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WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 601 NEW YORK N Y June G Saturdays training gallops over the local courses included the fol ¬ lowing lowingBELMONT BELMONT PARK Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 594BilIy Watts 3 599Step Lightly 30 59iCareful 579Sky Scraper 31 599Faunus 3li 598The Way 590Neddam 37 599 Tidings 579Scdge 35 590Bighcart 59iBountiful 597Nancy Shanks 50 50Overtake 578Ballymooney Overtake 49 49599Prudish 599Bayonnc 599Prudish 52 52GOOPilgrim 592Debadou GOOPilgrim 58 58591RcprisaI Dan Boiling 591RcprisaI 54 Finnish Maid 49 594Sedgcfiehl 49 495SSL 5SSL Emmelinc 53 594Vendor 54 54599Modesty 599Modesty 48 48FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile593Broomstcr 593Broomstcr 103 591Mcssincs 102 102590Colnmn 590Colnmn 590Colnmn599Crocus 105 59Master Karmal05 Karmal05599Crocus 599Crocus 107 597Rancocas 103 103594Dnncecap 599Crocus594Dnncecap 594Dnncecap 103 579Toil 105 594Dnncecap599Finality 599Finality 599Finality599Frizlet 102 594Thistle Blooml05 599Frizlet 599Frizlet585Kirtlc 109 59GUpset 103 585Kirtlc 103 599Violinist 106 106Three Three Quarters Mile Mile5G4Artful 5G4Artful Dodgerl 599Perfcction 119 598Cap HershlerllG 599Routledge 119 591Caligula 593Royce Roolsl24 599 Dominique 597Royal Jester 1152 594Enfilade 121 597St Patrick 123 123599Frippery 599Frippery 121 599Snare 124 124599Kinnonl 599Kinnonl 124 599Two Fcathcrsl19 Fcathcrsl19599LEclair 599LEclair 119 599Wapiti 119 119589Peter 589Peter Piper 118 118SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile5GSDanc 5GSDanc Maid 133 581Sportiboy 130 13059iFrigate 59iFrigate 133 594Vista 132 597Orcus 132597Orcus 132 132Ono Ono Mile Mile59SAda 59SAda McGce 145 599Eliininator 145 GOOConrtship 149 5SliFantoche 149 594Carp 149594Carp Swper 143 598Guelph 145 GOODunboyne 145GOODunboyne 144 59iKoftheiriier 155 582Dough Girl 144 59SNancy Lee 145 599David Haruml47 589Qnecrcck 145 094Dimnicsdalc 151 GOOSquaw Man 147 599Dartmoor 145 GOOServitor 145 145Milo Milo and an Eighth 599J P Grier 204 204Milo Milo and a Quarter 597The Trout 212 212JAMAICA JAMAICA Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 458Blue Belle 37 595Juno 354 Balance 30 599Morvich 35 Barriskane 35Barriskane 30 599Mambi 39 597Claricc 39597Claricc C 3G 599Rummcl 38 592Carmencia 35 592Sailing Along 3G 582DrTSDalmcy 3G582DrTSDalmcy 36 599SIievcconard 3i 582Ir Brigadier 30 593Transit 38 38Half Half Mile 597Cha Thierry 51 599Mimic 53 59SCarline 5359SCarline S 48 53SMaize 57 519Episode 57519Episode 54 581Pcess PandoraSG 597Fluff 49 597Rustler 52 52599Jcsava 599Jcsava 52 595Round Robin 53 599Killala 51 421War Pennant 54 u99Lady Delhi 56 598Wellfinder 48 48FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 10359SFt 597Bcckna 103 599Pictrus 103 59SFt Churchilll02 598Ilunnyol 102 599Htlierton 104 599Sagacity 104 l05p59SOrleans 599Hiimilarian 103 599Stami l05p iMa iMaThreeQuarters 59SOrleans Girl 106 ThreeQuarters Mile 11559SBlack 509Ararat 122 59GGenie W 115 59SBlack Thong 118 590Ly Gertrude 118 509Conine l22t59Dnnsandel 1L 5 599Moody l22t 59Dnnsandel 117 599Nancy 118 599Frauk Watersl21 597Staunch 118 118One One Mile 59SNohant 143 596Phalaris 144 GOONight Raiderl43 GOORomany lit 599Pavhi 152 Mile and a Quarter 59GEtcrnal 220 602 NEW YORK N Y June G Sundays workouts at the local tracks included the following