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The Chief dockers dockersDAILY DAILY SPECIALS 50c OCCASIONAL 2 Some of our goodpriced Occasionals that were given at the Churchill Downs meeting meetingSEA SEA COURT 1860 WON WONWOODTRAP WOODTRAP 1850 WON WONMYSTERIOUS MYSTERIOUS GIRL 1190 WON WONand and many others that are too numerous to mention Note the nice juicy odds our Occasionals are at and all that we charge is 2 2MANY MANY WINNERS WERE GIVEN GIVENON ON OUR 50o SHEET SHEETthat that are too numerous to mention mentionLATONIA LATONIA ONE BEST TOMORROW TOMORROWis is placed in the proper spot and will win this race racewithout without any difficulty so hop aboard aboardASK ASK FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS ONLY 50c DAILY DAILYBIG BIG XXX OCCASIONAL TOMORROW AT LATONIA Did you ever hear of a SURE WIN ¬ NER HERE IS ONE and you can bet the limit as our Chief docker is more than confident of this horses winning chances ASK FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKERS OCCASIONAL ONLY 2 HORSE MUST WIN or you get our next Occasional FREE OF CHARGE by mailing us in your sheet to toCHIEF CHIEF CLOCKER 501 South Dearborn St Chicago 111 111ON ON SALE TODAY SUNDAY AT MANY STANDS Covington Ky Robert Gordon Pharmacy S W Wcorner corner 4th and Scott Sts Cincinnati 0 Bob Bishow newsdealer 5th and andWalnut Walnut Sts StsLouisville Louisville Ky Eiler Goodman 227 South 4th St St Louis Mo Wm Laser 705 Market St Lobby