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! ] I ! i l i a ENGLISH RIDERS OF THE PAST Veteran Writer Considers Archer Best— Next Years Contracts of Jockeys. Tiie ri cords of winning riders are scant for the yeart befo e ls, h writes "Amlax" in Horse and Hounds. Rut siace ISO Archer was the best all-re. tad rider I have ever seen in a racing experience datiag sin, e 1ST:;. He headed the list from 1 s.74 i ntil 1886, inclusive, and killed himself in a moment of madness when desperately ill on November S of that year at the age of JS. His greatest season was ; 18S5, when he rode L4 winners— including those of Ibe I w Zbaaaaad, Derby. Oaks and St. I eger— out if Ml rides, tun his average was far more remark aide in 1881, in ing batter than two wins out of five ridea. Thia 244 staada as a record for England, and ! in the yean in which he c: me out on top Fled. often termed "The Tinman." rode iu all no fewer lan 2.CM arraaera. Btephea Doaogbac, known as "Sieve." stnniis next to Archer in holding the championship in eoaaecatlve seasons, he linving been ; firs! between Hill and IB21, inclusive, and during these eight seasons he baa steered 133 winners, his beat year being lilO. when he gained IE! vi. lories. lieorge Eordhatn. bawcver, was more frequent ly the leader than Dcmmhue. he being at the top mi nine ai i aaioan betweea 18C8 to 1871, bath yeara ! inclusive. lu the last aaeathaaed season he tied 1 wilh the still living Charles Maidment. each rhttag : eighly-eighi winiieis. Eoidhams best year was 1882, when he won ICt racea, Meraiagtoa Cannon ca aae out six limes on top. being, like Eordhnm and frank Woo, ton. the leader four years in succession. .■ml in his mot saccesefal year iis»". Caaaea rode tsi; v. innei-. or one less I han did the redoubtable Prank a magnificent jockey at his best and now-doing well at the jumping game— in 1M1. his premier season. Otta Madden al-n headed the list apoa four orcaakata, ami Tom Loatea three times, he being the only i iiler except Archer that steered 2C4 win-bera or mare in a season, as in IflM. when he rede the Triple Crown champion Isinglass in all his races, he won 223 .-veins. William Hiugs and Danny Maker each twice headed the poll, ami those to lead on one occasion only have been Eren Baiie,:. Teaa Cannon. Harry Constable. William litay. Harry ,i i.n-liaw. kenyoii. Willie Lane. Sam Lea tea. Charles UaMmeai tied in 1871, Lester Reiff, Eli- jih Wheailey and Charles Wood Tod Sloan, one ..f the greatest feckeya evet known failed to coaae out mi top in any season. With regard to some of aeal years eagagetaeata. Prank Rnllock rides as first yackey to .1. it. lael and Joe childs for the Mantou exclusive of Lord A, . • s n.cs.s there. DaaaaCbae has aaasMBaced hi* lateatiea of being a free lame. Inn I expect he will end by takhag a retaiaer; and .1. Rvaaa rules a first jo key for Harry CottriH*a Laaaboara stable. R. Lynch, vvlio pel forma revy well for his weight, goes to |:.,/.leyT stable at Malton; and Cardner. one of the bos, behaved] and mosi capable Jeekeya we now have, has hei n secured for the Stanley House est ah lisiimeut. Herbert loatea reaaaiaa the kings jockey. and .1. Hiss b;,s been taken by Lord Zetland, while Earslake win be fust for Any Peraaea ata|Me, and 1 th-ii S. R. .Im I. « w