followingBELMONT BELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile GOOL Baltimore 35 593St Michael 35 585Modo 35585Modo 3GAGOORonalds 3i GOOSidius 3GA GOORonalds Run 35 35Half Half Mile MileBarracuda Barracuda 50 GOOLent 53 GOOBanksia 53GOOBanksia 49 598Light Rose 5isi Doughnut 5isiDoughnut 50 599May Blossom 49 49Execution Execution 49 5S7Roulette 50 Fair 50Fair Lady 49 Silent King 49 49Fireworks Fireworks 50 594Stromboli 50J McTaggart501597Lord 598Good 50J598Good Hope 51 596T McTaggart501 597Lord Brighton 48 Wreckless 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Milo COlTwo FcatherslQ2 FcatherslQ2Three Three Quarters Mile 427Duc de Mornyl16 Mornyl16SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile MileG01 G01 Careful 132 GOO Victor S 137 GOlStep 137GOlStep Lightlyl32 Lightlyl32One One Mile Mile599CanioufIeur 599CanioufIeur 143 599Gath 145 59iDiomcdes 14559iDiomcdes 143 599Idlo Dell 101 101GOOElmer GOOElmer Johnsonl45 59iMandalay 150 59GFlauibette 145 589Spdragon II 144 144JAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICANEW NEW YORK N Y June G Sunday workouts over the local tracks were as follows Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 097Regal Lodge 41 41Half Half Mile 52 598Jules Garson 50 Blodwin 51 099Parader 49 598ClialIcuger 49598ClialIcuger 55 599So It Goes 49 49599Despair 599Despair 52 590Veto 50 50FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile598Dark 598Dark Hill 105 595Salute 105 105ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile590IIidden 590IIidden Jewel 118 5J9Lively 117 117598Uayrack 598Uayrack 117 GOOSiren Maid 117 117One One Mile COODixie Carroll 147 590Master Bill 147 147Mile Mile and a Quarter 59SLcouardo II 215 215LATONIA LATONIA LATONIALATONIA LATONIA Ky June G Sunday workouts at the Latonia course included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Bob McDougal 38 57iLough Swllly 30 30GOOBettina GOOBettina 39 39594Brass nOliLictit Colonel 3 5 5594Brass 594Brass Tacks 35 57iLast One 38 38GOOBlanche GOOBlanche Mac 35 GQOMy Jane BakerSG 599BIack Betty 37 595Miss Nell 36 36595Nelle 592Brilliant Star 35 595Nelle Yorke 37 37GOOPongee 5S9BI11 and Coo 35 35599Blcniishpd GOOPongee 35 35574Kunzaf 599Blcniishpd M M595lilly 574Kunzaf 38 385SRedmon 595lilly Star 15 15590Capital 5SRedmon 41 41VlllItoyal 590Capital Cily ft VlllItoyal Duck 35 594ol Taylor 37 r 92Trnc Friend 8 5 lncrmont 35 35445Claymore liOOTIppo Sahib 31 445Claymore 38 3850GDoyle 599The Baggage 35 50GDoyle 38 The Post 39 592Colonel Lit 35 594Wedgeon GOODonutello 30 599Wdg Throtigli31Js Continued cm third page WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST Continued from second page Half Mile MileGOOAmaze GOOAmaze 48 502LleWeJlyn 49 49592Biother 592Biother Batch 51 593Moutjoy 51 51588By 588By Golly 50 594Mgaret Winsor50 Winsor50Bigtodo Bigtodo 49 r 9SMaiion IIollins54 IIollins54CGOCremona CGOCremona 48 5993Iandarins Coat 51 Mi Mi509Corson 509Corson 48 000Pastoreaii 53 001Chief Brown 53 5SSPattern 51 51Chloris Chloris 50 GOOPeacc Pal 50 50592Com 592Com d Amour 4S 000Plaudelia 50 550Demos 49 495SSDeboncro r 4Pegasus 5SSDeboncro 49J6 49J6Evening 501Pinecrcst Evening Stories49 593Royal Dick 591Easter Flower 50 539Rollon 50 50000Frank 000Frank Boyd 49 591Recruit 52 52509Granite 509Granite Eyes 49 5S3Rindal 52 52ir93IIlnkle ir93IIlnkle fO 591 Ruby 4SV 4SV598Isola 598Isola 