Saratoga Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-08-02

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0 0 J a 0 J 1 t 1 m 1 , I , 1 1 . , , i , ! i ! j : i c r 1 r . iJ - iJ 3 v 1 s 1 " SARATOGA FORM CHART SARATOGA, N. Y MONDAY, AUGUST 1. 1S2L Saratoga 1 1-8 milesj. First dav. Saratoga Rni. g Association. Slimmer Meeting of 27 days. Weather clear; temperature 85. t. TStWUIa to ISeiuesent Jockey Club, F. R. Hitchcock. Stewards. It. T. Wilson. J. E. AVhkner and U. L. Gerry. Judges. E. C. Smith and C. Coruehiseii. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Seeretarv A AKL Larlockcr. facing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. and... Indicates apprentice allowance. ?i5!?S9! KST RACE 3-4 Mile. Aug. 22, 1918 1:10 3 115. Purse ,216.67. 3-year-olds. g-; g-if LJy ii Allowances. Not value to -winner ,616.67; second, S400; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt j 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q 11 Q i s "5320 REPRISAL w 11C S 1 1 is 1 1 E Ambrose Ar M Jeffords 15 15 L T 5410 LOArE TAP w 111 1 4 2 2 2 F Keogli C T Grayson 2 4 2 C-5 l-1 5440 1 KIRKLEVIXGTOX w UG 7 2 4 h r.- L Ensor R T AAilson 7-5 8-3 8-5 3-j SCOTLAND YET wn 121 t 5 :;n 5 4-j -r A Johnson.1 H.Rosseter 10 20 :0 8 4 ij.286CIMARRON we 121 2 , :!J :;i r.s C KummerG A Cochran 4 4 1S-3G-3 - " LAMPUS wb Ufi ! ". 7 7s ft C C Duel G II Bull :,0 40 40 15 ;;I!fi WRACK GRASS will 3 7 CJ G 7" 7" I. McAtee Mrs F A Clark 20 30 ?. 10 :, S??tx,-. wn 110 9 S si S"SS.I Callahan AVm Martin ::o 4 4 13 1 .il!,6 ,n, GALLIA ANT wi: UC 5 : j !i it 9 J Zoeller D AATidener 15 "0 11 4 8 1 Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. ton V"nayTI!r" C II?,m;t"-15ac,uI"r Uil1 , i-OHistick trained by J. Hastings; bred by Mr. rl- . irWTJ- at At "ost" 3 n,!J1t-f. Start poor and slow. AVon easily; second and third .lriv- L. n , set :l f"st 1,ut fr,"n tlln s,!,rt l-:lt-5n- : Imig load, kept it and won ea i t p. L.uL 1AP raced in nearest pursuit throughout and made a fast and game linish. KIRKLEVINt.TnN iW-y "e!1 raced 011 the outside for the entire race, but finished well and out staved SCOTLAND A" l"V i r tmrd place. SCOTLAND YET ran well and hail saved no mishaps. CIMARRON ground 011 all th - t 1 . s. but tired badly. LAJI1TS, ZED and OALLIVAXT began slowlv. .AIemirylt110l5570"KdS:U AUan I01 r32w:!i5l,orti,,0-v. 51403 AVapiti, 110; 55520 Caligula. 111!; 5ROCI SECOND RACE Ahout 2 Miles. Eighteenth Sunning SHILLELAH STEEPLECHASE l HANDICAP. S2.O0O Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner v 550- second, 00; third, 50. Index Horses A AVt PP St 5 K 15 17 Fin Jockeys Owners O II ; P S --i;!frnIA,,, w,!iP, I V5 " 11 11 15 15 Hayr.e.s Mrs F A Clark 2 18-318-30-5 1 J ;i490 ROIAL ARCH w0 142T 1 31 2- 2J R H CfdR Pair ; 9-3 7 nil 4 -nnio,,0T7tPAnYA ws 5 137 2 " Z 3,1 48 :!" 3" L Cheyne Dosorin Stable 3 4 is-nS-3 12 iLwH1". wC 134 X 4 4 11 2 5 4 4 I Barrett Malverin H Fm 20 .10 .10 2 mIOSTHE TROLT - w- 4 150 3 5 4 4?. 3 L. rid. A NicklausNalapa Farm Stb2 16-513-31 13 Time, 4:23. Track fast. MclntyreT P Mirador Anjinia, by Tasso trained by T. J. Donohue; bred in England by Mr. J. W-,7ii1.J!ost at 3:33- At 1,ost 1 lllimit!