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FIRST RACE 78 Mile iyearolds ami upward Claiming May 7 J21 124 K5 G 127 Inder Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish GROUNDSWELL ch m 6 106 106Trainer By Whisk Broom H Rocfrwater by Laureate of ofClifford Trainer L Gentry Owner L Gentry GentryM218 Clifford Cliffordlh M218 Churchl 7S l26fast 125 109 4111 lh 2n T Murray 15 AAlexander TheNephew SKeh 64118 Churchl 34 l14mud 11 110 4 45 5l G l T Murray 12 Ruby Mabel G Kallipolis MMOfi FGnds 34 l12fast 12 IOC 6 Fell S KallipolisS Mitchelll2 GrccnGoId JockScot MMnxira C2342 FGnds 34 l12fast 12 98 2 37 71 73 S Mitchell 13 UlGold Tdllonur St Isidore C21MJ FGnds 1 11G l47fast 32 108 2 1 2 2 21 35J T Murray 9 II King Madrono Speedster 62029 Jetson 34 l14fast C 110 4 22 21 l T Murray 9 Col Tenn Sagamore TPguese D192G Jefson 6i 5J T Murray 10 TdHonneur HIdJewel Yound 61728 Jefson 72 726 T Murray 8 KufusKiley GdeCause GDawn GDawnBy DORIC dk b or br f 3 97 97Trainer By Sain Latifs by Hamburg HamburgI1 Trainer R Williams Owner G 7 Long 54178 Churchl 34 llC5hvy 14 99 2 32 I1 I3 G Fields 10 Napoo Blemished Sea Court 5215 FGnds 78 l2Gfast 7 104 7 4 C 5 42 35 L McDott 9 Day Lilly Lucy Kate Julia N Nli 52745 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 7 101 1 43 43MCOO li 1 1 L McDott 7 Wwood Julia X Ocean Swell MCOO FGnds 34 113 fast 125 103 S 7 C CC247S 3 C51 J J Mney 9 Tenite British Liner Ue Sure C247S FGnds 34 l13fast 15 104 9 98 5 51 J McCoy 11 Day Lilly Raucocas Rolo 61924 Jefson 5i f 108 fast 41 104 4 C C 6 J J Mney 11 Tan Son Itolo Winchester 517 Jefson 61 f 110 mud 8 105 3 22 22G1C75 Superb4s 21 l k J J Mney 8 Silence Rolo Superb G1C75 Jefson 34 l16mud 8 103 4 34 34MARSE 4s 4 2 J J Alney S Rustler Silence Ionia MARSE JOHN hr g 5 10G By Fayette Martha Lee by Karta Santa Trainer K Spence Owner W VThraves 53918 Lex ton 1 142 mud 32 109 5 4s 415 E Scobie 5 Ronllommc Jouett Ren Valet 51411 Churchl 1 11G l4G fast 5310 IOC 1 1 1 1 2 2 F Wilson 0 FailOrient Dresden ChrLeader E1 C4 Churchl 78127 good4310 110 4 G 4 5 51 5s F Wilson 9 ColmuTenn RufRiley LotiisA 1 l39fast 3310 luS 2 2 4 2 11 I1 F Wilson 14 RuflsRiley Mazola HarvKing 51132 Latonia 34 l12Vifast 12 112 3 3C1023 C C 4 2 F Wilson 8 MabelG AplackIL PortLiglit C1023 Virginia 1 114 1 A Aubun 3 LTender TBDuke Uncle Sand 50998 Latonla 34 113 fast 14 112 9 9HISSED 98 81 57 F Wilson 10 Sam Ken Discussion Port Light HISSED THE TIME ch f 4 107 107Trainer By Duke of Ormonde Susan Lennox by HandieL Trainer J L Paul Owner 7 I 54247 Churchl 34 l12fast W 107 3 111 7 ° i H J Burkell DrCmen AJnckH SergtYort SergtYort61X0 61X0 Churchl 78 l2Gtfast 20 107 4 2 2 3 41 341 11 J