54247DR CARMEN wsn 9 1101 G 8 S S1 3 1 3 L Lyke R L Baker 180100 48897 65510054198TULSA T PENNYBAKER w 5 110 5 3h 42 41 4h II Kinfr W Walker 655100 54198TULSA wu 4 102 47 7 7s GI 5 E Scobie W E Applegate 20101CO 20101CO54162GUVNOR 54162GUVNOR w 3 10G 2 G 52 51 r2 62 J Francis F J Kelley 4 701W 51408 COL TAYLOR wn 5 109 S 2 2 2l 75 M Garner Harnert Bros 770100 48461 YOWELL ws G 109 3 9 9 G1 8 8 W Liiley Nugent Bros 103CO100 54247 CLAUDE BROWN w 4 112 7 1 Gl Fell S AVida J S Hawkins 490100 Time 490100Time 22 40 111 Track fast 2 muttiels paid Blue Paradise 1050 straight 910 place 470 show Marvin May 1230 place 580 show Dr Carmen 280 show Equivalent booking odds Blue Paradise 725 to 100 straight 355 to 100 place 135 to 100 show Marvin May 515 to 100 place 190 to 100 show Dr Carmen 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by Helmet Bandello by Kingston trained by B J Brannon bred by Mr Edward R Bradley BradleyWent Went to post at 335 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BLUE PARADISE was rushed into a good lead at once set a great pace and won because best ridden at the end MARVIN MAY ran a good race and finished gamelv DR CARMEN was badly out ¬ paced early but closed a big gap and finished fast JANE PENNYBAKER raced forwardly thronghbiit COL TAYLOR quit after running a fast half CLAUDE BROWN was well up when he fell TULSA ran well Scratched 5119S2Green Gold 111 52219Rising Rock 107 51198 Fern Handley 113 52092 White Star 103 53785 Cremona 100 100Overweights Overweights Dr Carmen 1 pounds K l QCC FIFTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs May 8 1909 52 2 103 Purse 1300 2year t Tt OO olds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net value to winner 1000 second S200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt lloToo54232s 04199 WHIRL w 115 41 1s 1 1 J L Allen Gallaher Bros lloToo 54232s ATTA GAL w 115 22 2 = 25 2 ° J D Mney F J Kelley 115100 54199 FIELD LARK w 115 6 6 5s 4 3b H Lunsfd W V Thraves 5355100 54232 BEAUFUL DREAM w 115 3 3 3J 3 42 f Howard T C McDowell 3505100 BRASS 3505100BRASS TACKS w 115 1 4 66 5 = L Lyke E R Bradley SSO100 SSO100MISS MISS MARTINE w 115 5 5 4 5 6 R McDott J R Alexander 2820100 Time 2820100Time 23 46 53 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Whirl 480 straight 250 place 240 show Atta Gal 230 place 2 20 show Field Lark 520 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Whirl 140 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place 20 to 100 sliow Atta Gal 15 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Field Lark ICO to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Jack Atkin Royal Captive by Golden Maxim trained by J C Gallaher bred by Messrs Gallaher Bros P0st at 409 At post 2 lnlmios st rt Rood and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ TT ing WHIRL away fast and showing high speed raced into a good lead at once and making the pice fast held ATTA GAL safe through the stretch run ATTA GAL raced forwardly from the start but swerved slightly in the stretch and tired FIELD LARK closed a big gap in the last quarter BEAUTI ¬ FUL DREAM tired near the end BRASS TACKS ran green SI nACE 34Mllo 34Mlloi 0ct 16 1913 111 2 105 Bowling Green Purse Purse 14CO 3yearolds and i upward Fillies and Mares Allowances Net value to win ¬ ner 1100 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jo Equiv Odds Strt 54118ZMABEL