- Start good and slow, AVon handily; second and third driv-.ini AmA-VX , tIJ011- AV;,,S savetl ""V1 in ll,l last !,alf- "h- l Passp.1 the leader and drew awav hteadily. ROA.AL ARCH moved up menacingly at the fifteenth jump, but made a faulty lauding at the Imal fence and tired in the last eighth. SYRDARYA was much used in racing UNA R into defeat -ind dropped out of forward contention at the fifteenth fence, but came again near the linish FVVR fencerl well and showed much speed for a mile and a half. TIIE TROUT was rushed into the lead after goin" 1 mile, but unseated his rider at the sixteenth fence. " Scratched 553412 Peccant, 1 34. Overweights Knar, 1 pounds. 5CTSliS THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 22. 1918 1:043- 2107 ForH cPrPT1ti, -p,.,,,,. FLASH STAKES. Guaranfeed Vafuo ,000. Sr-oWs.10 AlowTn eTt 5uM winner ,525; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AAAtPPSt U ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q n O PR 558 1 S KA1-SANG w S 11 3 WJr --I ro -rn?V- v f I - 5 5 ! 4J KummerK P Whitney f4 S 6 2 3-5 Vr2S2.TREVEI;AN w 00 3 t c- A, r, ."." L K3or AV J Salmon 15 30 30 10 5 5.oG BANKER BROAAN will 2 4 4!i ; 0 ! E Lyke E R Bradlev "0 0 "" s :-55 140 BRAINSTORM. wn 10SX 4 7 7 7 7 7 F K"logh II P AVhitney tl S i7 2 3-3 fCoupled 111 betting; no separate place or show betting , Time, 22, 47, 1:00, 1:06. Track fast. N. CanST T. ter Q,linc,1,ron1 IaiiI-v. b-v trained by J. C. Milam; bred by Mr. Johnson AAent to post at 4:01. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow for all but BRAINSTORM AVon easily; second and third dr.ving. MISS. J.OY. set fast a early and pace lrew into saft away a eld iTIer lounding the last turn KAI-SAXG was a prominent contender all the wav an.l. closg up an elv- nil . fJ mW t? RALIMORE in the stretch drive. LORD BALTIMORE rac?d Tn " iart , .-suit of MISS JOY m the early runninr. but tired in the stretch. OLYMPUS was in close quarters for -the hrst eighth and forced back, but finished fast. TREVELYAN displayed a good turn of speed and was cased up when beaten BANKER BROWN was pulled when Entered up turning out of the b ackst retch and c the remainder of the race. BRAINSTORM, olt poorlv. was not persevered with -,-,H-THtloCr 113: rSMEmntloii, 107; 55S89Oil Man, lio; 5309Pillory, 110; io.jl-Iiltie thief. 12; 5..4S-Ocpanic, 107; Jocose, 107. . Overweights Trevelyan. 2 pounds; Banker Brown, 1; Brainstorm, 1. 5595 FSARTTo!a 1920-2:01-4-129. Nineteenth lg SARTOCAJ 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to win- Index Horses AWtPPSt M. 9i Str Fin " Jockeys Owners- O H O P s 5571 3 YELLOAA" HANDwn 4 120 4 4 1 2 2 In p T-j Alillerf A stnnnham - i, r- r : m0 -?S5 t 5:,J.J 25 andecable If 2I 0-5 on 55019 DONNACONA wsn 4 107 53 B" S V V E Fator W Lot t S 8 6 M0 10 Time 21, 40. 1:13. 