Burkel5 liighuear UMSwell Hrolx ve 01322 Churchl 34 l13fast 12 104 4 4 C 4i 1 2 F Wilson 8 Ruby CotBlossom Brig of War 51132 Latonia 34 l12Vsfast 9 103 7 777 5el J Roberts 8 MabelG ApJucklL MarseJohn MarseJohnE0911 E0911 Latonla 1 116 l46fast B 104 2 1 1 1 21 321 B Kenndy 8 Mazola Sams Boy Friz Friznnxi1 nnxi1 Latonla 34 lllfast 215 105 1 3 2 2i 31 B KenndylO UiiiisA MabelG ISelgianQueen D0657 ISelgianQueenD0657 Latonia 34 113 fast 4 107 6 4 3 3 2 1 B Kenndy 11 PortLight GipsyQueen Lancelot LancelotC0301 C0301 Lexton 34 113 fast 2110 105 3 1 1 I1 I1 B Kenndyl2 Pullur Kuby Sand Bed BedSQUEELEE SQUEELEE br gr 10 111 By John F Loreta Phillips by G W Johnson Trainer B J Brannon Owner B 7 Btannon G4264 Churchl 34 l13fast 15f 115 1 11 I 3t W Lilley 15 Lady Rachel Troilus RlkBaby 53849 Lexton 34 l15mud 51 120 G 66 61 C21 W W Tlor 0 GMinard NJane Sandalwood 52813 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 10 112 3 11 li G J H J Burkel2 PortLight Assume TchersPet 61212 Latonia 34 l16hvy 5 108 2 G 6 6 6 J Roberts C Columbia II King Optunity G06SO OptunityG06SO Latonia 34 114 fast 195 109 1 1 2 21 3s J H BurkelS ArchPlotr AGallup SecCousln 60455 Lexton 34 l13fast 6 110 2 1 1 21 31 J H Burke 8 Marse John Meliora Pullux 49406 Sartoga 34 l13good 3i 115 2 34 G1 GJ W W Torl2 Brink Glen Well Marion HolIIus HolIIus4MSW 4MSW Vindsor 34 l15V4good 4 111 2 24 4 ° 7 i J H BurkUJ FirstPtillet ElMahdi OldSimier ARROW POINT ch f 4 108 By Handsel Axij by Orslnl OrslnlTrainer Trainer W M Cain Owner Cain Sanford Kallipolis6131G 54118 Churchl 34 l14mud 9f 103 9 98 6J 610 E Pollard 12 Ruby Mabel G Kallipolis 6131G Churchl 34 l13sfast 80 104 G GO 5 5 i E Pollard ANAkin PortLiglit ApJackll 51178 Latonla 1 l42mud 18 104 4 4 5 5 5 515 E Pollard 9 Inquiry Friz Tulsa TulsaE115G E115G Latonia 1 116 l48mud 21 101 5 5 4 4 5 4 E Pollard 5 Rifle BelguQueen Genl Glenn GlennGUIS GUIS Latonla 1 18 153Vffast 27 109 1 4 3 2 51 6 J E Pool 11 Lothair Stevenson Kingfisher 60911 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 216 107 6 6 6 5 i 6l F Wilson 8 Mazola Sarnn Boy M the Time KALLIPOLIS br f 4 106 By Glorifier or Celt Puritan Girl by Yankee Trainer YankeeTrainer D Hill Owner A Hill 54224 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 15 104 4346 91 9T E AnthonylO Lazy Lou Lively Corson 54180 Churchl 1 14 2llhvy 1G5 108 3 1 2 4 4 47i T Murray 4 Sandy Mac Docod Kingfisher 54118 Churchl 34 l14mud 10 1071 2 6 4 3 321 G Walls 12 Ruby Mabel G Brig of War 63887 Lexton 1 116 l4Ggood 14 104 2 1 1 1 1i 1 E Martin 4 Simpleton Kfisher AdeliaW 63824 Lexton 1 116 l42fast 147 110 C 5 6 7 7 7 E Martin 7 Leonardo II Jouett Inquiry 51848 Jefson 1 145 hvy 12 104 4 6 