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NEWS CENSORSHIP ACT HITS SNAG The latest aews from Wasliingon intimales that so much opnositiou has been manifested in and out of the senate t » the Kainseyor anti-lottery bill pas-ed by tin- house, witii au eleventh hour amend meat, im rodiiced by Bepceseatative Walsh of ktas-BBchaeette, which i. generally regarded as a dra-tii Biter fere ace with the freedom of the pre-s. that there is little, if any, chance of its passage by the aenate in its pteaenl form Hearing- were held December !♦ and 1-! and will be re-umed Janutr. 10 befate th- senate judiciary . committee, when representative of newspapers will lie Beard, Braaten Sterling aad Stanley having resisted the attempt of Dr. Wilbur Crafts of the int -rnational reform bureau to have the bearing dosed ami the bill reported without giving the other side a chance te preeeut it- case. Opneeitiaa to the measure i- based principally ] on I he paragraph which would bar from the mails newspapers. |H -t cards, lettere, circulars or other ] written or Belated matter "containing information or statements, by way of advic- or suggestion, pur- porting to give the odds at which bets or wagers are being laid or waged upon the outcome or re- 1 suit of any horse race, prize fight, or other contest of -peed, strength or skill, or setting forth | the bets or wagers made, or off-Ted to be made. or the sums of money won or lost upon the outcome : or result of said conte-ts kg leanaa of such l ct OT wag -is. or whteb sets forth suggestions a- to 1 the odds at which bet- or wagers -hould or may be made or laid." 1 . «.