1:38, 2:03. Track fast. , R ichard" t.Usoii !J 7 nssc"d:,le-:i-clIow Sca- Martagon trained by A. J. Goldsborough; bred by :,Ir. Went to post at 4:31. At 1 minute. post Start good and slow. AAon drlvin-- second -mrl ti.irrt th same YELLOW HAND raced into an easy lead while going down the Sstostdf Snd after be . m headed held on tenaciously ami outfinished MAD HATTER in the final drive. MAD HATTER: raced ".Lf fc ,nt? n Smi,H wI,fv ente,ring tlie stretch and was tiring in the last few strides AUDACIOUS laced gamely and y;hUe unable to-keep with the leaders in pace the last half mile held I the otliew safo feSoandfffi nllasllghth""1 fi"C 111 -eteha? 55ee .srieS 11 Index Horses A AVt PP St U yt str Fin JockeTS Owners 0ll p"T 5-2?.:ASTArlOX :!10S R 2 3 2i 11 11 L Fator S Petit 2 11-59-3 2- out ii.i 4oliA ALOR wis 7 llfi 4 3 1 1- 12 e znndc s C Hildrotl. - o, 55111 3SUNDIAL II. wn 5 111 2 5 3J 2 3 3 . C RoKsonl. T Bauer T ni.hSJS w f. :i S. i 4. 4 4 J CallahanNalaFL Stb 8 i5 13 rT 2" on .91 -THL.IBLE wis 3 93 7 6- 5 5 i - .". P AValls It .1 Murphy "0 "0 "", V 555ir"ArBRSAIlY WS? V1 " ,0"-S Sndman.I J Hertz m : I 0 ? 4999o JL.-SIE W4 DG 11 A 7 7 7 7 S BullmanP T Malone 0 50 50 20 X , 24, 47. 1:12. 1:33. Track fast, cock 10 B V rack Treeless, by Ogden trained by M. Ilirseli; bred by .Air. Arthur B. Han- AVcnt to post at 5:01. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won drivin-- second -mrl M.irrt . me. DEVASTATION followed the leaders under slight restraint to the strc through on the inside with a rush and. taking the lead at the eighth post held A-ilor s. mi-w E eSta,dT, tVS!,nBlL UND.IAL II. moved up resolutely on the last turn, but tired n ti e stretch !l prnmmg 1:K-C- 1:10 wi""PI CHt,, tot ,000 was bid bought in. up to ,503 ami lli?i514m,I73ElKi,r A1,aU V 11S; r,r"1L"llct: 10J; 34t57SScrvitor, 111; 55772-Biit Bang, Overweights Anniversary, 1. pounds. c3 KECQf7 SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 22. 1913 1:04 2 107 Pur-c SirffiR thfrdOo! I,raidenS SP6Cial WefShtS- ValUC t0 Wi"er -V-?. 00; Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeyi Owners O H O P S "FRiFimST Tl l l K1 13 A""roSmenrlddle F StbS-5 9-G 0-5 3-5 0-4 JJliAULUtK W lli 1 1 LJ 3l 33 3 E Sailde J E Mnclilen i ic -i 10 55837 ;FIFTY FIFTY 115 4 0 r- S .1 4.. K Hay U .T S t ll 2 AVHISKAAVAY w 115 11 r. 5 5?. 7 6" C Kummerll P AVhUnev - - 1 - ?. 4 558fi9MARYLAND BELLE w 112 9 S 30.". 9 5 C Turner W II Snvder "0 5548 OVfVtVI W i j ?, oWfstb 10 20 S f f 55-142 WIDGEON wn 115 10 12 12 IP 10 10 M Career M Jones 13 n t 4 JOCOSR w 115 12 11 05 7. 11s 11 L En.or W J Salmon 0 30 So 10 t iiJL.t UKASE w 11., 7 3 12 12 Si 12 M MntainJ E Davis 50 50 50 " "0 10 10 , 22, 47, 1:00. 1:06. Track fast. Maddenj!1"- n "n-eiivc Clicquot, by McGee trained by L. Feustel; bred by Mr. John E.,TrStvt i5"- At P?St 2 l?"mtcs- .start ana slow. AVon easily; second and third driv-ett-in"a Yast wnn ,ear, of opponents in the tirst quarter and. a last pace, won easing up. t F-VXI-t I.AMi I I RST raced 111 nearest pursuit of the leader ne irlv nil th., "1 -mk -u v , n T, J pTY saved ground when entering the stretch and closed a bi-AjSgST KrC?n ,1U Wy- 3IA,J K" "ado up much groLu DAN Scratched 553S5 Pictrus, 115; 55SS9 Cloughjordaii, 115; Bullet, 112.

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Local Identifier: drf1921080201_2_4
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