6 6 6 G2 P Long C RStride Ballybell BnrKoynn 61801 Jefson 1 116 l51mud 10 951 4 5 4 4 5 S P Long 7 WurClub G Duncan MissFHIej 61708 Jefson 1 116 152 mud 30 97 C 4 4 6 4 4 1 P Long 8 LMountjoy MFilley Dbialill GENERAL AGRAMONTZ b c S 107 By Hesiau Aetanta by Jl tnamptoi Trainer J W Murphy Owner L Erb 53S09 HdeGce S G = 5 = S B Sande 14 PollyAnn liaywood Flambette 3708 HdeGce 1 l4lfast 7 1011 134 4 4l 4 = 1 C Ponce BGrand NightRaiiler AilLro 5SG73 HdeGce 34 l14fast 8 110 9 97 52 21 C Ponce 10 NRaider Js Umma Runquoi C3583 RunquoiC3583 Bowie 34114 fast 1310 110 4 4 3 21 15 F Cltiletti 7 LucyKate CJievalier SocialStar 5354G SocialStar5354G Bowie 78 l2Sgood 4 105 4 5 3 2 1 I2 F Cltilettl 8 Chevalier Galiot Morning Face 5351C Face5351C Bowie 51 f l07fast 1910 103 5 4 3 21 1s F CltilettilO CeltLass LucyKate PepPolIy 53195 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 12 97 8 3 3 3s 2 F CltilettiM SKelly Amackassln Cherubinc 2703 FGnds 51 f l09hvy 31 113 8 25 41 57 C Robsonl3 MGunr MDixon YellBlosm BASIL ch h 7 111 By Voter Mintcake by Harclon Trainer HarclonTrainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison 54247 ScrgtYorkr Churchl 34 l12fast 47f 112 S 97 71 C4J P Martinesll DrCmen AJacklL ScrgtYork r C7 Tijuana 34 113 fast 7 109 S 7 7 Gs 63 C WhittnlO MMlsby VWelles WTnghts 53439 Tijuana 51 f lOGfaat 5 103 7 G 6 C1 652 O Willis 7 An Wood BsAlly TotbMorn 53349 Tijuana 5S l00fast 6 115 7 1 6 51 21 E Haywd 8 Lonely Ethel Brown Mannchen 53298 Tijuana 34 l14slow of 114 5 6 4 41 5 E Taylor 13 MByng OrKing B Blackwell LIVELY ch g 1 By Ballot Livonia by Star Shoot Trainer C Haughton Owner J Marino 54224 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 2910 109 3 1 1 2 2H 2J J D MneylO Lazy Lou Lively Colonel Lit 54120 Churchl 1 116 l49mud 2310 107 2 1 1 1 V I3 J D Mney 7 Repeater AdeliaW WHlrce 529SO WHlrce529SO Lexton 1 11G l49mud 4310 114 4 2 2 2 35 3 J D Mney 5 Aph Lazy Lou Gourmand 52G43 Gourmand52G43 FGnds 1 11G l47fast 45 103 5 2 2 1 2 1 T Jarvls 8 Blaise Bombast Deckniate 62125 FGnds 1 11G l47fast G 103 2 3 4 4 41 5 J G Babin 12 Kimpalong IIKing GoldDawn 62LD7 GoldDawn62LD7 FGnds 1 11G 148 fast 10 104 G 7 7 7 4 71S G Babin 13 Lucky B Veteran Prospector 61929 Jefson 1 142 fast 12 103 4 3 3 2 31 3s T Jarvis 7 SummerSigli Ilinstau Bombast BombastBLEMISHED BLEMISHED ch f 3 105 By Olambala Belle Ronald by Dark Ronald Trainer M Lowenstein Owner M Se J Lowenstein 54178 Churchl 34 inCVshvy 15 94 1 14C933 1 1 21 3U E Scobie 10 Doric Napoo Sea Court 4C933 Lexton 12 51hvy C 100 3 1 21 1i G Stack 7 Jetsam Miss Dora All in Black 45978 Jefson 31 f 42good 4 103 3 2 21 31 G Stack 8 JSReardon Cointreau WStar 45842 FGnds 38 37 