untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-08-17


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Send no money PREVIOUSLY advertised, we have another special going Friday, August AS 19. Instead of asking you to REMIT 00, as formerly, we display our confidence by offering you this information, not a "lip." if you will INVEST 00, remitting the winnings only the day following, by i wire, and at OUR expense. Second FREE Special AVatch for RONALDS RUN, at Saratoga BIG COMMISSION SPECIAL is equally as good as any .00 GUARANTEED FRIDAYS SPECIAL offered by us. The latter service is not to be discontinued, and our offer of FRIDAYS COMMISSION SPECIAL may or may not be repeated. In this connection, we do not desire, nor will, we accept, any postcard acceptances of this offer. AVe also reserve the right to refuse any or ALL subscriptions. TO AVOID " PILf ERERS " In order to avoid "pilferers," we ask that you include your telephone number. Wo prepay ALL tolephono or telegraphic charges to this service. Will you invest S100 for us on Fridays Commission Special? Mail your answer now. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE . Turf Dept. Suite 1002, 109 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. CAPTAIN SCOTT S9.90-S2 WON and a Loser Were Last Saturdays XX Specials. Dont Fail to Get Next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES AT WINDSOR. All Thoy Cost Is .00, and if One of tho Two Docs Not Win You Get the Following Saturdays FREE. NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY. Gives the best line on all the live ones at Canada and New York. 35c at All Newsstands. Todays Form Special: No. 11. On the Middlo Page. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Est. 1907 Chicago, 111. Wednesdays Special: No. 201. Book Now on Sale Everywhere Racing Form Is. 35 Cents Ter Copy; 3 AVceks, . Subscribe for Daily Racing Form National 0. K. Racing Letter BRILLIANT JESTER .50-S2 WON Was Mondays "Best Bet." This Makes Eight Winners Out of the Last Fifteen Starters on Our "Best Bets." No Sheets on Sale Yesterday on Account of No Racing in Canada. Dont Fail to Get Todays Letter. Romember, Wo Absolutely Only Givo TAVO HORSES EACH DAY. 50c Daily at All Newsstands 50c Mailed Direct, 1 Week, .00; 2 Weeks, .00. National 0. K. Publishing Co. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, III. EX-JOCKEY WILSON BIG WINDSOR SPECIAL Have an extra good one Saturday. Looks like a sure winner at a good price. As I am so confident of results I charge nothing in advance. A trial will convince you. Terms: Winnings of a Straight Play. Rush your name. L. WILSON Box 133 - .... Dayton, O. REMINDER Tho TURF REPORTER is on sale at all newsstands selling RACING FORM. Sure has some "live ones." Only 35 cents, and is good for a week. Wednesdays X Special: Wire-Sunday-Bo-Put-Why-One. THE TURF REPORTER 22 West Quincy Street Chicago, III. THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of JULY, is now ou sale. PRICE, $ 1.00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only b tent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration, Not responsible for hooka tent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, LL. 167-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET tt BUFFALO. N. Y. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921081701/drf1921081701_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1921081701_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800