52 598Sea Court 49 49599Ias 599Ias B Brown 49 593Saddle Ring 43 43589Loveliness 589Loveliness 53 000Siire 51 51594Leauder 594Leauder 52 599Trooper 52 52592Lucknow 592Lucknow 49 595Virgo 50 48 48FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 582 Al Strauss 105 59SMay Bee 10 10Mary 591Adventure 103 Mary Bodine 103 GOOBcngore 108 599Merchant 1OS C99Partered 103 512Mary Fonso 110 110000Bully 000Bully Btittonsl04l 453Mazola 100 100599Bct 599Bct Mosic 101 000Miss Dora 100 100r90Beniice r90Beniice K 105 GOOOut the Way 103 599Beaten Path l03 = f Santa Clara 102 598Bal AVheel 102 507Sir Hugh 107 107Fancy Fancy Free 103 5G4Tokay 103 103599Jacobean 599Jacobean 103 600 White Star 105 10559SKing 59SKing Paul 103 592Wild Flower 105 105595Kallipolis 595Kallipolis 103 000Wyoming 100 100590Korbly 590Korbly 109 Waywrd Lassl05 Lassl05594Lady 594Lady Mother 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Milo Milo599Buddie 599Buddie Kean 117 r 99Iack Wlgginsl141 Wlgginsl141575By 575By Heck 118 570Jake Feld 118 118594Brimful 594Brimful 119 r 99T u Widrig 115 115599Brome 599Brome 598Marie Maxim 115 115000Contestant 000Contestant 121 599Pcnwell 118 11859SCreation 59SCreation 117 595Stoto 120 59Dr Carmen 117 583Sir Lawnfal l10 s 591Darjeeling 110 595Secret Greet 120 120579Fallacy 579Fallacy 110 000Twinkle Blue 115 115599IIomc 599IIomc Bound 122 122SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile593Belgian 593Belgian Qucenl28 590Planet 127 127599FurneIdw 599FurneIdw 132 594W o t Wispl23 Wispl23GOOGuvnor GOOGuvnor 128 599Ben Valet 144 COlGen Avagel40 001Brunswick 14 599Gold Diggerl43 GOOBusy Signal 145 600Hndherway l48s l48s000Candle 000Candle Lightl47 GOOInsp Hughesl44 599Capt Burns 143 La Foudre 144 144000Cot 000Cot Blossom 144 595LErrant 142 142001Demstrator 001Demstrator 148 599Machiavelli 145 145598Escovar 598Escovar 151 600Nurtured 140 JLConUnued oo elgbtb pagel WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST Continued from third page GOONapoo 140 599Sir Th Keanl45i Keanl45i593Not 593Not Yet 146 GOOTravesty 140 GOlPit 152 585Tex Special 147 GOlPitMSRepeater MSRepeater MSRepeater595Sterling 140 598Title 142 595Sterling 1415 Mile and a Quarter QuarterCOOLorena COOLorena Moss213 603 LATONIA Ky June 6 Todays training opera ¬ tions at the local course included the following Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile GOlArticle X COOM Crestwood3i Crestwood3i600Mom C01 Acclaim 600Mom 38 COlBilly Brush iOlMiss Marline 39 COlCiiiderella 334Marg Mnrnan39 Mnrnan39COOMonaco T98 Cobweb COOMonaco 38 38COlXina COOCasey COlXina Penn 38 38COlOnr 001Circus COlOnr Birthday 40 COlCoIoncI G 595 Port Light 30 30COlFedora r 90Doris COlFedora 37 37r95Pete r 83Edna Stack r95Pete Foy 30 30COORay r 99Graee Minard COORay Atkin 3 598Red Wingfield30 Wingfield30602Redmon Gentility 602Redmon 35 35COlRadio 594 Her Kimball Kimballr93IIickory COlRadio 38 38T r93IIickory T Cols Lady37 COOlIonor Man C02Tippo Sahib 37 GG1 Hutchison 599 Tony Sue 35 35595Tex iOlJulia N 595Tex 39 39000Who Lexicon 000Who Can Tell38 Half Mile MileGDIAdvance GDIAdvance 52 GOlModna 49 49GOlAmanda GOlAmanda 50f 602Mgaret Winsor50 Winsor50599Anglum 599Anglum Maid 48 Miss Langdon51 Langdon51579Black 579Black Hackle 49 GOlPeace Pennant 50 5059r 5059r 59r Converse 53 598Philanderer 51 51COlFinery 51COlFinery COlFinery 50 GOlIlus Ultra 52 52GOlFlying 52GOlFlying GOlFlying