hvy 65 J09 3 34GGS1 1 1 1i G Stack 9 No Fooling Tutt Johns Umma 4GGS1 Umma4GGS1 FGnds 38 35good 4 114 41 3 O Stack 8 Tenite Loch Leven Lotta SpeedSERBIAN Speed SpeedBy SERBIAN ch g 6 111 By Ivan th the Terrible Arllne by Tie Commoner Trainer CommoaeTrainer H Neusteter Owner H Kentteter Kentteter542S4 542S4 Churchl 1 139 fast 1C 107 7 G 5 5 8 8 ° J Francis 8 Gourmand MFontaine Mvelli 641G3 Mvelli641G3 Churchl 1 l4hvy 8 113 4 2 2 2 21 3 D Connlly S InsHughes TSpecial Bnlimah Effi99 Lexton 34 l17hvy 2710 114 7 G G 52 Gl L Lyke 10 KofVouth CobtLass Betsinda 691 Lexton 1 116 l46good 10 112 1 4 G 4 31 S3 G Stack 8 InspHughes Bond Iwiniwlii Kttfil IwiniwliiKttfil I exton 34 11G mud 10 115 2 7 G 31 31 J Ryan 12 Hereafter T Norris SparBoy 6382G SparBoy6382G Lexton 1 11G l4GMfast 12f IOC 1 11 11 11 10 9 J Ryan 12 Merchant Poilii Mamie O 63788 Lexton 1 11G l4rslow 17 108 1 2 3 5 5 7 J p Ryan 7 MyGirl FairOrieut NelleYorkr Gi789 NelleYorkrGi789 FGnds 1 116 l46 fast 8 111 1 1 1 1 2l 3i L Lyke IS Sentimental Sasin Si eedster YOUNEED b h 5 113 By Ordm The Nurse by Yanke Trainer YankeTrainer R J Gilmore Owner R J Gilmore 54138 Churchl 34 l15hvy 225120 4 4 r 4i J Smallwtl 7 Trooper NurspTane Philanderer 624 S FUnds 34 l12Hfast 12 104 3 22 4a 5 1 J J Mncy 0 GeoStarr StIsidore IJltraGoUl 5J4Ca IJltraGoUl5J4Ca FGnds 34 lI2fast 8 112 5 434 Ci C Ponce 12 GieenGold JockSeot MMaxim 62040 Jefson 34 l14faat 4 109 8 8 8 8 S C Ponce 8 ArchieAlexandcr BAllen Title Ell TitleEll 2C Jefson 61 f l07fast 31 1 S 4 3 3 31 3 C Ponce 10 TdHonneur HiddnJewcI Title TitleJIM JIM DAISY ch c CN 3 J05 105 B By The M Manager nas6 Waterblocom by Waterbo Waterboy Trainer WaterboTrainer F Brooks Owner D W Scott 54178 Churchl 34 l16V hvy 10 110 n 6 S 92 9 E Graves 10 Doric Napoo Blemished 63SS5 Lexton 1 l40V good 15 103J 211 2 It 5s J D Mney 5 KGray nKCoIeman Inquiry G14L2 Churchl 1 141 fast 11 112 4 1 1 1 2 3i E Pool 12 Undine LucyKate MissFontaine 612C7 Churchl 34 l15good G 109 2 2 2 31 3 = J J J Mney 15 Sariilalwd Machiiivelll JuliaN 61255 Latonla 34 l13fast 8 110 5 4 5 4 4 E Polltird I Miss Koiitaine Rid Legs Dotic 61137 Latonla 1 lHfast 42f 112 5 G 12 12 12 12s E Martin 12 McGoodwin Coyne SirTKean G0531 SirTKeanG0531 Latonla SI f lOGfast 22f IOC 1 C 6 7 7 J Howard 11 MuskulloiiK Brunswick ICaiigu 9428 Snrtoea 34 l14JtfaHt 31 in f I 211 Il A SoliuKr 7 SliPlm Eyo Opener Fornovo FornovoADONIS ADONIS ch c 3 105 By Uncle Lady Hubbard by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer J S Ward Owner W B Miller Miller5C12 5C12 Lalonia 1 l41 fast 37f 110 10 10 11 11 11 II32 II J Burke 12 Bettina BroBatPh Ral Wheel SUti WheelSUti Lutonla 34 l12fast 27f 108 4 349 9 = H J