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GREAT FINISH AT TIJUANA | Sedan Beats Ikey T. and Furbelow by Inches in Far West Handicap. ii.HANA. Mex.. January i -Under adverse weather condithma, a drizzling rain falling throughout the day. a BMNBSter crowd of New Year holiday raciag eathosiasta aaade the pilgriasage to Tijuana Sunday to pay homag.- to the thoroughbred-. lamg before the bogle called the horses • the post in the first raci seats in Ho- mammoth graadetaad were at a premima, while tee betting pavilion was i seething ma— of humanity. The clubhouse was also taxed lo its capacity, his rendezvous of the Cot.. Bade society folks being trowded on both the lower ■ad ebeenratloa floei -Bettiag wisdom went sadly astray during the afternoon. Seven favorites suffered defeat, and iu five of the ra os Hn- first choices failed ilismsllj by fiaiahiag outside of th. h 1 . Aside from this th-- nsort wa- excellent, tin- races being atahhoraly contested, four of them being won by necks or nose-. There ueema 10 be ao end to C. B. Irwtaa run of luck, it showd it-elf agaia at Tijuana yesterday when his sterling mnd rnaner flcdaa won the atajoi portion of the .yj..Mt l Far West Handicap in as desperate ti finish a- aas been seen on tiie Mexican cou:-e slaee ii- laaucaratioa. Thi- annual fixture drew a BBSaTI but -e|e. t field into action to vie for l.onois over ;i three-quarters mile course which was slili deep in mud. C. P.. Irwin saddled Sedan ami Lady in Black: Messrs. Bbafer and Conway were re pre seated bj Park -i- w and Behriaa Qaeen, while the friabff Stable spotted its colors on Bead ov.-r Heel- and P.obby Allen. The Tarn 0 Bhanter Stable played ;i lone iiand with its game colt Ikey T. Steven were these BtVCB thoroughbreds thought to be aaatched that the favorite, Ikey T.. ruled a 9 to ■" favorite, while the longest price in the race was l s-than ttj t-. 1. Starlet- Harry Borrissey effected a perfect walk-up start, and jockey Martinez, astride of Sedan, was ipjick t" take advantage and in leac time than it takes to tell of it his mount was in front by a wide margin. This advantage Badaa beM until entering tin- stretch, where simultaneously Ikey T. and Furbelow moved up within striking distance of the Irwin speedster. Gaaseiy tiny a saw wed to the vigorous urging of their jockey- and onward they rushed. IfBWlnr. th* gap between them and the pacemaker. Just arhea it seemed as if both lkey T. and Par below would displace the leader they in dalged in what appeared te be a disastrous bumping match. Howe 1 r, they soon si parated and Furl-low look to tin- iii-ide, while Ikey T. ranged up on the outsider of the pacemaker. During this happening jockey Marlines bad wisely chosen the "path" ill the middle of the track, which proved the best going and riding a- if his life depended on the out ream Sedan gamely stuck to his task. Fifty yarl-out the tiio were raciag on even terms. Onward they rushed, Measuring stride for stride and past the finishing post they swept three pairs of blood red nostril- showing on what appeared to be a per-fed !iii". Witk abated breath the hug" CTOWd of spectators awaited the verdict. The judges awarded Sedan first honors. Ikey T. second place, with Fur below taking the small end of tin- stake. Fpon returning :•• the stand the three horses aad their riderse which figured in the seaaatieaal finish wen-cheered until they wended their way back to their asarters. Ilifasiiioiiiid" Jockeys accoanted for the first fear races. Jockey Bae scored a double saccem with Oilcans Citl in the first aud Billy Smart in th" third, both horses rarryiag the colors of H. r. Palmer. Jockey T. Wilson, who eame here with a cood record from the Northwest, finally stunk his stride by piloting two bard earned rictaries, senna M. ;n iic mcead ami Choir Master in the third. Victor Vivaudou. the widely known Parisian perfume manufacturer and reigning bead of the Riviera Stable, was a guest at the clubliou—-. accompanied by his Ameri-au represetila; ive. M. F. Dovoin. Mr. Vivaudou ha- an extensive stable of yoamg thorott-h breda in arbiter Quarters ai Jamaica, N. Y.. under the care of trainer Fred Taral. Jockey Caroa was given ten days suspension by the -towards for tough ridim, in the second race. In addition he was -harply reprimanded and given to understand that further feul riding would bring about a arore -e-i re punishment, which might nil his l!.-en-" being revoked. Jockey E. Fator accepted mount- today for the first late since his automobile accident in the Bast am1 sigaaliaed hi- return to the -addle by winning a Floor verdict in the concluding race of the day with War Smoke.