Prince 50 COORuggles 50 50599Friar 599Friar Dixon 50JJ COOSewell Combs 50 COOGlass Brook 50 Sum Breezes 50 50598Gold 598Gold Autumn 50 COOStorm Baby 50 50ri9GGallant ri9GGallant Lad 51 594Spats 51 5159GHephalstos 59GHephalstos 50 COOUncIe Velo Velo4S 49 49GOlJouett GOlJouett 4S GOlWar Prize 51 COOKinburn 49 COlWatatah COOMahony 50 591Yowell Miss Merle 57 57FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileCOlAdelia COlAdelia W 105 Hamburg Ladl04 Ladl04COOAlameda COOAlameda Girl 104 GOOMagnesia 105 105GOlAngon GOlAngon 102 601Montillo 102 102COOButler COOButler 103 571Orma Dale 107 107GOlBotheration GOlBotheration 102 599Palette 108 10859CBojul 59CBojul 104 594Uockminister 104 104599Bonus 599Bonus 107 COlUapid Day 101 101COlDorius COlDorius 103 601 Sweet Libertyl05 Libertyl05C02Doyle C02Doyle 105 595Simpleton 102 102590Donna 590Donna Roma 105 COOSan Grado 105 105599Ethel 599Ethel Vale 108 GOlTharon 102 102COlFifi COlFifi II 102 592Theresa 104 104591Foster 591Foster EmbrylOC 000The Porter 102 102G01G G01G Agrainontel04 COUThe Baggage 03 03r r t9tronndSwcll 105 GOlTopmast 104 10459GIIazel 59GIIazel W 102 COO Win Oldt 101 101ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileCOOAdvocate COOAdvocate 114 G02Mands Coat 118 118COOBlond COOBlond Buddy 115 601Money Maid 116 116COOBlarney COOBlarney Stonel17 GOlPaul Weidel 118 118590Coyne 590Coyne 118 601Pretty Peggyl19 Peggyl19GOlCIem GOlCIem Thelseiil17 nonQuick View 117 117COODon COODon McGurkllG COOIlama 110 110COlFern COlFern Handleyl14 GOOUing Rose 115 582Few Acres 123 COOSam McMkinl15 GOlGourinand 118 COOShoot Away 119 591IIumphrey 117 594Tribune 114 COOIIarold K COOWhippet 117 COlLough Eagle 119 599Win or Quit 123 GOOLough Red 118 591W McLemorel2 5 COOMarine Corpsl17 Corpsl17SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile MileGOOFrank GOOFrank E 131 594Vella K 131 131COOSirocco COOSirocco 131 131One One Mile Mile594Ace 594Ace 1421 GOOLothair 146 146GOOBilly 146GOOBilly GOOBilly Connor 146 602Mny Bee 140 140599Bullion 146599Bullion 599Bullion 144 COlMake Up 153 153595Cheer 595Cheer Leaderl42 593Noi dock 142 142G02Capital G02Capital City 145 COlPoilu 149 149C02Clermont C02Clermont 142 602Saddle Ring 142 142GOODahaliiah GOODahaliiah II 145 601Service Flag 14 14COODixie COODixie Girl 144 G02Trooper 144 144GOOG GOOG Daughertyl43 GOOTanlac 147 147C01J C01J C Stone 144 144Mile Mile and an Eighth 594WHIow Tree 157 Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileGOlClarice GOlClarice C 30 566Serapis 39 39KJSXew KJSXew Orleans 36 COOSwoet Lavender37 Lucky Button 36 36Half Half Mile Mile599Dorothys 599Dorothys Pet C0 COlKillala 51 51596Evelyn 596Evelyn White 48 W7Leghorn 48 48GOlEternal GOlEternal 50 GOlMorvieh 47 47597fioaler 597fioaler 54 597Omur K 54 54596Happy 596Happy Buston54 599Oiynthus 52 52GOlJesava GOlJesava 51 571Snob 52 52FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 600Big Noise 106 601Irish Bgadierl04 Bgadierl04599Brink 599Brink 104 589Jamaica Bellel08 Bellel08COOCom COOCom Eislimanl05 599LEnjoieur 104 104COlConine COlConine 103 C00Mavrcoron 105 105ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 599Bright LIghtsl20 GOlSagacity 118 COlCarliue S 117 GOlStaunch 115 115COlClmt COlClmt Thierryl18 599Whimsy 122 122GOODomlngo GOODomlngo 120 COlWellflndcr 119 119590SIlence 590SIlence 124 124One One Mile COlGenie W 142 COOMaster Jack 145