Burke 12 Rangoon Coyne Brunswick GOG13 BrunswickGOG13 Latonia 51 f lOCfast 101 111 3 48 II2 11 II J Iurkel2 BehaveVself Muskgu CBaker 49198 Sartoga 58100 fast 30 115 1 34 72 8 ° II Burke 15 Kxodus RIsingRock Brunswick 4K45 Brunswick4K45 LatonlM 61 f 109 Rood 3 112 1 11 11 11 H J BurkeU JBndrow Old Chap I uililanil uililanilMARJORIE MARJORIE McKAY b f 3 M 105 ByTrainer By Judge Wright Cain Chaser by Ou Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Headloy G42C1 Churchl 34 I13i4fast 15 9 7 7niajJ 4 f 5 1 J McCoy in Lady Rarhel Troilus Squeoler niajJ Chunthl 78127faKt 7f 109 C 7 4 G H J Burke 14 Corilla Eleanor S Cut Up 61323 Churchl 34114fast 145112 2 2WC3U 3 3 32 C ° II J Burkeir rancbird Ionia KUanor S WC3U Latonla 61 f iiusfefast C6 112 2 2Mi4ir 871 12 11 J Burke 12 Coztte Countess Mayavllle Mi4ir Lexton 5J f lOSfast 34 118 2 2602C4 2 1 I2 2 H J BurkelO Tasentlia MPtiperiiy Mayalt 602C4 I xton 6i f l07fast 2910 112 1 1 2 21 21 H J Burkel2 Millersburt Countexs Repent 49962 Devre 51 f l08Vigood 19 105 4 3 3 32 3 1 H J Burke 8 Pongee CeltlcLass RntluMaxlm RntluMaxlmBy RING HippodromeTrainer HOSE ch c 3 109 By Seth Rose Ring by Hippodrome Trainer R L Rogers Owner Masterson Rogers 61924 Jefson 51 f 108 fast 31 109 3 2 3 41 8s W Ileinchll Tnn Son Rolo Winchester 61327 Churchl 34 l15fast 31 1U9 3 22 Il I1 II J BurkeU Natural Lucy Kate Sandalwood 61255 Latonla 34 l13fast 135 107 3 2 6 9 9TJ W Heinch 9 Miss Fontaine Red Legs Doric 51035 Latonla 61 f l07 fast 6 104 7 3 3 31 3i C Buel 10 IVpPolly SocialStar QuIckVw 60S18 Lalonio 51 f l07fast i9 107 2 1 2 2i 3 F Wilson 12 KctitChief SocStar ARichtSlr El f J Obvifast OJ 107 2 3 1 2 42i G Stack 12 ilchiavelll Twaseutha Ntural PORT LIGHT b g 8 113 113Trainer By Hamburg Morningside by Xeddler Trainer R McGarvey Owner W O B toner 54261 Churchl 34 l13Jifast 1C 115 3 2 5 4 1 13 1 F Smith 15 Lady Rachel Troilns Squeeler 53119 Shport 5 MOSfast 135113 3 3 4 41 4J L Aron 0 Trusty BackBay Peppery Polly 53090 Shport 51 f l10vnvy 2 114 3 4 5 G1 5 L McDott 8 End Man Trusty Sandy H 52813 FGnds G f 107 fast 115 112 10 6 3 31 lh M Garner 12 Assume TeachersPet SandyH 62622 FGnds 51 f lOGffast 7 109 1 2 2 4J 4 M Garner 12 HidJcwel Trusty The Nephew 52375 FGnda 34 l13fast 41 110 1 3 37 7 71 6 M Garner 12 AleTackll Jock Scot LouiseV 52292 FGnds 34 l14fast S 112 G 4 42 2 2h 51 M Garner 12 MarieMaxim HidJewel JkScot 52096 Jefson 34 114 slow 135 100 1 1 11 1 I1 Il 2 T Jarvis 10 Trooper Title Ablaze 52039 Jefson 51 f l07fast 135 116 1 2 23 3 3 3 M Garner 11 Marmite Jock Scot Brisk BriskBy BILLY CONNOR ch c 3 M 110 1 By Dick Welles Xatherino Connor by Mirthful Trainer B C Bunirary Owner B C Bunbury First start