V513783COZETTE G 4 107 2 3 2 2ik 2 21 11 Ini O V Willis W S Payne 145100 513783COZETTE w 3 93 4 2 I2 H 22 2 21 L P Penman G J Long 12751CO 54221 BRITISH MAID w 3 56 G 7 6i Long6ii 6 3 32 E A Anthony W L Lewis 4725100 54066 COTTON BLOSSOM w 4 109 5 S 71 72 7h 4 4s = w Liiley J L Paul Paul3i 4725100815iOO 815iOO 54231 GOLDEN DREAMS W 3 103 1 C 3 3i 3l 4 4i 5 J D Mney B J Brannon Brannon5l 723100 54178 CUT UP w 3 100 10 1 5l 5i 51 6 G I Fields R P Marshall Marshall4S 12415100 54118RUBY w 4 107 34 4i 41 G 7 P L Long J Umensetter Umensetter10l 670100 670100Hey 54231 M IN THE AIR w 3 9G 9 5 10l 81 81 Si E S Scobie K Spence 54218 EYES OF YOUTH wn 4 107 11 10 91 Spence9l 91 91 92 H King Hal Price Hcadley Hey 3815100 54118 MARIE MAXIM w 4 107 8 11 11 101 10l 101 F 3 3815100sooiob sooiob 54139 PRNCESS ROYAL B 3 108 7 9 S ll II 11 J H Howard T C McDowell S110100 tMutnel S110100tMutnel Held Time 23s 47 l125 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Mabel G 490 straight 360 place 310 show Cozette 930 place 560 show British Maid 1250 show Equivalent booking odds Mabel G 145 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Cozette uozelte uozelteWinner 365 to 100 place 180 to 100 show British Maid 525 to 100 show Winner Br f by Marta Santa Miss Present by The Tartar trained by J O Whitlow bred br Mr Walter S Payne PayneWent Went to post at 444 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and tiiird the same MABEL G was away well and hard ridden for the entire race wore COZETTE down and out ¬ stayed her in a close finish COZETTE ran a tine race under a good ride and set a fast pace to the last eighth BRITISH MAID made up ground and finished well COTTON BLOSSOM finished fast under a weak ride GOLDEN DREAMS ran out on the stretch turn RUBY quit Overweights quitOverweights Cut Ujp 4 pounds Golden Dreams 1 54210 SE7JNTH RACE1 18 Miles May 14 19211 503l 16 Purse 1300 4year TC Mt Vx olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 index Horses AWtPPSt A U Str Fin Jockeys Owners E uifTdddTstrt w 5 104 6 4 52 5 3J 2 = 1 L Penman M Goldblatt 54237 GRACE w 5 105 4 2 lh 1J H IS 2 = M Garner L Jones 85100 54250 NOMINEE wn 6 111 5 3 2 2 2 3s 3 = T Murray Nugent Bros 400100 54224 LAZY LOU ws 7 105 2 1 3i 42 4J 4 = 42 E Pollard Cain Sanford 210100 54224 54224SCORSON wtm54100SANDMAN SCORSON w 5 105 3 5 42 3 6 5s 5 F BrySon B C Bunbury wtm 54100SANDMAN II w 10 105 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 J Francis Williams Bros isl loo Time looTime 24 48 113 138 151 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Docod 750 straight 430 place 300 show Grace 680 place 4 90 show Nominee 400 show Equivalent booking odds Docod 275 to 100 straight 115 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Grace Ml to urace iu to toAdoMiiBers 100 place 145 to 100 show Nominee 100 to 100 show AdoMiiBers recke1is Voorhees LlOve of GoW b Goldfinch trained by M Goldblatt bred by Mr MrWent Went to post at 519 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DOCOD showing improved form under good riding moved up steadily from a slow becinnimr and got up to win in the final strides GRACE showed fine speed in pacemaking and oiilv SUP climbed right at the end NOMINEE well raced and had no mishaps LAZY LOU tired bidlv In the last quarter and was given a bad ride COR SON dropped back in the last nuarter Overweights Grace 3 pounds Nominee 2 Sandman II3